When You are Fast

"Anyone knows what that is?" Eden asked as everyone stared at the device on the table, looking at it with confusion written all over their faces. "No one? Then. Captain Quinn. Care to elaborate?"

"Sir. This is known as an inference transmitter." He said, picking up the device in his hands. "You can already tell what it does. So I will not waste my time explaining it to you.

"I have seen hundreds of these over the course of my life, even building some of them from scratch. But I have never seen something of this magnitude.

"Early this morning, as soon as I heard about this, I made my way to the crime scene. A large crowd was gathered there and the police had not arrived just yet.

"Looking around the area, I found this left behind as well as all the CCTV cameras missing. I remembered there being quite a few so I was surprised when they were not there.

"I thought they might be somewhere so I looked everywhere but did not find anything. That means they took the CCTV cameras with them or disposed off of them somewhere.

"I took this device and disassembled it to-"

"This explanation is taking too longggggg~!" Everyone turned to a man with half pink and half orange hair sitting on the chair with his legs up on the table. "I feel like I am back at my lectures or something. It's too early for this shit! Just summarize!"

Laughing, Eden turned to Quinn. "Apologies, Quinn. But, Raphael is right. Could you hurry up? I too, am a little pressed for time."

"If you say so, boss." The man said after glaring at the younger man. "The frequency from this transmutter is enough to destroy a device just within a mile radius of it. I am sure they pulled up on the blind area of the CCTV and used this transmitter."

"That is a nice speculation, but that place does not have any blind spots," Hayden said, grinning at the man. "So that must have been their last resort. They also took the CCTV cameras to erase their tracks. But … what about the security footage?"

"I checked the security footage before making my way there." Ages said upon Eden's beckoning. "There was nothing. Not even the computer used to see the videos. They were very cautious."

"But they must have been in a hurry to leave this behind," Eden said, pointing to the device in Quinn's hands. "What is this bullshit? They sound so annoying."

"That is all I have for you, boss," Quinn said, taking his seat again.

"From a very, VERY reliable source, I was able to know a little more about the two dead. I will not go into too much detail, but they are not from our territory, they are from Wolf's Bane." Eden said, observing everyone's reaction.

"What?!?" Raphael shouted, getting up from his seat with a bright smile on his face. "How?!? Why??"

"We don't know yet," Eden said, shrugging. "I was wondering, ever since I saw the bodies and the place, I had this feeling that Wolf's Bane would not have done that.

"There is hardly a chance because they do respect us enough not to bring civilians into the fight this early on and would have just taken one of our men out instead.

"They would also have placed the bodies in a place we only know to tell that it is them. This is too unlike them."

"That does make me wonder," Fern spoke up, looking at everyone in front of him. "Do you think someone might be trying to get this war between us and Wolf's Bane going? Because now, Wolf's Bane could accuse us of killing from their territory.

"Some bad blood will be created this way. If it is not resolved properly. What do you think, Boss?"

"That does make sense," Eden said, thinking. "But why would anyone want this war to break out? What will be gained from this?"

"Does it matter?" Raphael asked, laughing. "Boss!! Put me in charge of finding them!! I will make sure to bring them back alive, barely, but they will be alive! And then you can offer them to Wolf's Bane to do what they want!"

Eden looked at Ages who nodded and then turned to everyone in front of him.

"I will put this to vote. If anyone is against Raphael finding the ones that caused this please raise your hands and state your reason why." Eden looked around the table and saw that no one raised their hands.

"Then we all agree to give this over to Raphael?" Eden asked, as his phone started ringing. "It is all up to you, Fifteenth Division Master."

"Yes!" The young man shouted, jumping around. "I will not fail you, boss! I promise!"

"I know you won't. You never did when it comes to people." Eden said, looking up from his phone with a satisfied smile on his face. "I already have a lead for you to follow."

Pulling his phone out, Raphael looked at the ten profiles sent to him, grin getting even bigger on his face. "This is great, boss! It's almost like they are handed to me on a silver platter! Thank you!"

"I shouldn't be the one you thank," Eden said, smiling at his phone softly before turning back to everyone. "All of you, divide your men up and make sure they are all alert. Do not slack even for a second.

"If anyone from your area gets attacked, I will bring you in for questioning. Raphael, will you be able to do that too?" Eden asked, looking at the younger man talking to a woman beside him with the same coloured hair as his.

"I will take care of it, boss." The woman said, with a deadpan expression. "Don't worry about our area."

"Call me if you need any help," Eden said, getting to his feet. "Now, all of you are dismissed! Get out of here!"


After wishing Eden, all the people left the room until only Eden, looking at his phone restlessly, Ages, Fern and Celt were left.

"So, what is your excuse?" Eden asked, turning to the two, annoyance written all over his face. "Please give me a good one."

"Do you remember how we met your better half yesterday?" Fern said, instantly getting Eden to perk up.

"Better half, huh?" Eden said, thinking with a goofy grin on his face. "I like the sound of that. He is defiantly the better half. I better save his number as that first."

Ages cleared his throat, forcing Eden to focus once again. "Right. What about Noel?"

"On my way to pick Celt up, I passed by a new jewellery store in our district and saw something on the window display." He pulled out a box from his pocket and handed it to Eden. "I had to guess his size. But I hope you both will accept this."

"What's this?" Eden asked, not able to act stern anymore as he opened the box and stared at the matching bracelet and ring set. "Ooooo~."

"They are made of black obsidian." Fern explained, taking them out and held them up together. "And when closer together, shine just a little brighter. I thought this matched you two so I wanted to get it for you both.

"The store took a while to get the correct sizes and also pack it up. I apologise for being late."

"It's all fine," Eden said grinning as he looked at the ring, imagining it in Noel's slender fingers. Though they did not look as good as those slender fingers around his co-

Not the time, Eden. The man thought, shaking his head in annoyance.

"Black obsidian is made from cooling volcano rocks," Fern said, looking at the items in Eden's hands. "It is also often used to help with grounding, protection, healing.

"As much as I am sceptical about this, I can see just how happy he makes you so I will give my blessings," Fern said, lazily, looking anywhere but at Eden. "I hope this will lead you to be able to start healing, both you and Noel.

"Healing, and grounding. I don't know about the protection because, ninety per cent, that is up to you. But if it gives even one per cent, I can't argue with it."

"I appreciate this, Fern," Eden said, smiling like a little kid who just got a present. "I am sure Noel will love it too."

"So that was why," Celt said, hitting his forehead and then began poking Fern on the cheek. "Since when did you become such a romantic, Fern? I didn't know you to be someone that thinks like this."

"Maybe I am just growing old," Fern said, blocking Celt's pokes with the palm of his hand as he got to his feet. "I will be taking my leave then. We still need to arrange our men."

"Bye, boss!" Celt shouted, walking to the door with Fern.

"See you!" Eden said, waving at the men as they walked out of the door. "I should leave too, Ages. Noel will be-"

A notification came on his phone again, an endearing smile coming on Eden's face.

"What is it? Something wrong?" Ages asked as Eden showed him the message.

"We need to be paying him a lot more." Eden chuckled, seeing Ages's surprised face.

[My Better Half: I have obtained the video.]