the breakout

Deep beneath the Gailems Castle lies Truman Prison. All sorts of people go there. Including: the people who are severely disabled people, people who are at league with Bloodshed, people who had killed people during their malfunction, and people who have been possessed by the servants of the devil because of faulty power rings in their wrists. Some say it is the most horrid place to go. Only some people say that because the only people who know what it's like are the people who have been there because the Sayis Council does their best to keep what happens in the prison a secret.

Every day, the prison guards collect three pints of blood from the inmates to give to Blood Banks. This is their punishment for breaking the law and they are forced to contribute their blood to those who need it. Only the people who have been arrested multiple times will have this punishment. With punishments like this, you'd think people would think twice about being evil.


Most people have their powers taken away from them when they get in here. But, there are some that are possessed. Some people that were turned evil by their powers or servants of the devil. Like Furliceo Woolsley. These peoples' powers or demons have fused with their souls to the point where their powers are changing their personalities and actions to negative ones and turning them into pathological crazies like serial killers, and terrorists. They are put in a mental facility called Draper. It's exactly 20 miles away from the prison because the first two people who had their powers injected into them were 20 years old and their powers possessed them in this exact location. But, it was important to this prison that they would be separated from the people who were just hurt and the people who have committed mundane crimes.

Today, a spirit named Shirak activated a power possession in one of the prisoners. His name was number 0785590456 or 456 for short. Shirak had a particular interest in this man. Because of this man's desire for blood Shirak thought that this was the perfect man for his master, Rakif to possess. Shirak looked at 456's soul as he touched him. This possession was fate according to a prophecy written by Kodyack Blues.

It said: "One day a man who became a cithian from a surgical injection of power rings being put inside his wrists in other words an Injectee, will be possessed by Rakif and will receive the Bracelet of teleportation which turns into the Possessor's Circle. This ring can free people from their possessions of demon spirits or power possessions. But first, you must go into the Caverns of Chaos and fight the human version of Shirak. But even if they win, they don't kill off Shirak and thus their possession will be passed onto whoever Shirak chooses,"

This prophecy was the main reason why the Sayis Council passed a law saying that all Injectees must be held in Truman Prison until they have their malfunction. But if they are possessed, they will spend six months in Draper. Then by the end of those six months, the nurses strip-searched them to make sure that they weren't given the ring by Shirak.

But 456 (or Randy), was taken by the Strikers as soon as his malfunction happened which resulted in him shooting fireballs out of his hands. His malfunction happened during the war of Darkomega. He was in fact an accomplice to Sade Markson, or, the original Darkomega. The crime was attempted murder to his father, Richard Markson. During the incident, the Strikers trapped Randy in his mythical creature form which was a Griffin.

A day later, the Sayis Protection Services found him at the crime scene back in his human form naked as a jaybird. They took him to Truman Prison and charged him with attempted murder. They then dressed him in an orange jumpsuit and threw him behind bars.

We will now jump back to the day of Randy's possession by Rakif. As I said before, Shirak touched Randy's soul. And, Rakif (or the Devil) said these words as he flowed into Randy:

"Thank you, Shirak, once again for your services." The prophecy was then fulfilled as the Bracelet of Teleportation formed on Randy's wrist. Randy touched it as it turned into the Possessor's Circle and zapped its way into the right pocket of his jumpsuit. Randy then screamed as he felt his murderous ways coming back to him. He immediately ran towards Shirak but instead of hurting him he went right through him. Shirak laughed.

"I'm a demon and servant of the devil. But I have a special purpose. I am the main passageway to which a man can be possessed by the devil and I have been used many times to take possession of guilty souls. Basically, a soul that cannot forgive themselves and always has a guilty conscience."

"Help me!" he screamed.

"No one can help you now, 456!" Rakif laughed.

A guard came and looked at 456 through his cell door.

"What's wrong?"

