
Takauji frowned a little when he heard Yama. "What are you talking about? What do you plan to do?"

"The elders don't like the Uchiha too much and have been suppressing them since the generation of 2nd hokage and I don't like that.

"I openly told Fugaku that if the elders don't change the way treat the Uchiha I would help him if he revolt and the elders didn't like that too much. That is why they contacted you and asked you about me."

Takauji was getting nervous hearing Yama.

Yama continued. "As you know the third is getting pretty old and soon new Hokage is going to be appointed and I want to go to the meeting representing the Inuzuka clan."

Takauji was hesitant, he didn't mind Yama being the new clan leader he had already decided that Yama was going to be the next clan head but the thought of going against the third and the elders worried him.

He was also worried about Yama's inexperience, he didn't doubt Yama's strength he had heard about Yama's feats and knew Yama was stronger than him. When he met Yama could tell the feats of Yama weren't exaggerated.

He also didn't doubt his intelligence he knew Yama was smart but it still bothered him that Yama had never experienced leading people or a clan.

"Yama I don't mind making you the clan head but the thought of going against the Hokage feels unsettling."

Yama smiled. "Uncle, It's normal to be worried but I promise you, I won't let the clan be in any danger, I just want the name of the clan to pressure them a little. I will also make sure that our clan doesn't get neglected like it currently does.

"If you are worried about me being inexperienced either you or sister Tsume can help me run the clan, I will be the clan head just in name, I will protect you and provide you with resources while you can run the clan."

After some convincing Takauji agreed to make Yama the clan head of the Inuzuka clan.

"I trusted you and your mother's decision and let you leave the village at such a young age and that turned out to be a very good decision, so I will trust you once again, I hope you won't do something that might endanger our clan."

"You don't need to worry about anything just continue to do what you are doing, I will take care of the rest."

"I will announce you as the clan head tomorrow."

He then took out a scroll and basically wrote that he was going to step down from the position of the clan head of the Inuzuka clan and Yama was going to be the new clan head. He signed the paper with his chakra signature and told Yama to do the same.

"Now you only need the signature of your mother who is the only elder of our clan and you are officially the clan head of Inuzuka clan."

"Thank you, uncle."

After talking with Takauji a bit more he left the Inuzuka clan compound and went towards the Uchiha clan. He was a veteran who had survived in the war for year's so it was child's play for him to sneak into the Uchiha's compound without anyone noticing.

"Now which one of these is the house of Fugaku?"

He activated his Observation Haki and searched for Fugaku's chakra signature.

"Found him."

He moved towards Fugaku's house, it was dark so it was even easier for him to reach Fugaku's house. All the doors and windows of the house were locked except for one. He could see a kid about 5 years old kid practising chakra control inside the room.

"I wasn't planning on meeting him so soon but one small interaction won't hurt anybody."

Yama jumped through the window and landed inside the room. The kid saw him come through the window and immediately jumped back and threw two kunai towards Yama.

Yama easily caught both kunai with his bare hand. "Mhm, you have got good instinct and your skills with Kunai is also pretty good, not bad at all."

"Who are you?"

Fugaku heard some noise coming from his son's room so he went there to check what was going on.

"Itachi what's going on."

He opened the door and saw Itachi holding a kunai and Yama standing in front him."

"Long time no see, Fugaku, how have you been?"

"Yama, what are you doing in my son's room?"

"Don't look at me like that, I am not a gay paedophile like Orochimaru. All the windows and doors of your house were closed except this one so I just jumped in."

Fugaku shook his head. "Come follow me."

Yama followed after Fugaku and left the room when he was about to leave the room he ruffled Itachi's hair. "Train hard kid."

'So he is the guy father was talking about. I didn't believe it but I could tell just standing in front of him he was as strong as my father if not stronger. How much did he train to become that strong at such a young age? I really need to train harder.'

"So what brought you here?"

"I heard you were back today so I just wanted to meet you and discuss a few things with you."

"Are you here to choose the two Uchiha you want to take?"

Yama shook his head. "That can wait for now. We all know that a new Hokage is going to be appointed soon."

Fugaku nodded.

"What do you think the chance of you becoming the Hokage is?"

Fugaku thought for a bit. "Almost none existent, neither the third nor the three elders of too fond the Uchiha clan."

"Good, we are on the same page till now, who do you think are the people who are most likely to become the 4th hokage?"

"Orochimaru and Minato, Jiraiya also has a solid chance but he doesn't want to be the hokage."

Yama nodded his head. "Now, who are you going to support out of the two?"
