Chapter 19

Izuku wore his current junior high uniform proudly and took a deep breath as he walked with his head held up high, preparing mentally for the practical exam he would be taking.

When he looked up, he found himself in awe at the gigantic gates of U.A, also watching many students walking passed him inside.

They were whispering while looking at him, some look envious, some look at him in despair and various other emotions.

"That guy will be taking the exams!? We're doomed!"

"Tsk, if I had his Quirk I would..."

"Didn't U.A offered him a recommendation? Why the hell is he here!?"

He sighed, 'Many months already passed yet why can't they seem to forget about me?'

As for the recommendation, he along with his friends were given a recommendation letter from U.A and they really don't have to take the exams.

Melissa took the opportunity and joined in Support Course as a Third Year student.

As for Izuku and Katsuki, they didn't took it as they both promised each other that they will compete on who could score the highest on the exams.

He then felt his phone vibrates. Izuku quickly pulled out his phone and check his messages.

A smile made its way to his face, "Momo huh?"

Momo: Good luck on your practical exam today Izuku. Do your best and be sure to pass with flying colors. Let me know how you did!

Momo: Oh, and Melissa was asked by the principal to help in the exams! So it might be harder than the previous years. But I know you'll be fine! Good luck Izuku!

A heartfelt smile appeared on his face as he responded....

"What's with the creepy smile you fucking nerd?"

Izuku turned his head and saw the blonde bomber walking towards him, wearing the same uniform as him. Beside him is a beautiful young woman with blonde hair and a mole below her lips.

Camie Utsushimi was her name, the girlfriend of none other than Katsuki Bakugo. They have met each other a few months ago, when Izuku, Momo and Melissa followed Katsuki when he was going on his date.

"Katsuki my man!" Izuku smiled, "How nice of you to show up! And Camie too! It's nice to see you again!"

Camie smiled and gave her a wave, "Hey Midori, it's so nice to see you again."

Bakugo grunted, "Anyway, let's get going nerd, we don't want to be late for the orientation."

"Oh wait a sec! I just need to send my reply to Momo." Said Izuku as he responded back to Momo.

Camie gained a teasing smirk, "Oh? Is there any "I luv u" there, or mabye "XOXO" you forgot to type?"

Izuku sent her a deadpanned look, "We're friends okay? Nothing more than that." He won't admit that he had entertained that thought before though.

"Oh? So you already thought about it before?"

Izuku froze. What the—!? He turned towards Camie and Katsuki who was slyly smirking st him.

"Guys it's not like that!"

Camie giggled, "Don't worry Midori, I totes got it."

Bakugo rolled his eyes before looking up slightly to Izuku, 'He's gotten taller.' He thought with an annoyed click of his tongue.

Currently, Katsuki was 5'8 in height, the same as Momo, Melissa is 5'6, Camie was 5'3, while Izuku was standing st 5'10, the tallest of their little group.

"Follow us after you're done texting your girlfriend." Said Bakugo as he began to walk, leaving Izuku with a red face.

Camie laughed at Izuku's reaction and followed after Bakugo.

"Those two..." Izuku swore in his heart that he will surely take his revenge one way or another.

The green haired teen shook his head and texted Momo, and the two engaged in a short conversation before Momo decided to end it as she doesn't want Izuku to be late.

Izuku smiled and pocketed his phone and was about to leave when he noticed something at the corner of his eye.

There was a girl shorter than him with brown shoulder-length hair, two long bangs beside her face, and big round brown eyes.

She had a nervous expression on her face, most likely from the fact that they were all about to take the U.A exam, even fanning her face with her hands and taking deep breaths.

Izuku realized that he was staring at her for too long and looked away, not wanting to be labelled as creepy before school even starts.

"Ah!" The girl tripped on a crack on the ground and nearly fell over.

Out of reflexes Izuku reached his hand out and grabbed the girl by her arm, pulling her back up and towards him before she could fall to the ground.