456 screamed again. The guard's heart rate rose as he went into the cell. He charged at 456 and knocked him to the ground. He laid down on top of 456 as he looked into his eyes and noticed they were glowing green.

Get the hell out of my body! - Randy said in his mind. Randy rolled onto the floor as his body started shaking.

No. You deserve everything I'm doing to you. - Rakif said. Randy stopped shaking and blacked out.

Please listen to me. I'm sorry that I attempted to kill those people. I don't know what came over me. It felt like I was being controlled by an evil presence. - Randy told Rakif.

"What do you mean? Do you have a guilty conscience?" Rakif asked

Maybe. All I remember was that I used to work for the Servants of Light. Then I was kidnapped by the Strikers. They recruited me along with Sade Markson to help kill Richard Markson and his family. But, I don't remember why they wanted me to do it. But, I do remember that they trapped me in my Mythical Creature Form and that I was in that form when I attempted the murder.

Then I was arrested by the Sayis Protection Services. They turned me back into my human form and charged me with attempted murder and put me away for life in this very prison. - 456 explained to Rakif and he awoke from his coma.

The alarms sounded as officers came rushing into the cell. Randy punched and kicked at them as they fought to restrain him. Randy's thoughts began to mock him and he started hearing voices doing the same. They said these words: go jump off a bridge or my life isn't worth it if you can't kill at least 1-2 people a day.

He screamed. Officers cuffed his hands and feet after he blacked out again.

Randy Geshick awoke chained to a chair. He looked around the room as he started shivering because of the cold air. His stomach growled. The demons inside him took over. His voice screeched as it became high-pitched and squealed. Rakif took control of his body and made him fight against his chains. The cuffs became tighter as they pinched the skin and made his hands go numb. His chair crashed to the ground as his feet became sore.

"You leave my body alone! Go invade someone else's body!" Randy's body started shaking again.

"You attempted to kill an innocent man and his family! This is your consequence!" The devil (yes, Rakif is the actual devil) said.

"I don't care. Please get out of my body and invade someone else's."

"No. I am required to possess anybody that Shirak touches."

"I honestly don't care if you get punished for breaking the law! Get the hell outta my body!"

The door opened as a white nurse with black hair and blue eyes came into the room with a priest behind her. The priest had black skin with specks of white mixed in. He had bright hazel eyes and was wearing a red and white gown with a cross on the hems. The nurse walked behind Randy as Rakif made Randy try to move his hands. The nurse propped him back up.

The Priest came up to Randy as the nurse undid his handcuffs and hooked longer chains to his hands that came up from the floor. The priest got down on his knees and grabbed Randy's hands.

"Welcome to Draper, Randy, my name is Father Sherman and behind you, is the nurse, Miss Nicks."

Randy looked at Father Sherman in his eyes and laughed.

"I'm sorry. I don't know Randy. This body is now my vessel."

"In the name of Bradley Greenson, I command these demons to come out of the boy." The priest said.

Rakif did everything in his power to resist the blessing given by the priest. First, Rakif made his powers change what his thoughts say. They now said: "Kill yourself, Kill yourself, you aren't worth a dime." Next, he destroyed his consciousness by making him believe that good is bad and bad is good.

It seemed easy for him to do it, but in fact, it was very challenging because his emotions

lead him to believe that he was set up. They said to him in his dreams: "You are innocent, you are innocent, Bloodshed set you up, and Bloodshed set you up."

Randy broke out in tears. His malfunction might've been several years ago but it was in fact a strange one. Rakif told him that he was a worthless bitch. Randy argued that he was unique because he was the rightful holder of the bracelet of teleportation.

Rakif then told him he was the main reason the Cithians were outlawed. (Of course this is a half truth because as I, Skyrid, revealed in my last adventure, Rakif is the devil) Randy was only a small part of the reason. What happened was:

Kodyack's vice president was Brian Gunderson and Kodyack had been captured by Nancy's sister Jadis. So Brian drove to the keeper of the Sayis Forest, Doug's house.

