Chapter 33: Total Stranger

DISCLAIMER!! Mention of kidnapping or anything related to it in this chapter. So if any of this disturbs you guys, don't hesitate to skip this chapter. But for those who are fine about it, then happy reading! And don't forget to vote and comment, I would really appreciate it if you do :D

~LittleCuteCloud out 👊 ( ͡> ͜ʖ ͡<)


8:00 PM, White Household

Deafening silence filled the whole house as little Christy sat on the couch, stealing some glances at the stranger from time to time, who was looking around the kitchen with a smile on his face. The little girl dreaded the fact that some strange guy in their house was just roaming around whilst her two parents were out the whole night.

Earlier that night, just as her parents left the house the man tried starting some small talk with her however as cautious as she was, she refused to even speak and chose to be alone, silently watching the man from afar. She has never really acted this cautious nor hostile to anyone before but at that moment she recalled her mother's reminders of always being alert when you come into contact with someone I don't know, in other words, a total stranger.

Little Christy then began feeling bored of just sitting there and decided to go up to her room to read one of the fairytale books her mother bought her. But just as she was about to take one step up the stairs she heard her name being called from behind.

"Christy? Where are you going?" The girl glanced over her shoulder to see the man she identified as "Sam" towering over her small figure as she turned around to face him.

"I'm going to my room" The man's eyes widened at this and raised his hand in front of her.

"Wait! Uh...I mean...Isn't it too early to be going to bed?" Little Christy just shook her head.

"I always go to bed this early mister-"

"Sam! You don't need to call me mister. It makes me feel old" The man let out a chuckle as he corrected the girl. Christy just nodded her head before averting her gaze from him.

"Hey wait! Why don't we go for a walk around the park! You know, to get some fresh air." The man suggested as the girl just narrowed her eyes at him.

"Mom and Dad don't allow me to go out this late, and they told me it isn't very safe to go out at night," she said as the man shook his head.

"I'm sure it's alright, they wouldn't mind if it's just a moment." The little girl placed a finger under her chin, thinking about it thoroughly. The man on the other hand was certain she would say no but then he spoke again.

"I'll go with you so you don't have to worry about anything!" Sam tried reassuring the girl it was fine but as stubborn as she was she still denied it.








"Ah ha! You said yes!" The older man proudly said to the girl as she just stood there dumbfounded and angry.

"Hey! You tricked me! That's not fair, I still say no." Christy huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. Sam let out a small chuckle before letting out a sigh.

"Come on, it'll only take a few minutes. And if we ever come home late, you can do whatever you want for the rest of the night. Sounds good?"

The man asked Christy as she glanced over at the wall clock above the front door.

"8:35 PM"

She turned back towards Sam who was staring at her with a grin on his face as she took a deep sigh.

"We'll only take a quick walk okay?" The man nodded with his head with excitement in his eyes as they both walked over to the front door, little Christy grabbing her favorite jacket off of the coat rack as Sam did the same.

"Yes, it'll be so quick you won't even realize we were even there," He said grinning.

For some reason, the words from the man made her feel...nervous. She didn't understand why but she just brushed the feeling off and reassured herself that everything would be okay.

Sam locked the front door and lead little christy towards the park, the little girl felt the calm cold night wind in her face making her shiver. She wasn't used to going outside without her parents, in fact, this was the second time she has ever gone out this late without them.

You see, from the day she was born her parents knew she was different. Every time her relative's kids come over to their house, she wouldn't bother playing or talking to them Rather, she would just stay in her room all day and play by herself. But despite her strange behavior, both her parents loved and cared for her very much, they didn't force her into interacting with other children, nor would they scold her for it. To little Christy, it didn't matter to her even if she doesn't gain any friends, as long as her parents were with her everything would be alright.

But...Maybe...that was the problem.

Maybe it was because they didn't push Christy into opening up herself to other people but instead just kept her by their side this whole time. Were one of the things her parents thought to themselves because if everything they thought were to happen, It wouldn't change how unprepared and shocked Christy would be after this fateful night.

As the two were almost nearing the park, Sam decided to ask Christy a question.

"Hey, Christy" The little girl turned towards him as he had a small smile on his face.

"I heard from your father that you already turned 5 this year, am I right?" Christy nodded her head as they reached one of the playgrounds in the park.

"Have you manifested your ability yet?" Sam asked this making the girl avert her attention to him.

" has, about a few months ago," She said making her way over to one of the swings and taking a seat, while Sam sat on the swing next to hers.

"Oh okay, I see. May I know what it is?" Little Christy nodded her head as she continued swinging

"Sure! My parents told me it's called Ice Manipulation. It means I could control ice however I want. But I still need to get the hang of it" Sam's eyes widened in surprise as Christy explain to him all about her ability.

"That's a very powerful ability Christy, just like your fathers." The little girl gave her a toothy grin at his compliment as she continued playing on the swings.

Little Christy was very proud of her ability not because it was strong but it was actually the same ability as her father's. So every time someone asks her about her ability, she won't hesitate to tell them about it and how her father and she had similar abilities.

