Let's see what destiny thinks

Same Night Saryu & Mansi talk-

Saryu: "Bhaalu is so sweet... he never gets angry… I tried my best to annoy him but I failed. I mean- when I got injured, he helped me. He also made my ankle normal… (smiles at the memory)

Mansi: "Wow sis! So sweet! Please show me the pic..."

*Saryu shows the serious mood pic-*

Saryu: "He is very sweet, right?" *Dreamy smile*

Mansi: "Yes sis... Serious look. Intense! And where did you go? Are you not thinking about love affair somewhere?

Saryu: "Shut up idiot! Always says something... that's what I'm thinking. How can a person be so sweet?" *Blushes a bit*

Mansi: "Granted, if he is so sweet, then don't tease him. Very bad. You know everything and they know nothing. This is not-justice given sis…"

Saryu: Come on If I am having so much fun, what is my fault in that? Now see- The fun it is to harass the Bhaalu around, I don't have to miss it man - Let's see what destiny is thinking…"

Mansi: "No one can you…" (sighs)

Saryu slaps her arm lightly and asks her to smile.

Ayush's mood is all ok soon. Thanks to Kevin, world's cutest and sweetest friend. Saryu on the other hand is disappointed as she doesn't get to spend time with her Bhaalu these days she's working with Ali, Kevin, Abhi… and it's a bit disappointing! She missed his presence.

Few days later- One night-

Saryu is talking to Mansi again. Mansi is listening intently about how sweet Bhaalu is…

Saryu: "These days I am not getting a single chance to see his shadow even..." (pouts)

So, she calls him up.


Ayush- "Hello..." *sleepy tone*