
Sky Beast's Descent

"Merciful Guardian, protect me..." Valentine murmured.

Frigid air flowed through his lungs, stopping before the exhale as he leapt off the edge. Snowflakes blurred his vision as he rapidly descended from Digon's Ascended.

Winds picked up around him, tossing Valentine through the skies like a rag doll. Each powerful gust threw off his positioning. Making it dangerous as he scaled down.

Through low visibility, a Sky Beast's Descent was a dangerous gambit. One that was not worth the payoff. However, if he wanted to complete the Rite, then he had to descend.

Somewhere up ahead, Valentine noticed a dark figure standing still. Before he could react, he charged right through the frozen mound of snow. Causing him to tumble out of control.

Bellowing winds alerted him how close off stable ground he was. Motivating the falling Thawed to fix himself. Knowing this was his opportunity to make adjustments, he braced.

He bent his legs, as if he was about to land. Then allowed himself to reach down to the ground, landing perfectly. Except this landing was to reposition himself.

As the momentum continued to push him forward, Valentine arched his back and brought in his arms to flip forward. When his feet touched the snow once again, he jumped.

Bringing him higher than he was before. Now he was in complete control of his mind and body. When he wanted to, Valentine was capable of making turns or dodges.

Making it easier to descend at high speeds. Snow increased in intensity as he reached one of the several points he struggled at. The memory of climbing up the walls through powerful winds and careless blizzard was still fresh.

Thunder went off in the distance, declaring his successful triumph. Digon's Guardian held back on making it treacherous for its newest visitor.

Something Valentine noticed. Despite the elements becoming increasingly difficult to navigate under, he still felt free. Even able to see clearly through the storm.

Storm clouds howled their goodbyes. Letting go of the successful Thawed. Valentine glanced back at where he came from. Dark clouds subsided, allowing Victory Breach and Digon's Ascended to be visible from below.

"I climbed a long way, only to lose it all in minutes. This is what it is to be a Thawed," Valentine said to himself.

Green Jaw got closer to him. The snow-covered trees stuck out from the rest of the snow-covered area. Before he reached the final stretch, Valentine straightened himself and called out to something.


In seconds, a black Sky Beast rampaged through the skies. Her wings flapped in unison, pushing away small rogue clouds and directionless snow.

Gloria screeched, making a high-pitched noise to echo it. She gleefully flew with her rider, enjoying their own flights. Although it felt off for Valentine.

To him, a flight has always been on a Sky Beast's back, but never free falling. Yet this felt almost natural. A falling Thawed, the physically largest Variant by default, and flight. Two things that sounded weird when paired together.

Until he remembered why. Up above where he was, several Mountain Ascent Sky Beasts dug their nests on the sides of Digon. Making these descents needed to reach the bottom of the mountain.

Through emulation, Thawed gain this ability. And over time, other Variants gained the knowledge as well. Making it easier to descend mountains or any steep location.

Right before Valentine struck the snow-paved ground, he summoned a mattress made from his own blood. It innocently stood in the middle of a group of Thawed before suddenly disappearing.

By the end, Valentine brushed off the snow. Careless of the events that transpired. Which caught the attention of another group of Variants.

While Quill was there to protect his sister, Suth was off near the thick trees, talking to someone. She smiled, sounding enchanted by some other voice.

"Sister's in love?" Valentine raised an eyebrow. "How does that sit with you?"

Quill shook his head. "A Thresher pair wondered these areas as we got here. They couldn't leave before we situated ourselves, so they hid the best they could. Now Suth is talking to them."

Valentine chuckled, finding himself curious about what type of Threshers inhabited Green Jaw. He carefully made his way closer to the kneeling Suth, who continued to laugh.

As he got closer, he began to hear an innocent little voice and a powerful female voice. Like a child and a mother. Except these were not family members, these were how Threshers usually sounded.

"... Yeah, I can see! He's got such an adorable little coat of fur! Ooh, do you cuddle with that or him?" Suth asked.

In response, the Yomie hugged her Yonie. "I can't decide, most of the times. So I do both! He's so soft and gentle. His name is Hintsi and many... is this one of your friends?"

Suth turned to look at Valentine. She then looked away from both parties, fixing her eyes at somewhere far away before turning her attention back on Valentine.

"Hey, it's that one guy I sent up there! How you doing?"

"Nearly reaching absolute zero. How about you?" Valentine joked.

"Well, that's cool, anyway. Look at these two absolutely adorable Threshers I found!" Suth replied.

Valentine fixed his eyes on them. Being able to get a closer look. Despite being born and raised on Digon, he had never seen Threshers in Green Jaw.

And there was a reason for this, one he knew. Threshers live their lives underground, and the males are easily frightened by even their own shadows if their mates aren't around.

So they often spend their days underground in the dark corridors of their utopias. Wondering aimlessly and often comforting other Yonies whose partners went to the surface.

The Yonie had a thick coat of fur covering his entire back, stretching from head to feet. An adaption they would use to provide warmth for themselves and their partners.

While the Yomie received an organ males often had, that being a warmer organ. Which absorbed cold temperatures and worked them enough to release warmer temperatures back into their bodies.

These two Threshers wore the same fur the males produced as clothing. Something Valentine assumed came from shedding the coat and reusing it.

Despite how interesting the couple were, Valentine still kept his mind on the deal. He crossed his arms and cleared his throat.

"Suth, I have ascended up to Digon's Ascended and performed a Sky Beast's Descent. My Rite of Approval is fulfilled. Now about that deal..?"

She turned to blankly stare at him. "Uh... oh yeah, that thing. Just talk to Quill or something."

"Wait, so you wanted me to look at these Threshers when I could have spoken to your brother instead?" Valentine asked in disbelief.

Suth shrugged. "I guess."

Valentine face palmed. "Ugh... right. Have a good day, Threshers. And thank you, Young Chosen, for our agreement."

Quill chuckled. "Such a good conversation. Now, let's discuss our alliance."

-An hour later-

Gloria touched down on the city's dirt roads. She screeched as Valentine slid down her wings, perfectly landing on his feet.

Ether stood outside a workshop with his arms crossed. Patiently waiting for his return. When their eyes met, he instantly knew the results.

"It went well, I can tell," he assumed. "Let's head inside, I got a metal shaper working on our new colors and armor. Don't want you to miss out on this one."

Valentine nodded. "At least we can discuss more about the deal inside. This will interest you."