Chapter 5:


In Olivia's apartment ,Olivia woke up and woke up Amelia ,they prepared themselves and left as they had morning classes.

In Alex's house ,they all woke up prepared themselves and they left .

At around noon there classes were over and they were heading to the cafeteria to get some snacks,they bought their snacks and when they were through ,Olivia said,"Mel l think l will not go to the next class l am not feeling too well l will just head home."

"You know what l will take you home and stay with you ,so lets go."

"No l will not allow you to miss your class because of me you go to class and you will meet me at home."

"When l was passing through all the hardships you were there with me,and you missed your classes but here you are saying that l will miss my classes let me miss it and we will go together and that's the end of the discussion."

Olivia had to think for something fast ,"you know what l will call Noah and tell him to take me home."

"Noah is busy Olly and we both know it well ."

"Lets do this when l call Noah and ask him if he is busy you will take me home but when he isn't you will remain here for your classes .So is it a deal?"

"Okay deal."

Olivia called Noah and put the phone on loud speaker "hello"

"Hello bae are you okay?"

"No am not "

"Why ,what happened?"

"Am not feeling well and l don't want Amelia to miss her classes when she takes me home so are you busy?"

"No am on my way there ,bye."

Olivia ended the call and they patiently sat waiting for Noah to arrive and after thirty minutes or so he arrived ,he walked to where they had sat down and pulled Olivia into a tight hug and spoke to Amelia.

"Hi there am Noah Knight boyfriend to Olivia."

"Hi am Amelia Olivia's bestie."

"l think we would be on our way ,bye."


Noah and Olivia turned and left and Amelia walked back to class. When Noah and Amelia got into the car Olivia asked,"does that girl ring any bells into your mind?"

"Yes l wanted to ask,is that the same Amelia we are having discussions about?"

"Yes she is and l had a tough time to convince her to let me go home for our plan to roll."

"She seemed firm ."

"Has Ray reached at our place?"

"Yes they must be waiting for us as per Alex's command."

After some time they arrived and they meet Ray with four other guys waiting for them.

"Ray you guys have arrived so early l mean there are so many hours left before she returns home."

"You know it's per sirs command."

"Okay you can start your work."

Ray and the other guys started breaking everything in the house and they was exactly two hours ,that they had left Amelia , Amelia's class was over she was on her way to the cafe to buy some snacks to carry home when she received a call from an unknown number and she picked it up,"hello"

"Amelia it's Noah and l need you here now something has happened."He ended the call before she could ask any more questions.

Amelia hurriedly took a cab and after some minutes they arrived,she paid the cab driver,and when she entered their house Olivia was crying and Noah was holding her and everything in the house was scattered and broken . Noah whispered some words to Olivia and he walked towards Amelia and held her hands."Amelia,when we arrived here this place was as it is and when l inspected l found this note on the kitchen counter ," he took the note from his pocket and gave it to Amelia ,the note read... TODAY YOU WERE LUCKY THERE WAS NO ONE IN THE HOUSE BUT THE NEXT TIME WE WILL VISIT YOU TWO WON'T ESCAPE .

So Noah continued talking,"that's why l suggest that l go with the both of you in my house because this place is no longer safe for both of you." After some time Amelia broke from the daze she was in and said,"yes you should take Olivia from here as per for me l will go to Asher's place and l will know what to do from there because they are not after Olivia l think they are after me so please protect Olivia for me please."

"Mel l will not leave you here or in Asher's place because l won't be in peace ."

"I promise to call you daily so do this Olly for your safety please."

"No if you are not coming with us then l won't go anywhere let them find me here the next time and kill me."

Olivia walked to her room and slammed the door behind her.


When Olivia slammed her door l felt sad and my mind did not help as it made me feel more guilty,"see after what she has done for you is this the way to repay her? she made you a safe place when the rest attacked you and you decide to risk her life,you are so unthankful ."My eyes became teary and l decided to go talk to her,l knocked at her door but she did not open it so l decided to speak,"Olly am sorry,it's so selfish of me to do this to you so please come out we will all go together."As l finished those words the door was opened and Olivia pulled me to a tight hug.

After the hug ,they parked their belongings that were untouched and Noah drove them to their mansion.