
Dire, Alpha of Alphas

After the meeting ended, everyone left except for Dire. He remained inside the room, thinking of what their next step in claiming Yarno would be.

Since a young age, Dire learned to see everyone as prey. When food runs low, the stomach will yearn for any form of nourishment. If he saw everyone around him as an equal, tough decisions will impact him harder.

Dire was the youngest and newest leader, being only 238 years old and joining at the age of 200. Which was an extremely rare scenario.

Kas and Alise were born into the Legion, and had parents who had power. Dire earned his title as the third and final leader, something well earned considering his achievements.

His former pack, the Eldigo pack, was a bunch of nomads. If he wanted to survive, he would have to always keep his senses and body sharp.

That's why he is four times stronger than any other Feral alive in the Legion, which was impressive because males often have large muscles to show off.

When he and his three older siblings stepped into the Light Legion, Kas pushed them to limits no Ferals should have survived. During those days, Kas would lie to them, saying it would only make them stronger.

Extreme hunger, lack of interaction with one another, and being treated as pets could destroy a Feral permanently. Which it broke two of his siblings. Except for him and the youngest.

Dire became a lot more aggressive to his owners, and even challenged Kas to several fights until he finally agreed. When the day of the fight happened, Dire was defeated.

But Kas still bled more than ever, he helped Dire up and crowned him as the Feral leader of the Legion.

A title he decorated with Alpha of Alphas. The new title and power made Dire want to meet with all the both Alphas of every pack inside the Legion. And he gave them all titles and allowed them to meet with their families again.

Earning the respect of the packs, and quickly the support of the other Variants.

To continue the bond he's built with the Variants, he visits different cities and towns outside the Legion walls to offer food and services. Allowing his personal pack of Alphas to roam free.

While also keeping everyone else happy.

As Dire sat alone in silence, someone entered the room. It was one of his Alphas, one that goes by the name of Risk Neqtrin.

"Alise notified us of your plan. You shouldn't perform such a vast Wild Hunt," Risk warned Dire.

The Alpha of Alphas turned his head to look at the visitor. His golden hair followed his head movements.

"Why not?" Dire asked. "Do you wish to have another argument with me?"

Risk narrowed his eyes to make his forever smiling face seem more serious. "Yarno is our main focus, is it not?"

"My sweet Alpha Male, decisions inside the Legion are made to benefit us all. Getting rid of the last remaining Coros members will greatly help us," Dire responded.

"How so?" Risk growled.

The unsure growl echoed through the empty room. Risk wasn't convinced how killing off a family would benefit anybody. In fact, he saw this as a sign of weakness.

"The Coros family is widely popular for their... powerhouses. It's as if the Nine Rules wanted to experiment on them specifically," Dire replied.

Risk let out a low chuckle, he fixed his deep grey eyes onto Dire's exposed chest. "Do you remember the past three generations?"

"We feared Solice for becoming too powerful. His mother, Trin, was overly motherly, but found no problem in torturing those who hurt her children. And her mother, Dinem..." Dire stopped.

Silence followed. Risk stood there, observing Dire's movements. While Dire tried to recover from the trance.

Risk walked closer to Dire. His walk wasn't a submissive walk, it was more of a challenging march. Something most Alphas view as a challenge for their position.

"Stopped talking so soon, is it because you're afraid? Perhaps, afraid a little Zegus would cut you down?" Risk mocked Dire.

"Afraid is an exaggeration. I'm more concerned about what they could do to my people," Dire corrected.

Risk reached down to his hips, then pulled out an explosive. "Letting me run around with these wee little poppers isn't worse?"

"Here's the difference. I know you wouldn't dare do anything to anyone under my command," Dire aggressively replied.

"Here's the difference. You know I'm not afraid of you. The only reason I am remaining loyal is because my pack needs to survive," Risk growled.

Dire looked Risk in the eyes, then pushed him out of the way. Risk stumbled aside, his armor made a ping noise each time they collided.

Before Risk could say anything to Dire, he quickly walked out of the room. Dire didn't have time to fight his most disliked Feral. Not when they were finally wearing down their prey.

Every leader had their own reason for wanting to get rid of the Coros family. For Dire, it was because he felt like the Nine used them as test subjects too much.

And because of the Nine's nature, it was very difficult to predict what exactly a Coros would do. Especially with the introduction of the Yonie genes into the Coros bloodline.

The thought had bugged Dire since he became part of the Light Legion. Seeing Solice, Trin and Dinem all be complete powerhouses against outside forces made him wonder if they would ever turn on them.

Alise would tell Dire about the stories her father told her when he and Trin were in a relationship. Each tale carried early signs of rebellion.

Trin disagreeing so much, calling out the champions for a battle inside the arena, and even made separate factions inside the Light Legion. All traits that passed down to Solice.

But what was something Dire failed to notice, was the brothers were raised differently. Solice made a deal with Kas, a deal that isn't complete.