
Discovered Secret

Pearl watched, unsure of what to think of her daughter casually handling the situation. Something about Orako seemed off, almost like he had changed.

"O - Orako? Are you awake now?" Pearl asked, hoping this wouldn't be a new mystery.

In response, he feebly nodded. Showing he was aware of his surroundings, even of who was in the room with him.

Everything seemed normal to Pearl, except for the violent shaking. Orako was badly hurt during the defense, so it was obvious he wouldn't have that much strength.

"Why were you shaking so much?" Pearl continued.

Orako kept waving his entire arm back and forth, trying to continue recovering. "The more I move, the faster I heal."

His voice started to have more life, showing it was working. The arm movement and the sudden mending of slowly healing wounds sparked a match in Pearl's mind.

She watched, grinning gently. Striking a little more fear into Azir and Etherna, who were fighting over who could hide behind who.

That's when Hylo calmly walked over to them and stood in front. Letting them both hide behind her as the 'scary' interaction was happening.

Pearl checked over his back and shoulders, watching the wounds heal the more he moved. Some left permanent marks across his body, reminding Orako not everything can completely heal.

Orako groaned and stretched, flexing more of his muscles. He didn't realize it yet, but he became a host for a Third Rule.

"I'm happy that you're using your new tools to their fullest potential, Orako. Do you know what happened?" Pearl teased.

Hylo stepped aside, letting her siblings see their oldest brother. She smiled just like Pearl, understanding what happened.

Azir tilted his head, trying to get a better look at Orako's facial expressions. "Why is everyone smiling? Do I smiiiile, too?"

"We are smiling because Orako earned a Third Rule," Pearl answered, keeping her gaze on Orako. "From what I can tell, the more he moves, the faster he heals."

Theories of what he could do with them ran rampant in Orako's mind. He acknowledged how useful this would be when paired with the code he was working on.

"Is Neddy back, yet?" Orako asked.

Pearl shook her head, trying her hardest to seem sturdy and confident. In reality, she was worried sick about letting Ether go out there without her.

Even after hardening his armor the best she could before he left, Pearl felt like he was still unprotected. Not from other warriors, but from Hitirus.

"He will be back soon, I'm sure. Fighting alongside Volatile must be a surreal experience for him," Pearl commented, almost dreamingly. "Hopefully, all goes well with them. Valiant was kind to offer us a treaty."

Orako sat up from the bed, which creaked beneath his natural weight. He continued to stretch and yawn, waking his body up some more. Before he replied, Orako started to chirp.

Azir mimicked the chirping as whistling, forming a little jingle between the two. One Hylo bobbed her head to.

"We formed a treaty?" confusion swept Orako's tone. "What happened to the -"

"Conqueror Legion was behind the attacks. An opportunity to strike at their heart with ease was given to us, and we took it. Whatever happens next is up to Volatile and Infinus," Pearl interrupted.

Hylo stumbled forward, nervous to ask Pearl something. She stopped right by her leg, then planted her forehead against her hip. Pearl looked down at her, the gentleness of a mother's gaze in her eyes.

"Neddy, can I bring Etherna and Azir to the pens? We'll stop by Decka's on our way there," Hylo nervously asked.

Pearl patted Hylo's crown, then turned to Orako. "Do your legs feel well enough to walk? Maybe you can go with them."

Orako pushed the blanket off, letting the cold inside air curse his skin. His soft-turning-rough feet made contact with the frigid floor, triggering a slight shiver down his spine.

Hylo turned to her siblings, who were watching alongside her. They looked like they wanted to go to the pens, since Ether and Hylo went there often.

Both wanted to figure out what was so cool about being there, even getting to see Hylo's pet Eteni. Which, according to her, had a fur mutation that caused their coat to become black instead of the pale whites of Digon.

Pearl stepped back, letting her son find his footing. Orako took the first step, causing him to lose balance. Hylo and Pearl instantly shot forward, catching him in their arms.

"Come on, Orako," Hylo grabbed his hand. "I'll help you walk!"

Azir did the same for Etherna, except she didn't need the help. But she understood Yonies had to feel useful every once in a while. So she allowed it.

Together, the group marched through the close hallway and to the living room. A bright fire burned in the fireplace, gently tanning the rug next to it.

Pearl checked Orako over one last time before they left. Scanning his shoulders and forming muscles, even testing his grip strength against her arm.

Once that was done, the group headed out. Leaving Pearl alone in the house. The vast emptiness of being alone came back to her, like an old enemy.

She paced her steps over to the shelf near the fireplace. The floor boards creaked, interrupting the faint crackling of the dancing flames. Pearl picked out a book that rested on its side.

'The Book of Will,' the cover read. Valentine gave Pearl the book after going blind, understanding he'll never need it again since his encounter with Hitirus.

Pearl opened it to the seventh chapter, leaning towards the fire to read better. She frowned as she scanned over the chapter name and the lines of text following it.

Like a horrible nightmare, she looked away. Not wanting to read more. Deep down she knew Ether was going through some sort of transformation. Even the book knew.

'Chapter Seven, Haste Decisions... challenges will rise, sometimes you'll make the wrong decision. When you do, you must stick with that mistake until it turns into a positive.'

She knew what that meant. There will come a point when Ether must make a choice, and he will pick the wrong one. What comes next, she doesn't know. All she does is it'll happen someday.