A/N: I'm using a fanmade timeline, so it's not official at all. A link to the timeline that I'm using is in the comments.
Everyone has a chance to be the strongest in the Elemental Nations...
Your origins don't matter, as long as you have talent, potential, and will, you can become the strongest.
All of this is because of the energy that exists in everyone, 'Chakra'.
Chakra is created when you mold your physical energy and spiritual energy.
You can use chakra in various ways, the most common being kneading and amplifying to weaponize it.
This means that as long as you train hard enough, you can become the strongest in the Elemental Nations.
Of course, heritage could be a great boon as well, because there may be mutations.
In extremely rare cases, there will be a mutation in the DNA, which results in a 'Kekkei Genkai'.
And within the mutations known as kekkei genkais, there may even be more mutations.
Chakra is believed to have originated from the Sage of Six Paths, who intended to spread it throughout the world and connect everyone.
Sadly, it was not used in the way that he intended, instead being used to start wars.
(Year 41 after Konoha formed, in the middle of a forest)
The cries of a baby could be heard in the middle of a forest.
The baby continued crying, but no one was here to pick him up, considering his location.
After a few minutes of continuous crying, the baby unknowingly attracted a hungry wolf that was looking forward to his first meal of the day.
The wolf walked towards the baby, with saliva dripping down its' razor-sharp teeth.
The baby seemed intimidated by the wolf and continued crying; this time louder than before.
The wolf growled and pounced at the baby, intending to eat him.
As the wolf neared the baby, it opened its jaws and bit it.
The wolf bit nothing but ice.
The wolf must've felt itself biting into chunks of ice, and looked confused.
Then, it stared down at the baby and tried to bite it once again.
The baby's face turned into ice and a part of it broke down under the bite force of the wolf, but it quickly reformed.
The wolf and the baby continued a seemingly never-ending cycle of biting and reforming.
The foolish wolf wasted the day away, and by the time he gave up, it was already noon, which was long considering they started at dawn.
Eventually, the baby fell asleep.
After being left in the middle of a forest for days, the baby got hungry, and at this rate, it would die soon.
Then, a miracle happened, and the baby's possible saviors arrived.
"Oi, there's a baby here, in the middle of a forest?"
A man with blonde hair and red eyes questioned his partner, who had black hair and green eyes.
"Tch, we're already late returning for the mission. Let's make this quick and kill it before we delay ourselves any further."
"What the fuck? What made you suggest that?"
The blonde replied in a joking manner, unaware of his partner's intentions.
The black-haired man stayed silent and had a cold look on his face.
"You were joking.. right?"
The black-haired man didn't utter a response to his partner, instead, he looked at the baby with a cold look on his face
"You bloodthirsty bastard! Don't you dare do it..."
A man appeared in front of the baby, brandishing a kunai and preparing himself to stab the baby.
The other person attempted to stop the kunai from stabbing the baby's head, but it was too late.
Once again, the baby turned into ice and broke down, but not before reforming.
"Ice? Is the baby part of the Yuki clan?"
The duo looked stunned at this surprising development, but the blonde regained his bearings and shouted at the black-haired man.
"I don't give a fuck! You just tried to kill a baby!"
The black-haired man ignored the blonde and a calculating look found itself on his face.
"I changed my mind. We'll take him back to Konoha and notify Hokage-sama of this development."
"Yeah, and I'll tell him that you were ready to kill a goddamn baby!"
The duo picked the baby up and resumed their journey back to Konoha, with the blonde holding the baby while glaring at the black-haired man.
"So you say that you found a member of the Yuki clan? What makes you so sure of this?"
"Hokage-sama, Ueta-san attempted to kill the baby when we first saw it, but then the baby turned itself into ice and reformed after breaking down from the attack!"
A man wearing the hat with the 'Fire' kanji on it glared at Ueta, "Explain yourself. Why would you intend to kill an innocent child?"
Ueta replied, "Hokage-sama, it was an error of judgment on my part, and I was under pressure at the time due to being behind on schedule."
"That's not a good excuse to kill a goddamn baby!", the blonde shouted at Ueta.
"Calm down, Ironiki".
The blonde, whose name was Ironiki, calmed down at the Hokage's order, but he remained glaring at Ueta.
The door then opened, and three people came in - one of them having a notable scar on his chin.
"Danzo, Homura, Koharu! Great timing, I was wondering what to do with the kid here!"
The trio that entered looked curiously at the baby in the Hokage's hand, wondering who it was.
"Hiruzen... don't tell me that you cheated on Biwako?", the man with a scar on his chin said.
Hiruzen looked down at the baby, who had white hair, then he looked at his portrait on the wall, which had brown hair.
It seems like Hiruzen has come to a realization, and he hurriedly shouted, "No! Ironiki and Ueta happened to find this kid in the middle of a forest! I swear I didn't cheat on Biwako! Please believe me, guys!"
