Chapter 39

Chapter 39



Izuku kicked a villain on the stomach, before punching another one. He was currently using only five percent of his Quirk, but he was easily dominating the fight.

"Raaargh!" A large villain roared and raised a baseball bat, intending on smashing his head.

But Izuku sweep his feet, causing the villain to lose his balance, Izuku then slammed his chest with an elbow, causing the villain to cough.

He turned towards the group of villains rushing towards him, and with a narrowed eyes, Izuku grabbed the fallen villain and threw him to them.

Izuku did not stop attacking as he immediately jumped towards the other villains.

Mina was also doing her fair share of fighting. Her moves were unrefined, but she definitely has skills. Her reaction time and flexibility was incredible as she dodged the villains attacks easily, and making a counter.

Izuku looked at her and was impressed, he then sent a 20% kick on the villains rushing towards him, sending them flying by the wind pressure from his kick.

He then said to Mina, "I know I saw your fight with Aoyama, but man you're skilled. Where did you learn how to fight?"

Mina uppercut punch a villain before grinning at Izuku, "I didn't learn how to fight, I learned self-defense!"

Izuku flicked his fingers at Mina, which created a strong air pressure that blasted a villain that was sneaking up on her, "Focus girl. We're still fighting."

He then spin hook kick behind him, hitting another villain on the head, knocking him unconscious.

"I was supposed to be the one to hit him!" Mina complained, "You're not following the script at all!"


Mina quickly reacted and ducked, just in time for her to dodged a blade aimed at. She frowned and immediately grabbed the arms of the villain who attacked her, before punching him on the face and kicking him on the crotch.

Izuku cringed, thankful for Melissa that she added a protection on that area. 'Dayum, she's brutal.'

At that moment, Izuku's instincts kicked in as he immediately rushed to Mina and grabbed her, jumping on top of a buried building, just in time for a seven foot tall, red skinned bird-like monsters to dropped from above and landed on where Mina was at earlier.

Mina blinked, her mind still processing what happened. After all, it was just too fast! Just a second ago, she was still standing over the villain who was holding his now crushed 'balls' and when she blinked, she suddenly found herself on Izuku's arms looking at the ceiling of USJ.

"Midori...?" Mina was about to tease him, but noticed his serious expression and knew it wasn't the time.

She got down on his arms and glanced to where he was looking, and she couldn't help but flinched seeing the monster that was staring at them.

Aside from that, there about a dozen more villains standing behind the monster, and one of them appears to be a boss.

It was a man with pitch black skin, standing no shorter than the monster with a muscular build, he has a horn similar to a bull and was carrying an axe.

The bull-man glanced at them, his eyes focused on Izuku as he grinned, "Izuku Midoriya, student of All Might, Hero of I-Island, the Next Symbol of Peace. You may call me Taurus, it's an honor to meet you."

"I can't say I feel the same," said Izuku, his green electricity flickering around him in great intensity. '20 percent...I can't underestimate them, especially that bird monster thing...'

Taurus turned towards Mina, he frowned, rubbing his jaw as if in deep thought, "You...You look familiar."

Mina flinched, as her expression turned into that of fear and anger. Izuku noticed this and looked at her worriedly, "Ashido?"

Taurus heard him, and a look of realization appeared on his face, "Ah, Ashido, now I remember, you, you're his daughter aren't you?"

Izuku was a bit startled as Mina's fear seem to vanished, replaced by burning hatred as she glared at Taurus, "Shut up. I am not related to that man!"

Taurus laughed, "Hahaha! So you really are his daughter! From what I heard, your Quirk is similar to his right?"

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Mina screamed, her Quirk seem to went out of control as she released a massive amount of acid that started to melt the building along with her clothes.

Izuku jumped away from her, thinking, searching for any clues as to understand who is this person the two they were talking about, and someone that Mina definitely despised with every fiber of her being.

He landed a good dozens of meters from her as his mind went to screeching halt, and his eyes widening in realization.

'Ashido...Ashido....' He looked at Mina with wide eyes, 'Kushi Ashido...The S-rank Villain; Toxic Chainsaw, the infamous mass murderer of Chiba Prefecture! Shit, no wonder I find her name familiar!'

Mina noticed Izuku's look, and remembering what Momo said the other night at his mother's restaurant. Izuku kept notes of most heroes and villains, he's a walking hero encyclopedia.

With that, Mina immediately realized that Izuku already knew, or at least have some idea on who she is, and who her father is.

She smiled sadly, the effects of her quirk quickly disappearing. She looked at him, " you know?"

Izuku opened his mouth and was about to answer when an arm lengthed needle was suddenly shot towards him.

He tilted his head in hurry, barely dodging the needle as he turned his focus on the villains.

"Ah, sorry," a villain with hairs similar to a needle said with a grin as he spread his arms, "But we're not here to watch drama you see. We're here to kill."

Izuku clicked his tongue before looking at his classmate, "MINA!" he shouted, gaining her attention, "Listen here and listen good! I don't care who your father is! Or who your family are! They're not you right!? You went here to be a hero right!? THEN DO YOUR FUCKING JOB! STOP THINKING ABOUT UNNECESSARY THINGS IN A BATTLE! WHATEVER IT IS, LET'S TALK ABOUT IT LATER! WE HAVE A JOB TO DO!"

Mina stared at him in shock, and after a few moments, she grinned, wiping her eyes from the tears and said, "That's not how you console a crying lady."

"Yeah, well, forgive me if I'm still a bit shaken from what I just found out!"

Mina smirked, "Point taken."

Izuku looked at her and smiled, glad that at least she's back to normal. He then turned towards the villains who began running towards them.

He flicked his finger, blasting away the needles that was shot towards them and causing the villains to paused and take a step back.

Mina went towards him and asked, "So, got any plan of attack from that brain of yours Midori?"

Izuku took a deep breath, "I do have a plan; Attack!" With that, he darted towards the villains in great speed.

Mina blinked. Before quickly rushing after him.

Izuku axe kicked a villain closet to him before elbowing him on the face, followed by a grab on the arms before flipping him to the ground and punched him on the face.

Mina followed suit by dodging a hook sent by a villain as she grabbed him on the arm and used her quirk to burn his skin, she then followed by a punch on the ribs followed by a side whip kick to knock him down.

Izuku moved to another villain, only to come face to face with the bird-like monster who swing its right arms at him. Izuku jumped, before swinging his legs on its head.

He raised a brow in amazement as the monster didn't even seem to flinch and immediately moved to grabbed his legs.

But, without even missing a beat, he twisted his body and swing his other leg to its face, followed by a continuous jab, and finished it with an elbow strike.

The 'thing' immediately stumbled and let go of his legs. Izuku kicked it's head and jumped back to gain some distance.

Taurus smiled as Izuku looked at his legs which was grabbed by the monster thing, the greaves has some cracks on it. 'Melissa's going to be mad about this.'

"How do you like it Sir Izuku Midoriya?" Asked Taurus, "This is Nomu, a bio-engineered being made to take down the likes of you."

'The likes of me huh?' Izuku grimaced, 'That thing sure is strong. It's able to withstand my fifteen percent, and I barely hurt it with twenty percent.'

"Midori!" Mina called out in worry as she ran towards him, "are you alright?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah. But..." He looked at the villains, and then at the Nomu, "I can't handle fighting the villains if that thing continues to attack..."

Mina nodded and said, "And I can't handle fighting that many villains at once."

"Damn," Izuku cursed, "Looks like we're in a pinch."

He took a deep breath, 'If our lives are really at risk, I'll fire off a hundred percent...'