As soon as Doug heard Brian's truck drive up, he rushed outside. Brian got out of his truck. Brian walked up to Doug.

"I assume you've heard the news, right?"

"Yes. I heard it on the radio."

"Well, I have to tell you some good and bad news."

"What's the bad news?"

"Let me tell you the good news first, alright?"

"Fine. I have all day. Just tell me the news."

"We found the president. But..."

"But what?"

"Jadis isn't the only culprit."

"What do you mean?"

"Jadis has an accomplice. His name is Randy. Or at least that's what Kodyack said in court. A manhunt has started to find him."

"So you think I know where he is I assume?"


"May I ask why?"

"Jadis said in court that you told her that if anyone knew he was you would."

"Last place I saw him was the gas/charge station last night."

"Which one did you see him at?"

"The one on Brooklyn RD in Grayson Willows City."

"One more thing. I'm sorry but because Randy is a Cithian, the movement to get Cithians outlawed has grown immensely. Plus, there have been reports that Kodyack was one who performed the Darkomegian procedure on Sade Markson, the son of the Hecticmaker of Sayis' Council. Because of these reports, Kodyack has been forced to resign from office as a ten year President (in other words a Bloodbringer). ( As you might have guessed Brian was sworn in as the next Bloodbringer and his first act as Bloodbringer was outlawing the Cithians. He had two terms and ran for a third term in 2053 and lost against my brother, Michael and he is waiting to be sworn in as the first preteen Bloodbringer. But

Lastly, Rakif made Randy laugh even harder.

"Stupid human, you thought you could control us. But, you can't. So I have won." Rakif (the devil) said to the priest.

Later that day he was released from his chair, and was roomed right across form Furliceo Woolsley. Guards barricaded the door and stood by the window watching to see if any movements would be made by Randy.

The demon inside of Furliceo whose name was Matrix sensed that the ring was in Randy's jumpsuit and knew that it would grant her the power to possess multiple souls for her master, Rakif. Furliceo could feel his evil desires coming on.

First his body shook. Oh hell no don't you dare possess me again! I'm trying to get out of this place not stay longer!

"I'm sorry, Furliceo but I want that ring." Matrix said.

"Nooo! Please. Stop!" he screamed. Furliceo's door flew open as nurses ran into his room. They surrounded him as police made their way into his rooms and tackled him as they cuffed him. Fire flowed through his veins as Matrix called upon her demonic powers by making Furliceo howl in pain as flames shot out of Furliceo's hands as he broke the cuffs apart.

Furliceo turned into a red orb. He flew past the officers. Then, he materialized in front Randy's door.

"No. I will not do that."

Furliceo tackled the guards as he barged into Randy's room.

"Please go away! I just want to be left alone!" Randy said as he backed up against his wall as Furliceo tried to grab his shirt. Matrix took over Furliceo and his voice screeched. Matrix made Furliceo grab Randy's jumpsuit.

"Give me the ring!" he screeched. Randy pushed him back against the wall.

"No, Matrix," Furliceo said in his mind.

Anger arose in Furliceo's veins. His hands face forwards with his palms out as beams of darkness shot out of his hands. The beams met in the middle and created an orb of darkness.

"Boom!" The orb exploded, throwing both of them against the walls of the bedroom. The ring rolled out of Randy (456)'s right pocket of his jumpsuit. Take it, take it. You've heard the stories. That ring can free you from your possession. But first you must take it.

Alarms blared as nurses came swooping in. Furliceo punched his window. The glass shattered as it fell to the ground and he jumped out of the window. With a splash, Furliceo landed into what he presumed to be a small lake. He pushed his legs into moving, noticing the moving figures surrounding it. Police, Furliceo reasoned as his powers flowed through his veins. Water arose out of the lake as it swirled around him and slowly lifted him out of the water. He then opened a portal and disappeared through it.