
Catastrophic Winds

Cyclone growled, slowly pacing around the Zegus. His eyes were writing down every detail there was to see about Bile.

From his single line of green cloth stretching from the left shoulder to the right hip, to the silver pieces on his armor, even down to the two royal blue eyes beneath the helmet.

While Cyclone studied his opponent, so did Bile. He unsheathed his weapon, keeping a close eye on his target. Who paced back and forth, looking for an opening to attack.

"Code of the Nemesis..." Bile muttered. "I'll be nice and put your code against my own."

Unfathomable fury took the open air, snow parted as if dragging something through. Wind suddenly turned sharp and Cyclone was sent into motion.

Gusts shredded Bile's cloth, the only way others could identify him from other warriors. The wind was powerful enough to nearly rock him off balance and even caused blisters around the eyes.

On the last second before impact, Bile prepared to unleash the Code of the Powerhouse - a code designed by famed Zegi legionaries during their free time.

Cyclone jumped straight into Bile's open palm, allowing him to grapple onto the Feral. During that moment of struggling, he unleashed several powerful strikes to the jaw and nose.

By the fifth strike, he let go and lifted his foot for a follow-up kick to the chest. Sending Cyclone to the ground.

Snow crunched beneath his weight, he growled in anger. As he rose from his downed position, he realized Bile was a very disciplined warrior. Choosing to give chances but to also keep guard until the end.

Utter fury escaped his lungs on the next roar, causing sharp winds to kick up again. This time, they caused serious damage to the armor.

Bile instinctively guarded his face, blocking out any air from striking his eyes. Which came at the cost of losing several armor plates. Pieces of the original plates fell on the snow with a thump.

Cyclone closed the gap in the matter of moments, wrapping both arms behind Bile's knees then pulling. Sending the elite to the ground, the fight would transition to be on their backs and bellies.

A destructive fist came down onto the helmet, dazing Bile on impact. Cyclone recognized this as the perfect opportunity to weaken his opponent.

Nasty claws designed for scaling escaped from his fingertips. Using them, Cyclone tore off Bile's helmet. Throwing it to the side, away from the wearer.

To follow up the original attack, he used the same fist as a hammer to nail down Bile's head. Blow after blow, each one caused the Zegus to go into heightened senses.

By the third strike, his right hand reached for the hilt of Bile's sword while the other hand prepared to dig its claws into him.

Right before the claws could reach his face, Bile pushed Cyclone back hard enough to nearly fling him away. When his head began falling down to their level, Bile thrusted his foot onto Cyclone's open maw.

Now furious, Cyclone utilized the sword to attack his opponent. The pain was numbing, the blood was oozing out. He could feel it. But he wanted to repay Bile in the same kind of pain.

A sharp sword tip came down onto his stomach, which slid off the feeble stomach plates. Bile began struggling free, only to assist Cyclone in climbing on top and bringing the sword down into his helmet.

Surprisingly, it did not kill Bile. The weapon pierced his left cheek and shredded everything behind it. Blood would soon be a commodity he wouldn't be able to afford, however, he wasn't going to die yet.

Bile's hand shot up to the back of Cyclone's head, grappling it in for a beat down. Furious strikes came down onto the side of his cheek, face, and gums. Causing further damage to the Feral's face.

This was a last resort, one that he wished he hadn't resorted to. But this position placed him in a severe disadvantage because his face was exposed and Cyclone could roar at any moment to end it.

Which was exactly what was going through Cyclone's head. He caught the next strike with his elbow, then held the arm down.

Panic began to spread across Bile's destroyed face, he knew this was his end. He watched Cyclone rise his head and unleash a bloody roar, which sharpened the air.

His head quickly pointed down at the defeated elite, then roared again. Sharp winds butchered everything within the helmet.

Bile's limbs began shaking erratically, unable to figure out what command their brain was trying to give them. What they did not know, this was the alternative to screaming.

Cyclone growled, pleased at his display of violence. The helmet was reduced to nothing more but a leaking bowl of gore. Everything inside was shredded. The eyes, bones, flesh, brain, hair.

Nothing remained of the elite. Yet his body remained alive for a bit longer. Twitching at odd intervals, trying to connect to the brain.

Each attempt yielded the same results, there was no way of getting the oxygen the body needed. Causing it to slowly die out, following the liquidized head.

"You are a nasty animal," Demon pointed out. "Come on." His hand reached down to help Cyclone up, which he accepted. "You seem to hold a grudge against them, and rightfully so. Maybe you can assist us in combatting the Trilogy?"

"I'll think about it," Cyclone growled in response.

Demon crossed his arms. "You can pledge loyalty to me, Enoptes, or any other leader within Infinus. We are many faces rallying against her banner to show her weaknesses."

"I don't care who I owe my loyalty to," Cyclone snapped back. "Just as long as every bleeder who has ever joined or even considered joining the Trilogy dies, I am fine."

"Violence is most likely your perferred choice of fixing problems, eh?" Demon chuckled. "Let's finish this battle out."

Unuwkus rained down from above, screeching in pain as they got caught by special arrows designed to taking down powerful beasts. Viviry was kneeling, keeping his aim study while Decka kept his shield raised over him.

Demon grinned, adoring how well the entire battalion worked with each other. Syndicate Dust erupted out of the ground, fogging the area. Demon slammed his fists onto the snow, causing it all to erupted.

Spikes took flight, shredding everything overhead and anyone that was not loyal to their mission. Leaving only the Infinus survivors, who were now fewer than before.

Seventy Zegi, eighty Thawed, and twenty Ferals lost. Each one unable to see their families and friends again due to the plots of an entity with a revenge fantasy.