
"Eden, welcome back!" Doris greeted the man as he stepped into the club with Noel beside him. "Noel! Hello! Welcome back to you too."

"Hey, Doris," Eden said, as Noel waved at the woman. "You look well."

"Not entirely." She said, chuckling. "You are certainly are here early. We haven't opened yet."

"I wanted to come with Noel," Eden said, pointing to the man behind him, already in a conversation with another man. "And he's already gone."

"You can stay with me then. While they set everything up." Doris said, pulling him to the corner of the room.

"Ah, wait, I'll inform Noel first." Letting go of her hand, Eden ran to the man, pointing to Doris.

After the two nodded at each other, Eden ran to Doris, grinning brightly, "He told to have fun."

"But … he didn't even open his mouth," Doris said, looking at Noel who gave her a firm nod, as if he knew she was going to look at him.

"He doesn't have to," Eden said, smiling brightly. "By the way, when will this place open up?"

"In an hour?" Doris said, thinking. "You can sit in the VIP rooms if you wan-"

"Where will Noel be working?" Eden asked, looking around the place. "He was the new bartender you mentioned right? How is he with the people here?"

"Wow." The woman said, stopping in her tracks and stared at Eden. "You have it bad for that man, don't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Eden said, turning away from her, pretending to suddenly be interested in a vase on the wall.

"You can't hide anything from me, Eden." The woman teased, poking him on the side. "So, how long have you two been dating?"

"Why did you suddenly assume that we are dating??" Eden asked, looking at her and knowing that he stood no chance against her. "Three days."

"Three days?" She gasped, "Wait, three days, that would mean … the day before yesterday … and … did you two start dating the day you took him home after borrowing my shirt??"

"Maybe," Eden said, shrugging sheepishly.

"Wow. What is it about him that made you think, 'I want this person for myself' and immediately asked him out on a date that day itself? You are never like that Eden."

"I don't know either," Eden said, scratching the back of his head as the two watched Noel run past them, folding the sleeves of his shirt. The two made eye contact and Noel winked at him before disappearing into the kitchen.

Doris turned to Eden who was busy covering his face just to try and hide the blush that crept up his cheeks.

"Wowww~. He really has you smitten." She remarked, immediately wanting to tease him. It is not every day that one is lucky enough to see Eden flustered.

"I am not. He is the one smitten by m-." Eden tried to say but paused the moment Noel appeared in front of him, typing something out in his phone.

"Before I forget, could you transfer 500,000 to my account?" Noel typed out, not wanting to mention why it is for, hoping Eden would understand.

"No problem," Eden said, not understanding a thing as he took out his phone and transferred the amount to Noel immediately.

"That was … quick." Noel typed out, smiling gratefully at him. "Thank you."

"DO you need more?"

"No. I have to get back to work. See you later." Noel typed out, patting Eden on the cheek and taking off.

"What was that about?" Doris asked, looking at Eden who was still looking at Noel move around, hand on the cheek that he touched. "Eden? Earth to Eden."

"Oh, yeah? You said something?" Eden asked, smiling like a drunken fool at the woman.

"That was a lot of money, why did he suddenly ask you for it?" She asked, growing suspicious of the man.

"I have no idea," Eden said, shrugging. "I am sure it is for something important. Noel is not the type to ask money just like that."

"Are you sure? You knew him for only three days." Doris said, growing worried. "Eden, what if he is only in it for your money?"

"If he wants my money, he can have it all," Eden said, laughing at Doris's concerned expression. "Listen. Doris. I have a lot more to gain from him, than he does from me.

"Most of what I have, he can get them if he wanted. But his … resources are something only he possesses." He turned to the man carrying a box of alcohol into the bar area. "If you are to worry about anyone, you should be worried about him and if I am taking too much advantage of the man. Not the other way round."

"What is it about him that is so … special?" Doris asked, genuinely curious.

"Even I can't understand the reasoning," Eden said, flopping on one of the chairs. "Why would someone like him accept to be with someone like me? He has a lot going for him and I am … stagnant."

"Don't say that," Doris said, looking at the man with furrowed brows. "You have so many positive qualities that I wonder if you would ever find anyone that measures up to you."

"You are praising me too much." Eden laughed, leaning back on the couch. "Enough about me. What about you, Doris? Do you have anyone you are interested in?"

"Why are we turning this on me?" The woman asked, laughing as she took a seat beside Eden. "Even if I like someone, I don't think I will be able to settle down."

"Why not?" Eden suddenly shot up. "Is someone threatening you?!? Just say the word and I will make sure that bastard is taken care of. Is it him again?"

"No! Nothing like that," Doris said quickly, shivering the minute she remembered that man. "He hasn't bothered me in a long time. Thanks to you."

"Sorry," Eden said, noticing her hands around herself. "I didn't mean to make you remember him."

"Really, don't worry about it." She said pleasantly. "I am better and I will keep getting better as time passes by. You gave me the chance to do that. That is what I meant when I said that you are a good person, Eden."

"I only did what anyone would."

Shaking the woman scoffed, "No. What most people would do is treat me like I am a pest. Did I ever thank you for that?"

"If you really want to thank me, why not just sit with me for the entire night. We can ogle Noel together." Eden said, giving her a thumbs up.

Staring at Eden for a second, Doris burst into a laugh, "You really are such a dork."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Eden asked, confused.

"Who knows?" She said, grinning at Eden. "Noel is certainly lucky to have you. I am still a little wary of him though. Maybe I'll do some snooping."

"I wouldn't recommend that," Eden said, smiling but his tone was a little serious. "Noel has my complete trust. Some of Ages and I think Fern accepted him thought Celt is the hard one to read."

"I guess I will have to make the decision on my own." She said, getting to her feet. "I need to help around a little and get changed. We are about to open."

"I'll see you in a bit then," Eden said, waving the woman away as he sat there, blankly looking around, and bored out of his mind. "I should check on Noel. Hopefully, I won't be disturbing him."

"Oh well, I'll cross the bridge when I get to it." He said, walking to the bar area. "Noel~."


Standing in her room, Doris stared at the phone on her bed, back pressed against the door, hand clasped over her mouth while she trembled in fear.

Why? Why tonight of all nights? She thought, wanting to hide under the covers and pretend that the world outside doesn't exist. Why? Why? Why?

Maybe I can ask them to excuse me for tonight. She thought, trying to get to her feet. No, tonight is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and this branch.

It would be a big help to Eden if we are able to host this party well. There isn't much I can do for him. This is my chance. Determination filling her, Doris released a breath and steadied herself, walking to the showers to change. Besides, it's about time I stood up to that son of a bitch.

[7:36 p.m. Unknown Number: Can't wait to see you.]