After a few minutes of hanging around the playground, going down slides and whatnot Christy eventually got tired and decided to just sit on a park bench beside the playground. And there she just realized that they spent too much time there and they had to get home soon before her parents found out. She snapped her head around her trying to find Sam, but eventually, she spotted him hanging out beside the monkey bars he seemed like he was texting someone on the phone.

Little Christy then stood up and began making her way over to him, but before she could ask him what time it was, his phone started ringing loudly making him flinch. He then looked around his surroundings, before his eyes landed on me who was just a few inches from him.

"Just a quick second Christy I just have to take this call" And without even getting a response from her he walked over to the other side of the park. The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion wondering who called him just now, but secretly hoping it wasn't her parents.

As she just sat there watching Sam, she could see him trembling a bit as he spoke on the phone, occasionally snapping his head around his surrounding as if watching out for someone.

Little Christy found his behavior quite odd, he didn't act like this before arriving at the park so why does he look so jumpy? Questions filled the little girl's head as an idea popped into her head. She then started approaching Sam quietly, she decided to do a little bit of eavesdropping. The girl didn't quite learn that it wasn't good to listen on in people conversations so she didn't even think twice before slowly creeping up behind Sam, who was still on his phone looking as scared as ever.

As Christy slowly got closer to Sam, she could already hear some bits and pieces from his conversation. It startled her when she heard someone screaming from the other end of the phone as she just stood behind Sam, making sure to keep a good distance from him in fear that he may notice her.

"What is taking you so long!? You were due 10 minutes ago, so why haven't you brought it back here!"

"Just a second, I'm still not sure you will even keep your end of the deal or not! For all I know, you could be scamming me!"

"Listen here, boy. You are in absolutely NO position to question our motives. So it's either you follow your orders and come here right now, or the deal is off and you won't get your money!"

"So what's it gonna be...Sam"

"...F-fine...I'll do it...Just keep your promise"

*Sigh* "I'm a man of my word Sammy boy, just make sure you're a man of your words. You know exactly what would happen if you cross us.

As little Christy continued standing there behind the male, she could feel herself grow uneasy by the minute, her palm started getting sweaty as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She didn't understand much of their conversation, but what she does know is that her gut feeling is always right and right now it's telling her to run back home and lock herself in her room where she felt the safest.

But just as she was just about to turn around and run for dear life she felt a strong grip on her hand. She snapped her head around, her face filled with anger and fright. She tilted her head up to see her father's so-called "friend" staring down at the terrified girl with a sympathetic look, making the girl panic. Tears started flowing down her face as she was about to have a mental breakdown, feeling her heart thumping loudly in her chest, she tried slipping her way out of his hold but it was no use, for the man was way stronger than she was.

"L-Let me go! Please! It hurts!"

The girl pleaded to the man as his grip grew tighter on her wrist making her scream in pain. On the other hand, Sam kept his iron grip on the girl, occasionally tugging her small arm earning more painful screams from the girl as he just watched her with a stone-cold face. But under his whole poker face facade, deep inside he felt a pang of guilt hit him hard, as he continued staring at the poor girl in front of him. Sam was about to turn around when all of a sudden little Christy shouted out to him in between her sobs.

"W-Why are you even doing this! My parents trusted you! So why betray your friend?

Sam flinched at the girl's question but immediately shook it off. Truth be told, he did think of Damon, Christy's father as a friend. As a matter of fact, they were like best friends from the moment they met, however just like any other relationship it would have to end one way or another. This is just how Sam and Damon's friendship ended, which was the moment he brought the little Christy to the park.

As Christy continued to tug and twist her arm out of Sam's hold, the guy just suddenly let go of her arm. Christy didn't even think twice before she started to sprint as fast as she could all their way towards their house, in hopes of getting away from Sam.

She didn't dare to look back in fear that she might see him right behind her, she could feel her lungs burning as her legs started becoming numb from all the running. But despite that, she just kept running and running no matter how out of breath she was, her sweat rolling down the small girl's face as she closed her eyes, thinking of only one thing at that moment.


After what felt like an eternity, she could finally see her house only a few steps away. Her eyes soften from relief as she started calming herself down, knowing that she would finally get home safe and sound.

Only a few more steps until she reached the house, she reached out for the door handle just a few centimeters between them, a small smile formed on her face feeling a little less worried and more reassured. I'm home! I'm finally home-!



"I'm sorry"

And in that single moment, all of Christy's hope and dreams of ever seeing her parents were shattered in seconds as she just stood there frozen from shock as she felt Sam grab the girl's hair, pulling her backward and into his grasp. No words could even come close to describing how heartbroken and scared little Christy felt as she couldn't even move a muscle, too tired to even struggle out of this one. She then let out a surprised gasp as she felt Sam shove a cloth on her face.

The little then girl started crying uncontrollably once again, her screaming and shouts being covered by the cloth on her mouth as she continued struggling to try to get out of his hold, afraid of what might happen to her next. However, all of it happened quicker than before because before she knew it she was knocked out cold and was now being carried away from her home by Sam.