"Danzo-sama, I have successfully completed my mission to sow discord between Kumogakure and Konoha. I have also prepared fake evidence for a battle between Iwagakure and Sunagakure, but it seems unlikely that they'll take the bait and start a war."
"Well done. Report to me about any unnatural movements that they make. We'll be the ones to strike first."
"We have to strike back."
Once again, the words rang heavily in the air of the Konoha War Council.
"Kumogakure has already attacked us, what more evidence do we need?"
"Are we absolutely sure that it was Kumogakure who attacked us, and not a third party?"
"We have absolute, concrete evidence that they attacked our patrol near the border. What more do we need? We have to strike back, or else they'll attack us and inflict further losses!"
The clan leaders seemed to support Danzo in his decision to strike back against Kumogakure, but the final decision lies with Hiruzen.
"We'll send a letter."
Many were unhappy with Hiruzen's decision, but they complied since he was the Hokage, and clashing with his decision wouldn't be wise.
"Write a letter to Kumogakure asking if they attacked us. If they don't respond within 2 weeks, we'll attack them."
In the Third Raikage's office, A (Third Raikage) was seen reading a letter.
"Yes, Father!"
"Higeki-kun, we'll be in a war now."
"Kumogakure has declared war on us for attacking their ninjas, while we have declared war on them for attacking our ninja. Sunagakure will also participate in the war on Kumo's side."
"Why are you telling me this, Orochimaru-san?"
"Because I, Jiraiya, and Tsunade will be stationed in Amegakure. I won't be able to teach you for a while, so make sure to keep up your training."
Usually, an apprentice would panic at having his sensei away for a long time, but Higeki already has an idea about what to work on, so there's no need for him to panic about Orochimaru's departure.
"Please return safely, Orochimaru-san."
"Kukukukukuku... make sure that you train a lot while I'm away, or I'll be disappointed."
"Let's decide our formation for the war."
"We are fighting against Kumogakure and Sunagakure in this war, and we need commanders for each battleground. For Sunagakure, I'll recommend Hatake Sakumo as the commander. He was able to kill Chiyo the puppet master's children, so he likely has experience in fighting against puppets and poison.", Danzo gave his recommendation for the Suna front commander.
"As for the Kumogakure front, I'll go. They use lightning release, while I specialize in wind release, so I should be a good counter to them."
Little did Danzo know, this war will be the one he loses the most in.
In Konoha, the streets were chaotic.
People were discussing the war left and right, with some criticizing the Hokage's decision to start a war.
Of course, they couldn't have known that Danzo was the perpetrator, so they blamed the only person they could, the Hokage.
Merchants hated this because they wouldn't be able to enter the village in a war, while parents hated this because they'd have to send their beloved children to the battlefield where they would likely die.
The Hokage, Hiruzen, did not take the criticism silently and made an announcement.
"We did not start the war! Kumogakure attacked our patrols near their borders, and we struck back! We do not tolerate anyone who attacks one of us! If you attack one of us, you attack all of us!"
The citizens of Konoha could not say anything or rebuke the Hokage, mainly because they agreed with him.
'If we let them attack us and not fight back, wouldn't they do that constantly and wear us out?'
Thoughts like that were circulating in the citizens' minds, and they accepted the fact that Konoha didn't start the war.
Of course, some genjutsu was used for 'persuasion'.
The commanders for each battlefield were decided.
Kumo - Shimura Danzo
Suna - Hatake Sakumo
And just for caution, Kiri - Ironiki, and Iwa - Hikari Naka
A/N: As you guys noticed, the possible Iwa commander is an OC.
The commanders for the respective battlefields set off to their battlefield, bringing battalions of troops and resources with them.
This war would be a brutal one, that's for sure.
(Year 53)
The trio consisting of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru has just fought Hanzo the Salamander.
They were named The Legendary Sannin for surviving the battle with Hanzo.
Orochimaru did not like this title because it signified their loss.
To him, Hanzo gave the title to them out of pity and ridicule for surviving a fight, even if that wasn't Hanzo's intention.
