What Not to Do

"What is this bullshit!?" A large man in a suit asked, pointing to another man on the ground whose face was all beaten up and swollen beyond recognition as he stood there sitting on the ground, a group of scary-looking people surrounded him.

They were at a warehouse, the moonlight coming in from the skyline as the man sat there, half-naked and trembling as though it was not in the middle of summer.

"You were supposed to give the correct package to the correct address. How did you mess something like that up?!" The large man shouted again as the man kneeling on the ground whimpering in fear.

"Calm down, Agas." A man's voice boomed throughout the empty warehouse as he walked out of the shadows to them.

His velvet black shirt unbuttoned all the way down to his chest and tucked neatly into a pair of black high rise cargo pants. Several silver chains hung around his neck, not to mention the piercings on his face.

Six piercings on each of his ears with a different type of earring hanging from it, some dangling down to his collarbone.

He also has a nose piercing on his left side where a silver ring hung around, a lip piercing and a piercing in between his left eyebrow.

Though, out of everything about him, it seems that his white hair stood out the most, especially as his side bangs fell over his emerald green eyes.

"Eden," Agas said, stepping away from the man as he made his way to the other man on the ground.

Bending to the man's height, Eden shook his head with the smile still on his face.

"Now, now, Ages, you are being too hard on the poor man. Don't you pity him just a little bit?" He asked, mischievousness written all over his voice.

"But, boss-"

"Bun here has been nothing but loyal to us for so long." He said shaking his head disapprovingly. "We should just overlook this mistake, right?"

"I don't think so." Ages said, frowning slightly, his curly black hair swishing with every movement as he pulled out a file of papers and threw them on the ground. "He embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars and because of that, we will have to get into a fight with that group."

"I was thinking it was a little bit dull around here," Eden said, shrugging.


"Fine. Fine. Here is what we will do." He pointed to the man on the ground. "Give him to them to do whatever they want. Done right?"

"I don't think that is how-"

"Now! Who is ready for a night out into the town?!" He shouted as the others hollered in excitement. "Good. Take care of him and I will be at the club."

Ages grabbed Eden by his shoulder, keeping him from walking away, "Boss. You remember what the late boss said."

"I know. I know." Eden said, sighing. "You have a way of getting on my nerves, don't you, Ages?"

"I have looked after you since you were only a child." He said, straightforwardly. "I consider it an accomplishment if I am able to get on your nerves, even a little bit."

"Ha. Ha. Funny." Eden rolled his eyes at the large man before walking to the one on the ground. "Fine, let me get this over with. Everyone can go to the club first! I will be a moment."

Taking the papers from the ground, Eden began reading them while the man on the ground continued to shake uncontrollably.

Peering from behind the papers, Eden stared at the man before going back to his papers. "You seem more scared than you were before, Bun. Why is that? Do you not want me to read the papers or something?"

"I am sorry, boss!" The man shouted, hitting his head on the ground, never stopping for a second.

"Hmmm," Eden said, turning the pages. "Are you sorry for what you did or … are you sorry that you were caught doing this?"


"I am a very forgiving person, Bun," Eden said, throwing the papers to the man's face. "I know that I am and because of that, many people tend to try to take advantage of me.

"Let me ask you, why do you think it is me that is at the top and not you, the son of the late boss?"

"I- I- Because-" The man continuously stuttered, staring at the ground as anger burned from him. "I- Ugh!"

One man with blond hair, the sides dyed silver, kicked the man with his black leather boots before stepping on his face while he attempted to get up, pressing him down against the dirt.

"Look at the boss when he is talking to you, you stupid ass." The man taunted, pressing his face down even more.

"Stop it, Celt," Eden said, staring at the two men as the one on top got off and walked away from him. "Bun. I asked you a question. Have you lost the ability to speak along with your dignity?"

"Bun! The boss is talki-"

"It is because I am a scum!" Bun said through gritted teeth, his swollen face hardly able to form a frown.

"Wrong," Eden said, cracking his neck. "But that is a good guess. Want me to tell you why?"

"Y-yes, boss!" He managed to shout out through gritted teeth.

"Aren't you an eager beaver?" Eden patted the man's head like he would a child and began walking around him. "Well, first of all, there is the problem with your attitude.

"Don't you remember what the late boss always told us? 'In order to be served, you need to first serve'. You show nothing of that promise.

"Then, there is the problem of your greed. We are already a group with enough money to last us a lifetime, including several chains of restaurants, hotels and resorts. Also, I believe I am paying everyone enough money."

He turned to Ages with a questioning glance. When the man nodded at him, Eden went back to looking at Bun with confidence.

"See? And third. I think this is the most important one." Eden walked to the man and kicked him across the face making him fall on the ground once again but this time, he spat out a bloodied tooth.

Shouting in fear and pain, the man tried to crawl away but Eden grabbed him by his hair and held him in place, "What is this I am reading about a human trafficking ring?"

"I-I'm sorry!" he shouted trembling as his eyes darted everywhere for any escape route but there was none, especially not with the number of eyes on him.

"Listen here and listen very closely, Bun," Eden growled, still keeping a, somewhat, straight face. "There are bosses that I know are ruthless. Absolutely and completely. If you just stole or embezzled money, I would have been fine with it.

"I would only take them from your monthly pay. Hell, I know you stole from that group solely so that a fight would break out between us and I don't care about that.

"As I said, it was getting pretty dull around here." Eden looked at the man, eyes wide as the green seemed to glow slightly. "But you crossed the line when you brought in people that should never have been brought in."

"He was doomed from the moment the boss read the papers." One of the men said, looking at Bun's trembling body.

"He knew that doing something like that is a sore spot for the boss, why would he do that still?"

"If he was trying to get him mad, he did the right thing."

"N-no. No!" Bun shouted, turning to Eden who had not a bit of the enthusiasm from earlier in his face anymore. "Boss! Forgive me! Please! I will not do it again!"

"Now, let me see here." He said, letting go of the man's hair and stared at him blankly. "If you had not been found out, you would have continued on it, wouldn't you?"


"Don't lie to me." Eden frowned, an icy atmosphere surrounding everyone in the warehouse.

"Ohh. Double homicide." One of the men jeered.

"Trying to lie to the boss." Someone else shook their head pityingly. "Another one of the things he hates the most."

"I'm sorry, boss!" Bun shouted, grabbing the man's leg. "I promise! I promised that I will change! I won't do that again! I promise!"

"Ages." Eden turned to the man coldly as the air changed once again.

"The judgment has been made then." Someone said, shuffling out of the warehouse.

"Bye. Bun!" Someone else shouted as everyone begin filing out of the place, except for Eden and Ages, closing the door behind them until all that could be heard were his screams and shouts of pain followed by silence.