Chapter 24: Why? When? and How?!

Everyone was silent as we went back into the house trying to regroup. As the intruders drove off, we carried Sera's body and laid her on the couch. While we sat at the living room table healing our wounds. Well more like Elaine healed Arlo, John copied Elaine's ability to heal himself and Celeste used her healing power to heal me but I turned my back to them so they wouldn't know.

Arlo took a glance at John who had an angry ass face on that made him ask "What's your problem now? Aren't you done being angry for one night?"

John closed his eyes shut and clenched his fist before standing up from his seat and started spitting furiously " You had one f*cking job!" Don't they get tired from fighting all the time?

Arlo whipped his head and glared at an irritated John, "Excuse me?"

John continued "I had him. All you had to do was keep your weak-ass barrier up but you couldn't even do that! So useless"

Arlo clenched his fist, then abruptly stood up and banged it on the wooden table, shouting back at John "You wanna talk about useless? Well, who was the one who left Seraphina alone in the room in the first place?! Oh and instead of stabbing the guy over and over again earlier, you should've paid attention! If you had focused, we could have defeated them easily! Analyze the situation properly before putting all the blame on me you idiot!"

I could already tell where this was going, and I certainly don't want this to go any further, so I did the next best thing.

"GUYS! Stop it!"

I shouted out to them making them flinch and turn to look in my direction.

"Do you both not realize that fighting would only make the situation worse?" I asked glaring at the two as they both held their heads low.

"I know you're both upset that they escaped, all of us are. But they're gone now and Sera's safe, let's not waste more energy and time fighting with each other and figure out what the hell just happened". They tried protesting but I didn't wanna hear it, I sent them a stern look making them slump back down on their seats.

"Hump, that was the most sensible thing I've heard all night."

The silence was all that was heard as everyone recalled the recent events in confusion and disbelief. Three high tiers overpowered by a knife and a van? There is definitely something wrong here. The attack was undoubtedly planned, they knew what to do and where to be at the right moments. And not to mention our abilities happened to fails too, even Celeste is taking a while to heal my wound.

"How were they able to weaken all of us at once?" Elaine started

I placed my hand under my chin, deep in thought

"What I don't understand is they had us where they wanted us to be but just suddenly drove off like that," Arlo stated

"Now that you mention it, I did overhear them mumbling something along the lines of "it's going to wear off soon, and when that happens were done for".

"Yeah that's what I heard too, it seemed as though they were on some sort of timer," John added

Celeste's healing was faster when they left, which meant my powers were back to normal now. So the other powers are back too, but it seems Sera got it differently.

"Nevertheless, now we know what happened to Sera. They weaken her ability plus the stab wound and that's how they were able to get her. She managed to escape but whatever they injected in her left her unconscious."

Then something clicked, I jumped up from my seat making the other three snap their heads towards me, "John! remember the time you and Sera went to Kovoro Mall, and there was an ability gauge right?"

"Yeah, why?" He replied in confusion, still not getting it.

"Remi won the same teddy bear Sera did, and we then discovered there was a tracker inside. Going back to that night, Sera said she spent the night here before heading back to her dorm the next day. So they must've tracked her location here using the bear!"

"And this place has been under surveillance since then," Arlo said

"No way!" John yelled in disbelief. "This is sh*t! Sorry Crystal, but I don't believe that not one bit."

What the actual f*c-

"So you're telling me that some dude at the mall has been stalking us for the last month, just so they could kidnap someone that doesn't even live here?! That's bullsh*t! I would've noticed something was wrong. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Arlo scoffed at Johns's statement. "Wrong place and wrong time? You really think that a bunch of random people just drug, find, and set's up a calculated plan to kidnap Sera without a plan? but still, managed to get her? I'm telling you! then planned this whole thing abduction for over a month! Why can't you just get that through your mind?"

John glared at Arlo with an aggressive expression on his face. "You know Arlo, not everyone spends an entire month planning the downfall of one person and you of all people should f*cking know that."

"...!!!" The blonde was clearly about to say something but instead, his eyes widened, and quickly shut his mouth.

I took a glance at Arlo, his eyes nervously twitched in my direction for a hot second before he clicked his teeth and sat back down on the armchair. The bluenette who was sitting on the couch near him was silently trembling at the sight of the two males fighting,

"...If what you said was true...what do you think they want from her?"

Placing a hand on his shoulder, I reassured him " I don't know, but we will find out. And when we do we won't let them go for hurting our best friend." John smiled at me but his eyes trailed down the other floor while I kept my hand on his shoulder.

As I reassured John, but I failed to notice the pair of blue eyes staring at us closely.