And now, to cut even more losses, Jiraiya has decided to stay in Ame to teach three orphans.
"Jiraiya, if we kill them right here, it'll end their suffering in this cruel world."
Orochimaru's mindset was twisted, for his way of granting salvation was death.
"You also have students back in Konoha, so why are you staying here to teach the orphans?"
"Because I want them to survive. Also, I know that my students in Konoha will be fine, for they are students of the Toad Sage!"
Jiraiya stubbornly decided to stay in Ame despite Orochimaru's attempts at persuading him, and eventually, Orochimaru gave up and went back to Konoha.
'I wonder how Higeki-kun is doing?'
"Minato, are we killing these guys?"
Minato had a cold look on his face as he and Higeki followed the trails made of red hair that Kushina left.
"How did they even get through Konoha's defenses?"
"That doesn't matter, for they are dead."
Minato and Higeki caught up to the four Kumo ninjas and Kushina.
"Do we know how strong they are, Higeki-kun?"
"They completely sealed their chakra. That could be how they were able to get through the defenses of Konoha. This would make it easier for us because they can't use chakra."
"Higeki-kun, can you freeze them all?"
"I'm not precise enough to freeze them without freezing Kushina as well, so that's a no."
"I see... we'll just have to kill them all then."
Minato and Higeki descended and started killing the Kumo ninjas.
After Higeki finished killing his share of the ninjas, he noticed that Minato was already gone with Kushina.
'F*ck... he just wanted to play the hero?'
Then, reinforcements arrived in the form of Anbu who was supposed to guard Kushina.
They noticed signs of a battle, and their gazes landed on Higeki.
They motioned him to come with them, and he arrived at the Hokage's office.
'Sh*t. I should've gotten outta there like Minato did.'
After the failed kidnapping, the war on the Kumo front got even more intense, but that didn't matter to Higeki and Minato.
Higeki was developing an ultimate technique with his natural advantage; Ice Release, while Minato was enhancing his body flicker speed to the next level, and he started learning fuinjutsu from Kushina in hopes of pursuing the Nidaime's Flying Raijin.
"Ha...ha... I did it..."
Higeki has done it.
Higeki created his ultimate technique; White Death.
That technique will be also the one to signify his arrival, but the boy didn't know it yet.
Higeki was so happy and exhausted at successfully creating a technique that he worked on for a year to the point that he didn't notice Orochimaru's chakra signature returning.
"Higeki-kun, it seems like you've created a new technique."
Higeki was startled at the sudden declaration, to the point that he instinctively activated Ice Age to freeze everything.
Orochimaru rose an eyebrow and used a wind jutsu to destroy the ice spreading through the Forest of Death to prevent Higeki's existence from being known.
"Orochimaru-san, you're back!"
Higeki was surprised that Orochimaru would be back so early, after only one year.
"Did Jiraiya-san come back too? Minato was wondering where his sensei went, and he ended up learning under my father."
"Jiraiya stayed in Ame to teach a group of orphans."
Orochimaru ended the conversation about Jiraiya with that, and he asked Higeki,
"How much did you progress through the year?"
Higeki's eyes lit up at the question and he answered, "I took your advice, and I decided to create an attack that no one can dodge! Although the bad thing is, it takes almost 50% of my chakra, but I think I have a way to remedy that fault."
"Hoo? Would you mind telling me what it is?"
Orochimaru had a curious look on his face when Higeki mentioned an unavoidable attack, and he was even more curious after Higeki said he had a way to fix the massive chakra consumption.
"It's a secret."
"Kukukuku... I see..."
"Anyways, why did you come back from the war so early? Did it end over there in Amegakure?"
Orochimaru didn't answer his question, so it must've classified, or it was just that he didn't want to answer Higeki.
"Well, since you returned from Ame after a year of battling, how about you treat me to dinner?"
"Shouldn't YOU be treating me, Higeki-kun?"
"Dad's broke, and I couldn't do any missions due to my worth."
"Kukukuku... alright I suppose.