Chapter 12

The four teens has managed to climb every floors. There were some twists and turns, but nothing that would make them sweat.

Though, when finally reaching the seventieth floor, Melissa already showed signs of fatigue, but she pushed on.

And finally, after a long time of climbing the stairs and avoiding enemies, they reached the top floor control room, but something was wrong.

They saw David Shield, but he wasn't hurt or tied up. There wasn't even any gunman. He and his assistant Sam were just by themselves.

David was at the computer, inputting numbers, "Sam, it's box 756b. It should be coming down."

A lock box was lowered from high up on the walls. Sam walked over to it and opened it up. He took out a suitcase and looked inside.

"It's here! In perfect condition too." Melissa, Izuku, Momo, and Bakugo looked inside the room and took a peek at the suitcase to see a headpiece along with what seemed to be large charging batteries.

"The villains are holding it down at the party for us, so we should be able to get out of here without anyone even knowing it was us."

David starting walking up the stairs to Sam, "Thank you Sam. I couldn't have done this without you. Now we just need to-"

"Papa?" David turned around to see Melissa and the others walking into the room.

He couldn't speak. The sound of her voice and the look on her face said it all. She had heard everything.

"Miss, what are you doing here?" Sam asked. "Y-You aren't supposed to be here."

Melissa ignored Sam and just stared at her father, " what I just heard true. Did...Did you plan all of this? Is this your doing, just to...steal something?"

Sam spoke out again, "No! You don't understand. We aren't stealing anything. We're taking back what was stolen from us. This device can amplify the quirk of anybody without causing any damage. But the board of directors took it from us. They said it was far too dangerous, but we need it."

Melissa couldn't believe what she was hearing, "No...No the Papa I know and love wouldn't act like a villain. Why? Why would you do this?"

David looked at the floor, but then looked back up. "I had to. You kids don't know this, but All Might's quirk is disappearing."

He missed Izuku look away when he said that and continued, "This world...this world needs him. Without the symbol of peace, we'll fall. With this device, he'll be just as strong if not stronger than his prime. He can keep saving people. Please, just let me give this to All Might! I don't care what punishment I receive! There's no time to rebuild this! Please just let me-"

"You don't even know! You don't even realize what you've done! Izuku, Katsuki, and Momo have put their lives on the line for the island! For you! I did too!" Melissa exclaimed, wiping the tears that was falling from her eyes. "Do you even know the danger you've put everyone in!"

David's eyes widened in shock, "W-...What? But the villains are fake! It's supposed to be an act!"

"Oh it is an act." Everyone whipped around to the front door to see Wolfram, the leader of the villains who took over the tower.

He was leaning on the door, several henchmen were standing near him,  "But the real act was fooling you."

"So you're the real leader behind this," Katsuki growled as sparks started appearing on his palm, "THEN PLEASE KINDLY GO AND DIE!"

He used his explosions and blasts himself towards the enemy. But Wolfram just tapped the wall, and metals shoots into Bakugo.

"DIIIIE!" He waved his hands and blasted away the metals that was thrown at him and continue rushing towards Wolfram.

Izuku, however, has a bad feeling about this and yelled, "KATSUKI! RETREAT!"

Bakugo flinched, and did not even hesitate to use his explosions to halt his advance and jumped back.

Just in time for metal spikes to emerged from the ground.

"Tsk." Bakugo clicked his tongue, and stood up straight and went to a boxing stance. "He can control metal? What a shitty overpowered ability in this place made of 90% metal."

"It could also be polarity or magnetism," said Izuku as he activated One for All, "Whatever it is, he's dangerous."

"So we're pretty much at his domain then?" Said Momo as she pointed two pistols she created at Wolfram. Of course, it doesn't have real bullets, but just tranquilizer.

Wolfram smiled at Izuku and the others and walked further into the room. "Sam, the suitcase as promised."

"Yes! Of course!" Sam ran down the stairs and handed Wolfram the invention. David was at a loss for words.

Even Melissa couldn't believe that the man she treated as an uncle, someone who raised her, would betray them like that.

