Meeting begins

Later that day Yama arrived at his house.

*knock knock*

Pakura opened the door, Yama leaned forward and kissed her. "What's for dinner? I am starving."

"Pork and Rice, we still have the pork that Friday hunted last week."

Friday also came to the door and played with Yama for a bit. After eating dinner Yama and Pakura went to bed and Friday slept on the floor next to them.

"Next week when they appoint the new Hokage things will get hectic, you and Friday stay with mom and the rest of the clan and protect them."

"What do you plan on doing? I don't want you to do anything crazy that might put you in danger." Pakura got a little worried.

"Don't worry they won't be able to hurt me even if they tried I just want you guys to be safe."

"Don't beat around the bush and tell me what you plan on doing."

"Danzo and Orochimaru they are doing some illegal research and we plan on exposing them. They might get a little angry and retaliate so I just want you to make my loved ones don't get hurt."

Yama hadn't told Pakura about the illegal research so she was surprised.

"How did you find out?"

"We did a little digging but make sure you don't tell anyone what I just told you not even mom, if they hear about what we plan to do things will get complicated."

Since he became the clan head of the Inuzuka clan, he was given an assistant that was meant to follow him around and help him but Yama didn't want to be bothered so he ordered him to come to his house every morning to take orders.

Usually, he would just give the guy some small chore like cleaning the house or buying vegetables, the assistant was not supposed to be used as a maid but Yama didn't care about that and the guy also didn't care too much because the job was easy and the pay was quite good.

Today Yama ordered the guy to call the elders of the clan for an elder meeting. There were only 2 elders in the Inuzuka clan one was his mom Luna and the other was his uncle Takauji.

Once the two arrived at his place he told them to keep all the Inuzuka clan members inside the clan territory and not let anyone outside the day the new Hokage was about to be appointed.

They asked him what was going on and he just said things could turn very dangerous very soon. He also told them to keep this information secret from the outsider because he didn't want others to know what was going on.

Later that day Minato brought Jiraiya to the village and explained everything to him. Jiraiya was angry and wanted to confront Orochimaru right now but Minato stopped him.

"Sensei if I can become the Hokage without exposing them then that would be Ideal because once I become Hokage we can swiftly deal with them without any problems so for the safety of our shinobi and our civilian we have to wait."

A week passed.

It was now time to appoint a new Hokage. The clan heads of the majority of clans in Konoha were invited to the meeting to witness the appointment of the new Hokage, as well as help, choose the New Hokage.

Although the clan heads were invited to help 'choose' a new Hokage lot of them didn't get any say in the matter it was especially true for the clan head of weaker clans.

There were a total of 17 people in the meeting. Hiruzen, the three elders, Yama, Fugaku, Jiraiya, the potential candidates, Orochimaru, and Minato, and the rest of them were clan heads of different clans like Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Hyuga, and few other clans.

"Thank you, everyone, for attending the meeting I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions." Hokage said.

"In my opinion, there are four people here suitable to be the Hokage, of course, some are more qualified than the others, the four of them are Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Danzo, and Minato. Out of the four of you those who want to be the Hokage, please stand up."

Danzo also wanted to be the Hokage but he knew his chances of winning were slim to none so he didn't stand up. Jiraiya had no interest in becoming the Hokage so he also didn't stand up.

Orochimaru and Minato both stood up. This was not a surprise to anyone. Hiruzen nodded and continued.

"Is there anyone else who thinks they are qualified to become the Hokage or think anyone else is qualified to become one, this is your time?"

Fugaku thought he was more than qualified to become the Hokage but saying that here would do more harm than good. If it was old Yama, he would have told everyone he was the person most qualified to become the Hokage just for some self-enjoyment. Right now the thought did cross his mind but he held himself back.

Everyone looked at each other but no one stood up. Orochimaru and Minato were the only two candidates. Everyone more or less expected these results.

"Now, since you two are the only candidates tell us why you should be the new Hokage, and of course after that, the elders, me, and the clan heads will decide on who is more fit to be the Hokage."

All the clan heads knew that was all just bullshit, the clan heads were all in a tough position if they favoured one of the candidates, the others would be angry, and even if they gave their opinions it didn't matter too much.

So most of them would rather stay neutral and let the Hokage and the elders decide who was going to be the next Hokage but this was not true for all clan heads. Uchiha and Hyuga clans were strong enough and independent enough that they didn't need to worry too much about how either candidate thought about them.

And the last clan head who would let his opinions be heard loud and clear was of course Yama.