The man with a scar, Danzo, chuckled and said, "I know. I was just joking. Anyways, why is the kid here? If it's just a normal kid, Ironiki-san and Ueta-san should've put him in an orphanage."
Hiruzen motioned for Ironiki to explain the baby's special characteristics, "Danzo-san, we found the baby when we were returning from a mission, to which Ueta-san tried to kill him, but the baby transformed into ice and reformed."
Danzo raised an eyebrow at Ueta's action, but he looked curious as well. "Well, how about we test it? This time, just a small prick on his fingers, rather than Ueta-san's extreme actions."
Hiruzen took out a kunai and pricked the baby's finger, but all the kunai touched was ice.
"Hiruzen, this time try doing a small cut."
This time, Hiruzen slashed the baby's finger, but it turned to ice once again.
Danzo now looked curious, and he motioned for Hiruzen to pass the baby to him.
Hiruzen passed the baby to Danzo and asked what he was going to do.
Danzo didn't reply to Hiruzen, and instead took out a kunai and stabbed it towards the baby's forehead.
Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura looked shocked at Danzo's action, and Hiruzen prepared to stop Danzo from stabbing the baby, but his concern was unfounded.
The baby's head turned into ice and the kunai shattered it, but his head slowly reformed and after a few seconds, it completely reformed into a normal head - as if it was untouched.
"Well, it looks like Ironiki-san and Ueta-san weren't lying when they said the baby could turn into ice.", Danzo said with an amused look on his face.
"Yeah, but the question remains - what should we do with the baby? It's not like we can put him in a normal orphanage. Who knows what effects he would have on the other kids.", Hiruzen said.
"We can utilize his powers. He has a lot of potential, and if we can turn him into a weapon, we would be unmatched in wars.", Danzo said with a dark look on his face.
"I know, I know. I was just joking. Anyways, we can't be training him specifically. It'd arouse curiosity and anger because we are showing 'favoritism' towards someone.
Spies from the other villages can use this information and kidnap the boy."
Hiruzen and Danzo looked to be in deep thoughts, then Hiruzen's eyes lit up and he seemed to have an idea.
"I know! How about we give him to Ironiki? He'd be the adopted son of a jonin that found him in a mission, which wouldn't gather that much suspicion because others have done so before!"
"That's...actually not a bad idea. Ironiki-san is well versed in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu, which means that he'd be able to train the baby.", Danzo agreed to Hiruzen's idea with a nod.
"Ironiki-san, how about it? Would you be fine with it?"
"Uh... I have missions to do, so I won't be able to spend a lot of time with him."
"No worries, I'll just give you missions in the village to do, that way you can provide for him without leaving the village."
Ironiki seemed reluctant to agree to the idea at first because he would have to leave a baby alone, but after Hiruzen's suggestion, he agreed.
"Well, what would you name him? We'd need to create documents for him and adoption papers as well."
Ironiki seemed to be in deep thoughts, and then he thought of a name.
"Ah! How about Higeki? He'll adopt my last name, and it'll be Shorai Higeki!"
"Alright, we'll create documents for you and him, and you'll have to sign it later when it's done. Come back tomorrow, and the documents should be ready. Dismissed."
Ueta and Ironiki walked out of the room with the Hokage's permission, then they went their separate ways.
"Higeki-chan, I'll train you to be the strongest ninja in the world!"
Higeki woke up at Ironiki's shout, and he looked curiously at Ironiki.
"Ah! I forgot! Since I'm a father now, I need to buy baby supplies!"
Ironiki turned around and went to a general store, hoping to find some baby supplies.
"Hmm... what was it that a baby needed again? I forgot! Hahahaha!"
Ironiki had a smile on his face when he asked the receptionist, "Hello ma'am, do you know what it is that a baby needs?"
"Ah! That must be your child, ninja-san!," the receptionist replied with a bright smile, "A baby would need diapers, milk, a crib..."
Higeki got sleepy while the receptionist was talking to Ironiki, and eventually, he fell asleep.
"Oh? The baby fell asleep? Anyways, I'm gonna head back to my house! Thank you for helping me!"
"Thank you for your purchase, ninja-san!"
It was at night when the baby woke up.
Ironiki immediately woke up, thinking that there was an intruder in his house.
"Oh! It was just Higeki crying! *Sigh* I thought that there was an enemy..."
Ironiki walked to Higeki's crib, then he smelled something in the air.
'Ah! Did Higeki shit himself?'
Ironiki flipped Higeki on his back and saw that there was a brown stain on his diaper.
"Welp, I guess I'm practicing changing diapers now."
Ironiki proceeded to change Higeki's diaper, albeit messily.
"AH! The poop got onto my shirt!"
"Crap! The poop fell on the floor!"
It was a wild night for Ironiki, but Higeki was sleeping peacefully throughout all of this.
Oh, how good it was to be a baby.
A/N: If you guys watch One Piece, you guys would know what the inspiration behind Higeki's power is.