"Tsk, I knew he was very fishy from the start." Said Bakugo.

David looked at his friend and assistant in betrayal, "S-Sam? You...You have betrayed me?"

Sam shook his head, "Incorrect, you are the one who betrayed me professor. You didn't even put up a fight when they took the amplifier. You let them take it. I've been your assistant for years, and if my work goes unrewarded, then my career was worth nothing."

David gritted his teeth and glared at him in hate, "You...You traitorous, selfish bastard!"

Wolfram stopped the professors rant. "Don't you worry Mr. Shield, Sam here will get his due reward right now."

He pointed a gun on Sam and grinned, enjoying the look of betrayal on the assistant's face.

However, before he could pull the trigger, a flash of green appeared in front of him and kicked his gun away.

It was Izuku, and he was glaring at Wolfram.

Boom! Bakugo followed after Izuku and elbowed Sam on the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious.

"You bastard—" Wolfram gritted his teeth and was about to use his Quirk when he felt a powerful force hitting him on the back of his head.

Before he could think about what happened, Izuku proceed to kick him on the ribs, sending him flying a few meters away.

Izuku turned towards the one who knock Wolfram and smiled, "Nice work Momo."

Yes, Momo created a wooden bat and smashed his head with it, followed by a kick from Izuku who was using ten percent One for All.

Izuku then turned towards the other girl of their little group and saw her standing on top of several bodies.

He sent her a thumbs up, "Nice work Melissa!"

Melissa just smiled at him, "Thank you for the compliment." She then frowned and looked at her boots, 'This is just a prototype, so I shouldn't be surprised at that it eats too much energy...but still, this is a bit much isn't it? I barely even have thirty percent left!'

"Urgh..." The four teens turned towards Wolfram who was rubbing his jaw and wiped the blood at the corner of his lips, "...Nice try kid..."

Wolfram put his palm on the floor and grinned, " should've gone...for the head..."

With that, Wolfram, suddenly sunk into the metal floor, disappearing from sight, he was soon followed by David and the briefcase who sunk on the as well.

"Papa!" Melissa run towards her father, trying to reach him.

Even Izuku and Katsuki moved to try and reach him, but they were too late as David sunk down.

They heard the creeking of metal, and turned to the front door. There, they saw Wolfram with the case, and David Shield bound at his legs and feet by a metal pedestal next to him.

Wolfram mockingly smiled, "Sorry, but I need your Papa to mass produce these machines for a pretty penny. I'll see you all around."

The metal door slammed shut, and Wolfram locked and blocked it off with more metal. 

"Smash!" Izuku used fifteen percent and punched the door, he frowned when he only caused it dent. "Shit! Shit! Shit! FUUUCK!"

He activated his Full Gauntlet and prepared to launch a full power punch but was stopped.

"Stop it you idiot!" Bakugo roared as Izuku turned towards him, "Don't fire off a hundred percent here! Do you remember how strong All Might's punch is!? You'll destroy this room along with the computers!"

Izuku frowned. Indeed, though it might sounds like it was a good thing that they've destroyed the computers, but what if the system froze and they couldn't unlock it anymore? They'd be stuck here.

"Fine, fifty percent then." His body glowed even brighter than before as he turned towards the blonde inventor, "Melissa, shut down the security the system! Momo, Katsuki, let's head to the roof!"

The three teens nodded and followed Izuku's command as he charged fifty percent and broke the door. "Let's go!"

"Wait! Why are we heading to the roof!?" Asked Katsuki as he followed after Izuku.

"If they're planning on escaping, then the roof is the fastest and easiest way to leave!" Answered Momo.

Izuku nodded, "They might already have a helicopter waiting for them there!"

Bakugo clicked his tongue, "Then what the fuck are you waiting for!? Go ahead! Leave us here! You are the fastest one here! You have a chance on stopping them!"

"I agree with Bakugo, go ahead of Izuku, we'll follow you." Said Momo.

Izuku turned towards his friends, they stared at each other before he nodded, "Thanks. Don't worry, I will save the Professor."

"Just shut up and Go!"

Izuku nodded as he literally disappeared with a flash of green.