Who Looks After Who?

Ring! Ring!

Relentless poking on his side woke Eden up immediately as he stared at the white ceiling, confused.

Huh? Where am I? He thought, staring at the ceiling blankly. White? My roof isn't white.

The ringing around him continued, startling the man out of his confused stupor as he shot up, about to start looking for his phone when he heard a groaning come from beside him.

As the lump of ash grey blanket beside him began to move, memories of what happened that night flooded Eden's mind.

Wait. Wait. Wait. He thought, trying to make sense of what was happening at the moment. No way.

A grumpy sigh came from the lump as the covers were pulled away, revealing the black-haired man with even messier hair, if what was even possible, as he looked around the bed and threw the phone at Eden before going back to bed.

Subconsciously, Eden picked up the call, looking at the man sleeping beside him in wonder.

Really?!? It happened??? I thought I dreamt it or something!!!

"Boss!" A worried voice from the other line suddenly burst out, startling Eden.

"Celt?" Eden asked, holding the phone away from his ear as the man beside him groaned once again.

"Where are you, boss?!" The man on the other line bawled. "We can't find you anywhere in the club."

"Calm down." Eden chuckled, making eye contact with Noel who glared at him and pointed to the door. "Sorry," Eden whispered, walking out of the room as quietly as he could while grabbing the coverings for his lower … regions.

"Don't apologise boss!" The man shouted just as Eden closed the door behind him, wearing his pants while balancing the phone in between his shoulder and ear. "Are you ok? Did those wolves have you?? I heard they were on the prowl. I mean, Doris told us not to worry but still."

"I am fine, Celt," Eden said, laughing. "I am doing great, in fact."

He walked around the small living room, decorated with plants of all shapes and sizes in every corner of the room.

There was a grey couch in the middle, with bright yellow flowers blooming on either sides of the couches that Eden couldn't resist admiring.

The walls were littered with paintings of houses, flowers, just scenery in general.

Did he do all these? No, he couldn't be THIS talented, right?

"You sound excited. Oh! Doris did tell me that you went off with someone pretty." Celt laughed excitedly. "So you had fun."

"You can say that again." Eden chuckled, walking away from the paintings into the kitchen which was just a few steps away from the living room.

The pantry was littered with all kinds of spices, looking like they have been used several times before. Some of the containers were almost empty by this point.

So he likes to cook too. What doesn't he like to do?

"Right boss?" Celt's voice suddenly came to his ears, startling him.

"What was that?" Eden asked sheepishly. I was too busy imagining Noel cooking that I didn't Celt say a word. He hates being ignored too.

"Boss, I understand that you are a romantic at heart but going and ignoring me for a person you just met yesterday is too bad, don't you think?"

Eden chuckled nervously, hearing the pout in the man's voice. I am not going to hear the end of this when I see him later.

"Sorry, Celt," Eden said sheepishly, leaning against the counter. "If I say that I will take you to that BBQ place as an apology, will you forgive me?"

"Of course, boss!" Celt shouted, immediately changing his tone with him. "And it is not because of the treat."

"I know. You are a very important person in my life too." Eden said, chuckling as he began to look through the spices, an idea popping in his head. "What are the plans for today?"

"Plans?" Celt fell silent for a second. "I think you will have to ask Ages for that. I am going to patrol around the southwest of the city with Fern. Apparently, there is talk of funny business there."

"Alright. Be careful over there."

"Roger." Eden could see Celt giving him a salute like he always does when he gives him an order. "Over and out, boss."

"Sure. Say hi to Fern for me."

"Yes sir!"

Keeping the phone, Eden looked at the screen, almost dropping it instantly.

What the hell?

78 missed calls from 'Momzilla'.

Oh no. Eden thought, bracing himself as he re-dialled the number, hearing the click on the other side.

"Eden?" The voice said, releasing a breath that sounded like they were holding it in.

"Hey, Ages. What's up?" Eden asked, trying to be as light-hearted as possible though he knew he was in deep waters already and nothing he did would save him from Age's wrath.

"Don't 'what's up' me." Ages said, while Eden could feel the wrath through the phone, even if his voice sounded calm. "Where were you? You suddenly disappeared and had us worried sick. Do you know what would have happened if Doris didn't tell us that you left with someone??"

"Sorry," Eden said, not really meaning it while he stood, half-naked in the kitchen. "I won't do it again."

"Don't make empty promises, Eden." Ages sighed. "Just … next time, inform us, alright?"

"Ok." His voice softened as he played with the container of cinnamon. "I really am sorry I worried you, Ages. I will try to remember to inform you next time."

"Good, that is all I want." Ages said, tone changing. "Where are you right now?"

"Oh right! Ages!"


"I have a boyfriend now!"

Silence greeted the man from the other of the phone, making him think Ages kept the phone. But one check on the phone's ID showed that he was still on.

"Hello? Can you hear me Ages?" Eden tried again, walking around the room. "Is my network bad here or something? Hello? Ages? Are you there? Hello?"

"What do you think you are doing you, idiot?" Ages finally spoke, his voice much lower than Eden was used to.

"Huh?" Eden asked, frowning. "Who are you calling an idiot?"

"I am calling you an idiot!" The man sighed like a mother tired of her rebellious son's antics. "Please tell me you did not just meet him."

"I didn't," Eden said brightly.

"Oh grea-"

"I met him last night, at the bar, sleeping with Bruce."

Silence again.

"Hello? Ages? Wow, the network here really sucks." Eden chuckled, holding the phone high up in the air. "HELLO?"

"I have nothing to say to you anymore. I will just have to brace myself in case you are found dead somewhere because of your stupidity." Ages said, dejected. "Have you written your will down yet?"

"You are just over-reacting, Ages," Eden said, fiddling with the thin chain dangling from his ear. "Oh, by the way, what are my plans for today?"

Ages kept silent once again, Eden slightly getting annoyed, "The network really, REALLY sucks, doesn't it? This isn't a good sign already. Hello? AGES?"

"You don't have much to do today." He finally spoke up, voice devoid of emotions. "Have you gotten in contact with Gemi?"

"Yes, last night."

"Good, so you are more or less caught up." Ages said, papers shuffling could be heard around him as Eden walked to the balcony to be greeted by even more plants all over the walls and railings.

Someone is a plant … father.

"I am," Eden said, touching a tiny, round leaf as he stared below at the rows of houses in the quiet neighbourhood. The sun touching his skin, right on the tattoos running up his arm all the way to his back, warming him up instantly. "Why?"

"He is still looking for a hacker to help us. There is someone he found." Ages explained, rushing slightly. "We will try to find the person by this afternoon. Be ready. I will call you once we track them down and schedule an appointment."

"You sound like you aren't giving this poor person a choice." Eden chuckled, still playing with the leaves. "Remember what I always say."

"Don't worry. We won't force this person if they don't want to do it." Ages said, talking to someone else in the distance. "Then, I will see you later on, boss. Try not to die until then."

"I am not going down that easily, Ages." Eden laughed, keeping the phone as he stared at the people below for another second and then walking back into the kitchen. "Ok. English breakfast for two coming right up. Hope he isn't allergic to eggs"