He was arrested

This man's eyes had turned electric blue and his face so welcoming had transformed into that of a hunter staring at his prey.

He said to him after regaining his senses : "As for you, you better save your energy, our king thanks to you will finally be able to break this force field and invade your universe."

A creepy smile appeared on Gabin's face and he said : "This force field has caused us a lot of trouble as well, do you know who put it in place ?"

Just when he asked that question, this Mark launched a powerful attack on his shield and his attack got completely absorbed by this one, not even a scratch could be seen on it.

Gabin then said with a threatening voice : "I'm still waiting for an answer and trust me, I'm not the kind of person with a lot of patience."

Everyone of them felt their hairs stand on their bodies and the one giving the orders then disappeared under the astonished eyes of his soldiers who were still too weak to be able to keep up with his speed.

But for Gabin this speed was ridiculously slow, before the man could even attack him. Excalibur beheaded him with one strike.

Nobody understood what had happened because Excalibur was too fast for their eyes, it had had the time to behead him and come back without them realizing that it had moved.

Gabin asked again, visibly losing his patience : "Who set up this force field and what name did he use to register in your database ?"

One of the fighters who must have been too scared now that their leader was dead quickly confessed : "His name is Matthias and his name in our database is the same."

Gabin then asked him, not really expecting an answer : "What happened to him ?"

The man replied, however : "He was arrested and he is being held in the prison which is in the first floor of Stellar Online."

Gabin was stunned : "He was arrested and he is being held prisoner … How did you manage to arrest him ?"

Another man replied with hatred in his voice : "He was betrayed by his best friend who sold him for money and power.

Matthias was poisoned by him and he is slowly dying in this prison and no one can do anything about it."

The one called Mark yelled : "Shut up you traitor or I'll kill you myself."

Gabin had learned enough and he said to his swords : "Let those who spoke go and kill the others, and don't be choosy, drain them of their energy we might need it later."

Gabin with a simple wave of his hand made the shield disappear and the fighters fled immediately pursued by his 2 swords.

The two who had spoken remained and the one who had told him about the prison and the condition of Matthias walked up to him and knelt before him.

Gabin then asked him : "Are you one of Matthias' trusted men ?"

The man nodded : "I am the last one left in the Royal Guard, the others have all been killed."

He then got up and rushed towards the man who had remained paralyzed by fear, he thrust his sword right into his heart before he could react.

When the man stopped breathing he came back to this young man who still had his electric blue eyes and looked so powerful, he wanted to kneel again but he then grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks.

This young man finally introduced himself : "My name is Gabin and I hate this kind of thing so avoid doing it again."

He introduced himself : "My name is Elios, sorry for that it's kind of a habit, and as for this man, I didn't have choice he had just betrayed his friends so he would have betrayed you and me without any hesitation."

Gabin shrugged his shoulders, he didn't care about this man, all that mattered to him was Matthias, he finally got his name, he asked Elios right away : "Do you have the antidote to the poison ?"

Elios clenched his fists, he felt so helpless : "There isn't any antidote for this poison ... But since you come from this universe, maybe you will know one, there is still hope right ? Are you really going to rescue him ?"

Gabin's eyes finally returned to their original color and he said : "Of course I'll go and rescue him, and don't worry about the poison I'll find a way. Tell me more about this game and this prison."

Elios then said to him : "I'm going to add you as a friend, if you are really going to rescue Matthias I will give you all that you need."

Elios touched the black stone on his bracelet and Gabin heard a sound echoing in his head then a message appeared before his eyes.

[ You just received an invitation : Elios wants to become your friend. Accept / refuse ]

Gabin agreed and more messages immediately appeared.

[ Congratulations, Elios has been added to your Friends list. ]

[ Elios sent you a red jade disc. ]

[ Elios sent you a green jade disc. ]

[ Elios sent you an ID bracelet. ]

Elios then asked him : "Do you need the money ?"

Gabin shook his head and said : "I have enough weapons and money to face any kind of opponent, tell me what's in the jade discs ?"

Elios then said to him : "To open them you just have to accept the download process, the red one contains information about the prison and where Matthias is inside.

The green one contains the maps of all floors of Stellar Online, there you will also find all the information on the monsters and their levels, as well as the places where Matthias will be safe.

The ID bracelet is his. I stole it as soon as the opportunity arose, Matthias will need it to get home."

Gabin nodded : "When I'm going to log in to play Stellar Online, what's going to happen to my body ?"

Elios explained to him : "You will be teleported directly inside the video game, this isn't like virtual reality, because it's real, you will have only 3 lives like everybody and after that you will die for real ... You said your mother was the legendary mage, so you must know that a legendary mage can create dimensions and apply the rules he wants."

Gabin nodded and waited for him to continue his explanation : "In this dimension no matter what level you are on the outside, you start at level 1 and you have to level up by killing magical beasts, mystical creatures, evils creatures, the stronger the creatures, the more experience you gain and the faster you level up."