You are right


There Ayush brushes his tears. His heart says that she is very much alive and her presence can be felt in the wind. Its as if she's standing close to him watching him from afar… but then there's this man who is an employee from the pensioner's office and whose records can't be false…

To whom l should listen...mind or heart?

Suddenly sound of thunder is heard and begins to rain. Dushyant grimaces but waits there, looking for solace from the rain drops…

To his surprise he doesn't get drenched. He opens his eyes to see that someone is holding a huge umbrella above him….Saryu?

He looks at her, their eyes meet and time seems frozen for a moment. The wind blowing heavily made her hold on to the umbrella real tight. She's standing few inches away, bending a little so that she could be under the umbrella as well. But the rain pouring in heavily is wetting her coat, strands of her hair at the back..

"I'm sorry sir...l didn't came here to disturb to you.."

She speaks breaking the small moment.

"it is raining heavily new case came.."


"sir I- l completed the file sir...that you gave me... and…" (awkward silence)

(smiles a bit remembering their previous talk) "and..", asked Ayush

"and.." (nervous smile)

"and didn't you gave me any other new name except demon or devil?" (jokes)

(laughs) "sir you are very funny. You look more natural when you behave like demon…"

*more silence*

"Can l say one thing sir?"


"You- I mean I don't know why you are upset. I know it's not my right to ask or say to you. But l feel to say that…in situations like this you need to listen to your heart. Because…sometimes... heart conveys faster than mind. Whenever I am sad, l listen to my only gives you answer" (smiles)

He just keeps looking at her trying to understand her words… how did she end up here and how come her words seem to have started showing a soothing effect on him?

"I'm sorry sir if l spoke anything crossing my limits-"

He gets up..

"No no. its ok… umm…new case came?"

"yes sir!" (wind blows n rains more heavily)

"O god! this rain...and we have only one umbrella..", said Ayush looking at rain.

"No problem sir.. Things are there to share... and we are not going far. We are just going to bureau. let's gosir..", said Saryu cheerfully.

Her words sound familiar. He tries to smile as he takes hold of the umbrella while facing her. His fingers wrap around hers..

she lets go of the umbrella abruptly feeling some connection. It's just few days back that they met but here it feels as if he's familiar.. and his touch….

On the other side Ayush too feels the same. Shaking his head he mumbles a small 'thanks' and decides that he'd go by her advice.

Saryu( inner self-talk)- "Why am l feeling that l met you somewhere. Oh God...l don't know why I went to help him… but mom Sai we should help to others when they are in need. And l am feeling happy that l am able to help him."

Ayush(inner self-talk)- "Why l am feeling that Saryu's words are correct. l am feeling that everything went normal. Why am l feeling that my heart is only listening to her ..'

They get inside and the fiasco ends. High above them Naveen, Krishna and Kavin watch this and smile. 'good at least someone brought him inside..'