Ayush walks out; not even bothering to pick up the mobile that crash landed on the floor. Abhi and others who witness this get tensed. They all decide to send Naveen, Krishna andn Kavin behind to him, because they are the only persons who understand even the latter's silence!
"What happened Ayush…"
Naveen begins tentatively. Ayush is sitting on the steps; tears still filling his eyes.
"What happened to you suddenly?"
Kavin tries to tap him on the shoulder.
"yes Ayush... we are laughing...and what exactly the caller said that made you upset!" Krishna asks.
"Nothing sir...l..l am fine-"
Ayush tries to smile. Naveen chides him.
Are you holding your tears?" asked Naveen.
"Sir if l am brave like you then l can hide my tears…"
Fresh tears escape Ayush's eyes.
"For god's sake tell something. What happened?.."
Ayush is mum.
"See l am asking you one last time-"
"No Kavin. I think we should leave him for sometime.."
"But Navt sir-"
"This is only right.. lets go guys! And you Ayush, lt will pain less when you share it. People will be happy when they find a person to share their pain. When you want to share we are always here.."
Naveen cheers him a bit. Krishna joins him.
"Right Ayush! lf those tears are for your friend then don't cry! Because if not today you can meet her another dey! Relax…"
Ayush is touched.
"thank you sir.. thank you so much. You are right. You are all there for me, I'll be fine.(with smile) You guys go. l will come later.."
Kavin, Krishna and Naveen leave reluctantly.