You wear this


Ayush smiles at the memory. He involuntarily touches his cheek and it's like even today he can feel the warmth in her kiss… he can see the shine in her eyes and can hear the sound of her laughter. Why? Why?

Did he somewhere down the line fall for her? Is it love and not sheer friendship like he had been thinking it to be?

Shaking his head, he gets down, his happiness now gone as reality dawns on him. Billi is gone. she'll never come back! She's dead.

'If my Billi is alive, if she is with me now, I would have given these to her. What should I do with these now..."

Biting back tears, he walks along only to bump into a little girl…

Komali- "Ayush bhaiya (*bhaiya means older brother in Hindi)!"

Ayush- "Hai Komali!"

Ayush smiles and picks up the little girl and asked-

"You came alone? Where are your parents?"

Komali- "bhaiya that is…when I saw you…I came running to meet you..."

Ayush- "aww meri sweety...are you going to school… hmm?"

Komali- "yes I am going…what are these bhaiya…"

The girl spots the anklets which are still in his clasp.

Ayush- "hmm this is a jewellery that girls wear on their legs.

Komali- "Payal?"

Aysh- "Yes paayal. Did you forgot what to call this..."

The little girl laughs. Ayush too laughs along and that's when the girls' father joins him.

Komali's father- "How are you Ayush. Komali is with you! We became afraid where she went without telling us."

"It's ok uncle!" Ayush greets the girl's father and they are talking casually.

Ayush- "Komali! Don't you want to go home?"

Komali- "no I want to stay with you…"

Ayush- "But here?"

Komali- "yes here…" (innocent smile)

Komali's father- "Komali! Leave him now. He only came from work and he would be tired.."

The girl is upset and so Ayush decides to gift the anklets with a promise that he'll catch up with her later.

Ayush- "Let's go to playground at evening, ok?"

Komali- "promise?"

Ayush(smilingly)- "promise! And see this payal…did you like it? wear these ok?"

Komali- "But these are very big bhaiya!"

The girl examines those anklets as her father takes her into his arms.

Komali- "But no problem. I will wear this when I become big"

Ayush- "Awww…"

Ayush kisses the girl and waves her bye. Those anklets were meant for his Billi, he had this habit of buying a gift for her on her every birthday and take good care of them, so that he could show them all when she returns… but this time there's no use of saving this gift as he knows she'll never come back.