
Rally Behind Me!

Injured Ferals whimpered like animals. Hoping their innocent cries would be enough for the Zegi to show mercy. Only to receive a much tougher punishment by the older ones.

Ether kept a safe distance. His weapon fell to his side as he watched the chaos dwindle just as quickly as it began. Not long after, many Zegi turned their attention to him.

Several defenders pointed their weapons and shields at his drained figure. Treating him as a more dominant threat after intently listening to the vicious fighting.

In response, he bowed. Exposing his crown and neck to them all. A sign of submission that quickly made Ether seem like a frightened individual, despite being too pumped full of adrenaline to feel a thing.

From deep in the crowd, many Zegi moved aside. Allowing an aged Zegus through. Despite his age, he walked with the pride of a young trooper. Step after step, his confidence didn't let go.

"Well," he chuckled. "It would be difficult to lie about not being impressed. Although they were starved and had way less energy than a full force predator normally would."

Unsure of what to say, Ether nodded. Agreeing to a logical comment. Even if it downplayed his achievement.

"You seem like a trooper. What's your name and age?"

It was his opportunity to impress. With a deep breath, Ether used his other hand to gesture at himself. Narrowing his eyes, while smiling a weary grin.

"Ether Coros, former Light Legion student. I am eighty years old. But don't look like it because I'm part Yonie!"

The Zegus firmly nodded, approving what he heard. "A prosperous lineage. Full of combat-heavy prodigies and firm decision-makers... only to mix with Thresher blood."

His response caught Ether off guard, making it feel almost like an insult. "Is... that a bad thing..?"

"No - no, of course not. It's that I was expecting a Coros member to be more... impressive in appearance. If I weren't in front of you, I would have mistaken you for a young girl instead."

Small hints of anger starting swelling up inside his mind. Tainting his passive plans into a more aggressive alternative.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he caught himself. Deep down, Ether knew this was a test of his mettle.

"Because I'm that cute? Can't blame you," Ether shifted his tone. "A - anyway. I'm here in hopes of convincing you to join my Legion."

Instantly, the Zegus lifted his hand. "Hold that."

He turned to face his people. "Clean up the bodies."

Ether watched as the Zegus looked over his shoulder to face him. That's when the Zegus gestured to follow him. Something Ether did without hesitation.


A soothing warmth swept over their bodies. Such a luxury became a high price for the young Zesher. His cheeks felt warmer once again, which filled his heart with determination.

Distant flames crackled. Their gentle melody that played while they danced. Bright red and orange ignited the room.

The atmosphere felt very tension-heavy, as if this was a deal-maker or deal-breaker. With either outcome being separated by very small and few factors.

"For starters," the Zegus began to speak. "My name is Danitour. Not the leader of this city, but the one that watches."

Danitour crossed his arms while leaning beside a table sitting in the middle of the room. Its dark, reflective texture proudly withstood his weight.

Ether held his hands behind his back, showing he was passive. "Pleased to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you too..?" Danitour paused.

"Ether. It's Ether."

"Yes, Ether. My apologies. Today has been so rough for me, so I'm bound to make some mistakes here and there. So, about joining your Legion. Who are you?"

That question didn't come across his mind when thinking of his future. Ether stared into the dancing sparks. Following a single dancer for a split second before it disappeared, and he had to select a new one.

Inspiration and quick thinking came together to weave a response to that question. Instead of a lecture of who the Legion was, it would instead become something simple.

"We are the Infinus Legion. A mix of the two Icitru words, Infin and Us. Which means Mighty and Few," Ether confidently replied.

Danitour nodded, pleased by what he was hearing. "It has a nice sounding name. Icitru is a wonderful language for Threshers. They deserve it."

"I believe the Yomies deserve a lot of the good things. They are so caring and loving. My mom was like that. Tender and understanding," Ether added.

The word 'Yomie,' lingered in his head. Like a dark cloud, Danitour kept it tucked away. Hoping to distract his mind from digging out a dark period of his life.

"So, what does your Legion believe?" Danitour placed one hand on the warm table. "I'm curious if a supposed 'half-Yonie' houses a Legion full of unrelenting warriors or mystic ones."

Ether gently knocked on the table. "We believe our hands are our methods of passing through the toughest days. Hear the knocks? It represents our willingness to endure."

Impressed by his wording, Danitour softly chuckled. "You got my attention. But for now, I'm hoping to see a trophy that proves your worth as a leader. Perhaps one of the Ferals' remains?"

A cold shiver ran down his spine. The feeling of a possible setback after going smoothly before that point. Until he felt something rub against his body.

His hands reached down to some armor plates wrapped around his waist, where one of the several teeth from the alpha remained. Ether tucked it there as a talking point whenever he returned.

One nervous hand picked it up and brought it over to Danitour. "Here it is."

Danitour picked it up with his own firm hand. "That's all I needed to see. While your achievement may have not been as impressive as it could have been. It is still impressive nonetheless."

Ether looked down at the other hand, which came up to shake his. "Does this mean you're joining?"

"Survival in lands like these can get rough. I can tell you have a tireless soul and a tender heart, little one."

Upon hearing this, Ether's heart beat with fire. His hand reached up and shook Danitour's, making their alliance official.

"What's next for your new city?" Danitour asked an important question.

"Right now, enjoy yourselves," Ether looked into the flaming fireplace. "There are more challenges we'll tackle as time progresses."