However, he pulled a little too hard which caused the girl to lean against Izuku as he caught her in his arms.

The girl looked up at Izuku, her cute big brown eyes staring up at his bright green eyes, both staring curiously at each other.

That is, until they both realized the position they were in and the stares they were getting from others, causing them both to heavily blush as they separated from one another.

"S-Sorry," said Izuku with an embarrassed expression, "I didn't mean to pull you that hard."

The girl blushed and waved her hands in front of her, "D-D-Don't be! I-I was so nervous I w-wasn't p-paying attention to where I was walki—Gasp! You're Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku smiled wryly when the girl said his name. 'Oh yeah, I forgot that we're famous.'

"Yep, that's me." He said with an obviously forced smile, 'By the gods, I hope she's nothing like those fan girls.'

"I saw all your fights in every tournament! You were amazing!" She jabbed the air a few times with a smile, "You're my inspiration! I took up martial arts so I can earn money for my parents! I won a few local tournaments!"

Izuku blinks a few times, before an excited smile made its way to his face, "What kind of martial arts do you practiced?"

"Oh! I practiced Akido!"

Izuku rubbed his chin for a moment, "Akido huh? I learned it too. So you're aiming to be a Capture and Rescue Hero huh?"

"Whoa! How'd you know!?"

The green haired teen released a soft chuckle, "I just guessed, Akido is mostly used for protecting yourself and your opponent from injuries. It focuses on grappling and softness and perfect for subduing or capturing your opponent. I rarely used it in a fight though."

"Oh!" The girl stared at him in awe, "I read this article saying you learned several martial arts, just how many do you know exactly?"

Izuku shrugs, "Capoeira, Muay Thai, Judo, Akido, Karate, to name a few."


Izuku smiled, but didn't say anything, causing the girl to pout cutely. Izuku just chuckled before looking at the time from his phone.

He then turned towards the girl, "Well, we should probably get going. We don't want to be late now do"

The girl gasped as if she just realized something, "Where's my manners! I'm Ochako Uraraka! It's nice to meet you Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku nodded his head, "Just call me Izuku, no need to be so formal."

Ochako blushed and looked down on the ground, "I-Izuku then...y-you can c-call me O-Ochako t-too!"

"Really? Ochako then. Let's get going before we're late."



Izuku sighed as he parted ways from Ochako within the amphitheater, going to find their own assigned seat that the school gives to organize students by schools or groups.

He sat right next to Bakugo who just gave him a nod before focusing on the platform.

Izuku returned his nod and also focused his attention on the platform.

After awhile, a pro hero Izuku recognized for his signature long blonde hair spike upward along with his unique costume, walked up to the podium with a grin on his face.

It was the Voice Hero: Present Mic!

"WELCOME ONE AND ALL HERE TODAY! EVERYBODY SAY HEEEEEY!" he yelled, cupping his ear with a hand toward the audience, only to receive no cheers back.

Izuku was tempted to scream, but held himself back.

Present Mic just smiled as he pointed finger guns to them, quieting down a little. "Ooo! Tough crowd! Don't worry, I'm just as nervous as you all are!"

He then pressed a button on a remote in his hand and large screens appeared around the room, displaying a city of some sort.

"Alright! So we'll be testing out your style through a ten-minute practice run at our replica city-district! Take anything you want and gather at your designated areas after the presentation! Ya dig!?"

Izuku down at his paper to see what area he would be going in, but then caught sight of Bakugo also looking down at Izuku's paper, discovering that they were assigned to different locations.

Bakugo smirked and shot Izuku a look, "If we're in the same site, we'd probably dominate the place and forced the others to disqualify."

Izuku said nothing but just smirks.

It didn't take long for Present Mic to explain what the rest of the exam consisted of.

The student's main goal was to obtain as many points as possible by destroying different point-valued robots within the district, they weren't allowed to interfere or attack other students.

Present Mic then warned everyone about a zero-point robot that would emerge within the city as an obstacle to interfere with the students, so he suggested that they avoid encountering it.