
Glacial Endurance

Quill aggressively swung his axe, completely throwing off Verick's mace. Before even getting the chance to recover from the attack, Quill delivered a blow to the side of his head.

Verick ate the shot, not caring about how hurt he felt. This was what brought purpose to his life. Fulfilling the promise he made so long ago.

He quickly charged forward. Both arms wrapped around Quill's, eliminating the chances of incoming attacks. Quill's first instinct was to free himself, just like how Decka taught him.

But that turned out to be futile. Verick's grapple was too tight and powerful for Quill to handle. Allowing Verick to repeatedly knee his stomach and legs.

At first, the attacks barely phased him. But eventually, they began hurting. If he continued getting punished like this, it could mean losing mobility later on.

So Quill utilized his weight and size advantage by throwing himself onto the ground. Bringing Verick with him.

The two quickly shot back up, hoping to be the first up to continue punishing the other. And Quill managed to be that lucky one.

His fist came hurling towards Verick's face. But before it could connect, Verick caught it with his mace. Quill tried to retrieve his hand, but realized he couldn't.

A piece of the metal gloves got caught by some of the mace's ravenous teeth. When Verick realized this, he knew he had to exploit it.

He quickly lifted the mace over his head, bringing Quill's hand up with it. While Verick was setting up his next attack, Quill tried to bring down his axe on him. But it failed and lodged itself into the ground.

That attack caused him to lose balance as well. Giving Verick the opportunity he needed to continue.

He tore the mace back, breaking a piece of Quill's gloves. Then he swiped his shins. When the mace passed through, Quill lost all balance and found himself on the ground.

Before Quill could get back up, Verick got to work on slamming his mace onto Quill's back. Each blow devastated his armor and condition.

"ARGH, YOU MOTHER -" Quill cried in pain.

Which was an invitation to continue. Verick brought the mace down on the back of his head. Tossing Quill's vision all around. But that wasn't enough to keep Quill from reaching out to his weapon.

The axe found its way back into his hand, all he needed to do now was to bring it down on Verick. And he did so while Verick prepared to bring his mace down again.

His arms lifted the weapon up, allowing Quill to turn around and swipe the axe through his knee. It dealt a good amount of blunt damage from impact, and caused sparks after passing over the target.

Verick's body got lower, allowing Quill to deliver a stunning kick to his chin. When it connected, Verick stumbled back.

Dazed from what just happened. But Quill was fuming now. He smelled blood.

Quill quickly grabbed the metal crown on Verick's helmet, and then kicked his chest. He hoped the helmet would break from the force, but he was disappointed when it didn't.

Verick tried to bring his weapon onto Quill's body once again. But realized it was a struggle. Because the tornado was right over him.

So instead of fighting back, Verick allowed the tornado to consume them. He knew the entire aerial battle would go to his favor because of his shorter height.

Moments later, and the two champions were now flying through the sky. The sudden spinning, high winds, and frigid waters made it difficult for anything to survive up there for a long amount of time.

Except for Thawed. Quill recognized this.

He reinforced his grip on Verick's crown, then pulled his entire body closer to him. Each time Verick came to distance, Quill's knee was there to force him back.

This continued for several minutes until Verick recollected his thoughts and focused on the plan he quickly drafted in his mind. It was time to execute it.

When Quill brought him back for another knee, Verick tossed his entire body to the side. Causing them both to go spiraling, and loosen up Quill's grip.

Verick quickly grabbed onto Quill's hand, then forced himself closer to the Thawed. Right before they collided, he delivered his own flying knee to the face.

Once it connected, Quill felt dazed. Giving Verick enough time to continue his own attacks.

He grabbed onto his opponent's helmet, which caused him to flip under Quill. Now being in the lower position, he gave Quill a push using his legs.

Driving the Thawed higher up in the tornado. As he continued going higher and higher, Verick brought his limbs closer to one another, allowing him to gain an exceptional amount of speed.

Enough to catch up and shatter armor plates with a well-placed strike.

Verick punched upwards last second. A loud cracking sound played upon impact, letting Verick know this was progress.

Before he could get off and figure out another way to attack, a medium sized rock caught his attention. Without his trusty mace, using this during their encounter would be the next best option.

His hands reached up for it as his legs wrapped around Quill in hopes of keeping up the support. But that proved to be a struggle as Quill relentlessly struck his stomach and chest.

But fortunately for Verick, he got his hands on the rock. Then he used his legs to push Quill down far enough to get launched straight back up to him.

Quill felt absolute zero's effects creeping into him. His limbs got stiffer just as his breathing got slower. Entering that state would be a fatal mistake. But that wasn't an option. It was built into his DNA.

Even if he forced his body to not reach absolute zero, he would still be completely frozen. Unless he was fortunate enough to have a mutation.

But he didn't. He closed his eyes tight and forced his hands over his head and knees closer to his stomach. Making him look like a frozen Thawed ball.

As it came blasting up towards Verick, he threw the rock towards the incoming Quill. And the second the two made impact, two things shattered.

Quill's helmet, and the rock.

But instead of going higher, Verick realized he was losing altitude. Along with that, the tornado was fading away.

Winds quickly settled, forcing everything it picked up to free fall.

Verick grabbed onto Quill's chest plates. He prepared for the long dive.

Rain fell as they did, winds battered their armors. While distant thunder played a melody dedicated to the Light Legion's triumph.

"Light Legion was forged from desperation to restore order. Your Infinus was forged from broken legacies to restore pride. Kas, I'm bringing it home," Verick said in his mind.

The ground below them rapidly increased in size. It was time to prepare a counter.

Verick forced his hand under Quill's plates. Securing them both to ensure they wouldn't escape the other's grasp. Then he gnashed his teeth, waiting for impact.

And then the world went blank. For several seconds, both Variants didn't feel a thing. It was as if they were trapped inside their own bodies.

Until Verick managed to thaw himself free from the cage, unlike his less fortunate opponent. Quill remained frozen in absolute zero, unable to break free until much later.

Other elites from both Legions rose from their craters. Everyone watched as Verick tore Quill's armor plates to liberate himself.

He ripped Quill's helmet off, exposing his pale face. Then he checked the sharpest point of the plate. Both metals made a pained scrapping sound as they slid past each other.

Valentine, Kellenas, Quinn, and Hizentre silently watched. Sorrow plagued their stomachs, they knew this was a massive blow to the Legion's reputation. But they couldn't step in.

Verick lifted Quill by his lengthy hair, allowing his neck to expand to full length. Then he slowly brought the armor plate to his neck.

Knowing standing there was a lost cause, Kellenas and Hizentre snuck off. Going around and gathering whoever they could so their safe escape would be a guarantee.

Once he felt ready, Verick delivered one quick slash. Blood poured out of the open wound and showered the Infinus colors red.

"This is it. Your champion rests amongst the Nine. Return to your leaders and tell them the tale," Verick's triumphant voice ordered.

Understanding there was no use of remaining there, and they were at the Light Legion's mercy, those that remained cautiously and carefully backed off.

The Light Legion's response was strange. Not just because of their mercy, but also because of the warrior's response.

Everyone watched them leave. Including the elites. But they didn't just stand there. A single united rhythm filled the ears of the warriors.

It came from the on-sync sound of warriors and elites striking their other shoulder. A symbol of respect from one Legion to the other.

But that didn't excuse the death of their champion and the emotional trauma his sister would receive.