Chapter 37

Chapter 37

"For your Heroic Class today, it is decided that All Might, me, and four other Pro Heroes will be accompanying you." Said Aizawa as he stood in front of the class.

Bakugo, Momo, and Izuku remained silent, their expression was serious. Something that Camie, Shouko and Ochako noticed very well.

Izuku tapped his desk, 'We told All Might about the information we got last night and also about our little Information Network. For now, only Aizawa and the Principal knew about it. Still, even with five other heroes aside from All Might, I can't help but feel nervous.'

Momo was feeling restless, '...They knew that All Might will be teaching us, yet they might attack's either they are extremely arrogant and stupid, or...'

Bakugo growled, '...They have a trump card that makes them confident on confronting the Symbol of Peace.'

"Sensei, what will we be doing? Is it the same as the All Might-sensei!?" Sero asked.

Aizawa shook his head, "That spars in All Might is just a test to see your combat abilities. This time, you'll be doing what a heroes should."

He then too out a card with words 'Rescue Training' on it, "Be a hero that everyone needs, be it Flood, or any other disaster. It's time to begin your rescue training."

"Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time." Kaminari said nervously.

"Right?" replied Mina.

"Idiot, this is the duty of a hero!" Kirishima said with a grin.

Aizawa continued, "The training will be taking place off-campus, so we'll be taking a bus, change into your costumes if you wish and meet me in the front of the school."


Soon, Class 1-A was on a fairly large bus, heading off towards the rescue training area that Aizawa had in mind.

The bus sped up as everyone was seated, wearing their own hero costumes. Izuku was still thinking about the possible attack that might happen.

"Midoriya." Someone called out to him.

"Mn?" Snapping out of his thoughts, Izuku looked to his left to see Asui, staring at him with a blank stare. "Yes, Asui?"

"Call me Tsu." she said, looking expressionless as ever.

"Tsu then, you can call me Izuku too if you want." he nodded, "Do you need something?"

"I like to say things that are on my mind." Tsu told him. "Your quirk is like All Might's."

Momo and Bakugo perked up, wondering what kind of excuse Izuku will come up with.

"Hehe," Izuku laughed, "Mine is way cooler though. You don't see him having electricity around him when he uses his Quirk. Besides, All Might's Quirk Strength and Speed Enhancement, mine is Stockpile."

"Stockpile?" asked Sero.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah. The doctor says that I have something like a "core" inside me that stores Kinetic Energy ever since I was young. Apparently, the reason why I couldn't use my quirk until ten months ago is because my "core" is still filling up. Now that it's full, I can use all those stored energy to enhance my body."

"I see." Tsuyu nodded, "Though it seems like you are holding back a lot Izuku,"

"If he don't, then he'd blow us away!" Kaminari said, "Have you seen the footage of his fight in I-Island? That was mind blowing!"

"Right!?" Kirishima nodded, "They were a just a flash of light! You need to slow down the video several times just to catch a glimpse of them! It was so manly!"

"It's definitely a Quirk that is made for Pro!" Said Sero.

"Pro huh," Aoyama began, "Heroics has something that's like popularity contest right? My Navel Laser is flashy and powerful enough for Pro Level."

Mina patted his shoulder, giving him a smile, "But it'd be bad if your stomach collapses huh?"

"If we're talking about flashy Quirks, then Yaomomo, Todoroki-chan, and Bakugo can certainly take the top spot!" Said Toru.

"And with Todoroki-chan's cute face, she can definitely capture and break a lot of hearts! Especially if she smiles!" Said Kaminari.

The others agreed, except for Shouko who froze after hearing Kaminari's words, she was in deep thought her expressionless face seems a little scared, 'If I smile...then they'll surely die? I mean, their hearts will break so...Oh no, this is dangerous, I don't want people to die...'

"Settle down!" Aizawa called out, shutting the students up, as he glared at them, "We're almost there."



Soon the class arrived at a huge building, the class soon got off the bus and took a good look at the building.

From the outside, it looked like a giant dome, but once they were inside, they saw a number of disaster zones from shipwrecks to fires.

Now all completely inside, their class saw some people waiting for them. First was someone who wore a space suit, next was Present Mic, then someone who look like a Humanoid Dog wearing a muzzle, and last is Cementoss, their modern literature teacher.

Izuku immediately recognized him. "Its the space hero Thirteen! And Hound Dog!"

"Oh my gosh! It's Thirteen!" Ochako squealed, "A hero who rescued a lot of people with the help of her Quirk, Black Hole! I love her! She's my inspiration!"

