
Hard to Pass Offer

After the meal, Ether stood tall over the group. His figure scanned each face, including the slowly growing group of Yonies that poked their heads out while they ate.

"My friends," he gestured at them all. "Together, we have learned from one another. Hopefully we can take some of each other's traditions and add even the smallest amount of it into our own."

Ether turned to face the distant setting sun. "Our time is coming to an end. I want to bring you all back home to your Legion safely. To last the night, I will build you all your own homes."

Netero turned to an Infinus Feral, then leaned closer. "Can he build that fast?"

That same Feral whispered back. "No. He will just summon one. That Third Rule of his is flexible, anything is possible with it."

When Netero turned his attention back to the leader, he realized Heliou was on his knees. Which almost matched Ether's size, causing him to stand out from the rest.

He pointed at the downward arrows with a red circle falling behind them on his chest. "We are all Conqueror Variants. Please, do not bring us back to Hitirus. A - at least bring us to Niro."

Shock spread through Ether's expressions. "Why? Won't your family and friends miss you?"

"Not when all they know is fear and anxiety," Heliou replied. "If your Legion is divided in who should get attacked in Yarno, please slaughter the Conqueror Legion. It'll be merciful."

Hylo stared off into space, imagining her father rushing through the burning streets of a crumbling city. His weapon in hand as other Infinus forces tread close behind him.

As one, they push forward and take down the last souls trying to resist their power. Leaving not a single one alive. Red tainted their shields, swords, daggers, arrows, and armors.

When they turned to another direction, Hylo imagined what the aftermath would look like. Seeing mangled bodies and severed limbs, which frightened her.

Causing Hylo to break into tears right over a Yonie. The fresh tears fell onto his head, then rolled down the smooth hair onto his shoulder. Understanding this was another Thresher's offspring, he turned to her.

Like a father, the Yonie embraced Hylo in a warm hug. Making her feel secure and warm, albeit not the same warmth her father provided.

"... War over Yarno. I hate to think about it, the entire region is beautiful, yet I understand. Hitirus is a true tyrant, one worse than Kas Ornavi for sure," Ether muttered. "Okay, I'll bring you to Niro."

Heliou bowed. "Th - thank you, thank you so much... when will it be?"

"Tomorrow," Ether answered.

Excitement soared within the crowd. They were eager to return home, defeated but respected. With this, they had a chance to break free from the cold cells of the Conqueror Legion.

And best of all, Hitirus would believe they were all dead. Leaving absolutely no motivation to search for them.

However, what they didn't consider was how determined Hitirus was to kill the killers. Which would motivate him to activating more battalions in order to batter Imbushko further.

"You all might want to protect yourselves," Ether warned. Before anybody could react, he slammed both fists onto the floor. Causing a massive flaming structure to rise out of nowhere. "Welcome home."

They looked around, watching flames dance and cackle with one another. Not burning anybody, but providing enough warmth to let many of them rest comfortably.

To ensure they were all at home, Ether made the flames not impact the Thawed at all. Leaving them with the frigid ocean waves that came in.

Nobody questioned it, they all were impressed or curious. Some Scalers pierced the walls with their claws, allowing them to somehow scale up through the flames towards the ceiling.

Where they would anchor themselves for the night and rest. Letting them recover for a return to their homeland.

Hylo watched it all unfold before her, which surprised even the Yonie. He hummed while gently rocking her back and forth.

Leaving him too distracted to notice Ether was right beside him. When he did, he gasped then handed Hylo over. Before trying to push his face closer to his hands.

Ether smiled, then rubbed his cheeks again. Activating his 'love vision' for the second time that day, allowing him to settle back into his hole.

Dirt and grass fell into place, disappearing from the spot as if nothing had ever been there. Which caused Hylo to wonder how did they do it? And was Ether capable of doing something like that?

She turned to her father then whispered. "Neddy, will you bring me to see Mama Neva again?"

"Huh? Did you like being with her?" he replied.

Causing Hylo to nod, showing she was hoping to find her and her Yonie when they arrived to Yarno for her second time. Which somewhat impacted Ether. He hoped all this time away from her siblings would make her want to return to them.

Not want to visit the new faces she met on her time away. But he couldn't force Hylo to interact with Azir and Etherna, they were very social with each other. Leaving her out on a lot.

So Ether held Hylo's hand while they walked. "Little Hylo, I feel like you should invite one of your siblings to come with us. Maybe even Orako if he came back from Etek Dur."

"Why?" her gentle voice asked.

"B - because, this is how you get closer with other Variants. You want to spend time with them," Ether answered.

Hylo paused to think about it for a brief moment, her head tilting slightly down. Allowing Ether to admire white hair as all three kindred moons shined their light on it.

"Can Etherna come with us? I want to show my sister what you taught me," Hylo said with a smile. "So we can be warrior sisters together!"

Hearing her plan left a bitter taste in Ether's mouth, but he hid it. "Yes, but don't believe she'll want to become a warrior. I saw what she can do and... well, Tellendor got a new painting on the hilt."