When You Don't Understand the Concept of Money

"Embezzlement?" Noel typed out, turning to Eden. "How bad was it? Maybe they can reach a compromise."

"Around five hundred billion," Eden said thinking. "But that is just what we found. There may be more that we know nothing about."

"Damn." Noel typed out. "Well, doesn't seem like there is anything we can do. How did you not notice that amount of money stolen? And by one of your men too."

"I suppose I trusted him?" Eden said, shrugging. "But, if we don't get your help on acquiring dirt on the man to force him into a truce, we may not be able to stop the war from breaking out."

"I think I understand now." Noel rested his head in his hands, thinking. "But … isn't this kind of your guys' fault? For not checking up on the man you sent to take care of their money."

"That may be our bad," Celt said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"But what's done is done," Fern said, putting down a few papers on his table. "There is nothing more we can do about that, at this moment."

"You aren't wrong." Noel tapped on the table, thought swirling in his head as he tried to think of something other than scolding them for not being careful. "What about paying them back everything the man stole from them? Do you have enough money, Eden?"

"I am prepared to pay back every penny, even extra, if it would settle this but I am afraid it is not as simple as it sounds, honey," Eden said, sipping the juice. "The boss of the Wolf's Bane has been trying to pick a fight with us for a while now. This is the perfect opportunity so I know he will not let it slide."

"Why would he want to pick a fight with you? Aren't you the most powerful organization in this city?" Noel asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know about being the most powerful-"

"If Noel says that we are then we must be," Eden said, scratching the tip of his nose with pride written all over his face. "Anyway. The boss of Wolf's Bane has this … dislike towards me for some reason."

"Some reason? Boss, don't you remember what you did?" Celt laughed, turning to Noel. "The boss did a number on him, destroying his entire business and leaving him almost bankrupt."

"Seems it is a little bitter on both ends." Noel typed out, looking at Eden who was looking anywhere but at him.

Someone doesn't like to talk about this I see.

"It was brutal-"

"Enough," Fern said, stopping Celt from speaking anymore, everyone turning to Eden who had a shadow cast over his face.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean-"

"So, do you think you will be able to do this for us?" Ages asked, piping in suddenly. "It needs to be something important enough that we can use."

"I am just wondering," Fern said, looking at Ages as he took his last swing of alcohol. "Could we not take them out? They are not as powerful as we are and in terms of numbers, we have the advantage. We can take them out without doing too much damage."

"I thought that too, at first, but … that will be our last resort. For now." Eden said, clenching his teeth. "If we go down that route, innocent people will be involved. I would rather keep this as clean as possible."

Noel stared at the man in front of him, a soft smile coming on his face.

"Alright." He typed out. "I will help you. When do you need this information?"

"If possible in two days." Ages said quickly. "That is how long I can guarantee we will be able to keep them at bay. Or prevent them from doing anything too … severe."

"Two days." Noel typed out, tapping on the table again. "I have never had to look into someone or their company in-depth this quickly."

"You can take your time, Noel," Eden said, grinning at the man. "You have me with you, don't you? No matter what they are planning, I will make sure you have as much time as you need."

"You don't have to-"

"How much do they know about how much we know?" Fern asked, turning to Ages and immediately getting a glare from Eden.

"They just know that Ban embezzled from them and he is from our group, making you a prime suspect." Ages said, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "They really were just looking for a way to get back at you. What do you suggest we do?"

"First of, I will need all our areas of the city to be protected," Eden said, chewing at his finger tip. "They may not declare war directly so they will try to target the people. To send a message. Make sure everyone is in high alert so that not a hole is seen. Celt, Fern that is where I will entrust you two."

"You can leave it to us, boss," Celt said, saluting him. "I am not the first division's captain for nothing."

"Relay the information to everyone and have them all in positions by tonight. Tomorrow, we will have a proper meeting about this with everyone. Understood?" Eden said, grinning at the two as they saluted him again.

"Yes, sir!"

"Good," Eden said, turning to Noel. "Take as much time as you need, ok?"

After Noel nodded in agreement, everyone burst into cheers.

"The meeting is over!" Celt shouted, stretching. "I can go home now."

"Did you forget what the boss just told us to do?" Fern asked, grabbing the man by the shoulder.

"Just a quick stop home." Celt pleaded with the man but he would not relent. "Come on, Fern. Just a quick stop."

"We had enough wine to last us the day," Fern said, pointing to the empty bottle on the table. "Come on, we need to go and start informing everyone."

Sighing, Celt followed him out of the booth, after the two waved at the three still in the booth.

"Bye-bye," Fern said, making eye contact with Noel and then did a hand gesture at him, a sly smirk coming on his face.

Noel stared at Fern before a smile broke out on his face as well, looking at Eden and then nodding at the man as he left, dragging Celt with him.

"Noel." Eden place his hands on the man's shoulders, turning him to his direction. "What did Fern just say to you?"

"Nothing." Noel typed out, giving him a playful smile.

"It's definitely not nothing." Eden gasped. "Tell me what he said, Noe-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Noel placed a quick peck on his lips and then went back to his computer, as if he did not just make a man freeze with a gesture.

"Boss?" Ages asked, waving his hands in front of the man. "Are you ok?"

"Of course I am not fine." Eden hissed, walking to Noel as he gently slammed his hands on the table in front of him.

"Something wrong?" Noel typed out, looking up at him with a sly smile on his face. "Sweetheart?"

"D-don't call me that." Eden fumed, heat creeping up his cheeks as he pinned Noel to the wall in a panic. "A-anyway. I am not going to let you go anywhere until-"

"So you are into those things." Noel typed out, slyly smiling at Eden. "I didn't think you would be into that."

"Huh?? Into what?"

Reaching out, Noel wrapped his fingers around Eden's hand, shutting him up immediately as he brought it to his face and rested his head on it.

"You know, things like roleplaying, a bit of possessiveness, ropes, teasing, punishments. All those kinds of things." Noel typed out, giving Eden and Ages an angelic smile.

"Ages, something is not adding up," Eden said, feeling his soul leave his body. "Did Noel really just say all that??? The fuck?!? He looks so … innoce- hmmm."

"Did you forget how to say innocent, Eden?" Ages teased but Eden was not the least bit phased.

"No. I just suddenly remembered last night and he was nothing innocent." Eden said, grinning brightly. "Man I want last night to happen again."

"I don't want to know anything about your sex life." Ages said, rolling his eyes at the man. "I am leaving. Enjoy your date you two. Bye Noel."

Noel and Eden waved as Ages walked out of the booth, instantly turning to each other, just to stand like that in silence.

"So …" Eden cleared his throat, summoning up his courage to look at Noel. "Those things you mentioned, are you into them?"

"What about you?" Noel asked back, all the attention on him.

"No. Why would I be interested in something like that?" He said, suddenly sweating from the pressure of Noel's gaze on him.

"Shame." Noel typed out, getting to his feet. "I am interested in them. I thought we could have some fun before dinner today. Maybe I will just go home then."

"No!" Eden said suddenly as Noel looked at him, a confident smirk on his face.

"My place or yours?" He typed out, the two getting closer and closer.

"Come to my house," Eden said, voice below a whisper as their lips locked once again.