"Hound Dog's here too," said Momo, "He's our school's Lifestyle Guidance Counselor."

Thirteen waved a hand at all the area, "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, a mountain."

She then opened his arms, "This is a training ground that I made to train for many different types of natural disasters and accidents! It is called the Unforeseen Simulations Joint!"

"THIS IS U.A'S USJ! YEAAAAH!" Present Mic screamed.

"Shut up," Aizawa glared at him before looking at Hound Dog and walked towards him as he whispered, "All Might's supposed to be here. Where is he?"

"Well, you see..." He motioned Aizawa close and whispered to him, "It seems that he did a lot of hero work on the way and got burned out..."

Jiro, who was listening to her classmates speak, heard what they were talking about due to her sensitive hearing, and narrowed her eyes, 'Burned out? What are they talking about?'

Aizawa sighed, "That's just irrational, he's a teacher now for christ's sake." He turned to the class, "All Might won't be joining us today, he had something to do. For now, let's get started."

Jiro knew that it wasn't the case, and from the way Momo, Bakugo, and Izuku look, they know something. 'There is definitely something going on here.'

"Alright, so first off, let me explain my quirk." Thirteen raised up her arm. "I'm sure that many of you are aware of my black hole, but let me explain it to those who don't know. I can suck up everything and turn it to dust."

"Yes! You have saved a lot of people using your Quirk! And became the Natural Disaster Rescue Expert! One of the most popular Rescue Heroes in Japan!" Ochako commented.

Thirteen nodded, "Yes, but it is also a power that can kill easily. I'm sure some of you know that you have quirks that can easily take a person's life."

Izuku nodded, if he punched someone without holding back, he'd definitely turn them into a puddle of blood. All Might has the power to cause a wind pressure to damage an entire district, and Izuku will be even stronger than him.

Bakugo's Quirk is also very dangerous. If he wasn't careful he'd probably blow a person to bits and pieces.

Thirteen continued, "Many of you may not think of this, but even though this superhuman society gets a good hold on their quirks or don't use them at all, there are many quirks that can easily kill. You are all here so that you can learn to use your quirks for saving people, so I hope you leave here with at least some experience of using your powers to help others."

Present Mic grinned, "Alright little listeners! Let's get this—!?"

Before Mic could finish explaining, sparks starting flying through the lights surrounding the room, slightly darkening the entire area.

The fountain in the middle of the room suddenly started to stop spraying water and appear distorted.

Izuku's eyes widened as he saw a black, purplish portal swirl right at the fountain and grow in circumference. Two yellow eyes emerged on the portal and the same blue-haired man in black clothes that Izuku found familiar.

Following him were people of all different shapes and sizes coming out, obviously looking threatening with killing intent.

Hound Dog growled, his eyes seems to glow in a threatening manner. Even Present Mic lost his grin and immediately went serious. Cementoss quickly reacted and reached to his earpiece to call for help, only to find out that he couldn't contact anyone.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, 'Looks like problem child's Information is true. This is bad.' he turned towards the students, "Everyone gather together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!"

Kirishima and the others saw the villains emerge and looked curious, "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson has already started?"

"No! Don't move!" Aizawa then put on his goggles. "Those people down there are villains."

Nearly everyone recoiled in shocked to hear that villains had come, suddenly feeling their bodies shiver from the thought of real villains coming.

Dozens upon dozens of villains emerged from the portal, glancing around at the area they were in.

The last to come out of the portal was a large, black, and humanoid type of creature wearing brown pants.

The creature had a rather monstrous look to it, as it was very muscular with its brain exposed on the top of its head.

It has a rather large but insane eyes around it and its mouth had the shape of a bird's beak with jagged sharp teeth.

A voice was heard among the portal, "Thirteen, Cementoss, Hound Dog, Present Mic and Eraserhead head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was supposed to be here. And this teachers weren't supposed to be here. Looks like you are right."

"The commotion the yesterday was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" Aizawa said. 'That person with the blue hair, he matched the description that was given to the police.'

"How did the villains get into the hero school?!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Sensei! What about the trespasser alarms?!" Momo asked.

"We have them of course, but they must have been shut down since it didn't sound..." Thirteen said.

"So that must mean that someone has a quirk to do that, or maybe just a very good with technology. We are all completely isolated from the main campus." Said Shouko.

The blue haired man glared at the heroes and students, "Ah, Heroes, I am Eon, and we are the League of Villains! And I would like to thank ourselves for inviting us in."