

List of keywords and definitions:

*** Legions: ***

Legion - unified groups of two or more Variant types. Legions usually hold anywhere from one to three leaders. Their ranks are divided into three categories: warriors, elites, and leaders (more categories will emerge later on as the story continues).

Leaders - most Legions have them, leaders never ascend to power through being born into powerful families or hold special conditions to become one. Because of that, leaders are determined by four traits: conflict experience, Third Rules, what their lineage accomplished, and strategy.

Elites - through time and experience, warriors can choose to retreat into their Legions as workers or embrace their natural instincts and become elites. Leaders favor the heroes of conflict or promising Variants. Variants that become Third Rule Hosts, strategists, and Code teachers often get placed higher than most. Causing a divide between high-ranking elites and lower-ranking elites.

Warriors - being the lowest rank in all Legions, warriors are the fighting force of any war. Although they seem to get taken care off rather quickly, each warrior is dangerous if not handled right.

Workers - at a certain point in their lives, Variants can choose not to fight as warriors. If they do, they become workers in order to aid their home domestically. Workers mostly work for free.

*** Variant Specific: ***

Third Rule Hosts - Will Power is what fuels a Variant's right to exist. Receiving a Third Rule is both a telling message that they have earned it, while also telling their Wills have gotten clearer.

Code - Variants adopt fighting styles named Codes to better themselves during unarmed combat. Codes follow a naming pattern: Code of the [__].

Mutations - being as the name suggests, creatures and Variants have a chance to give birth to mutated offspring. These mutations could be harmful or good. Facial features, pigmentation, hair and eye color, are some examples of where mutations can be spotted.

Variants - when two or more Thawed, Zegi, Ferals, or Threshers are together in a close distance from one another. Whereas Legion is used for allied forces, Variants don't have to mean their allies.

Kings - while organizing territory on Koroth, the Nine engraved Variants with knowledge of kings and their roles to play. Unlike real life kings, Variant Kings do not control entire continents or their land. However, they serve as a powerful asset against Goliaths, Servants, Walkers, and other paranormal entities.

Noble Mind(s) - a King's helpers. Noble Minds influence their respective continents and are seen as a prototype of a Servant, except Noble Minds hold physical bodies. These Variants are usually the first to respond to a Goliath, Servant, or Walker. In case of death, Noble Minds are tethered to their Kings. Meaning to kill a Noble, one has to kill the King. And to kill a King, one has to kill their Noble Minds.

Heirs - instead of being born as an heir to the throne, Variants must fight for it. Everyone hoping to take the mantle from the previous king needs to prove their worth by defeating all opposing heirs.

*** Eras: ***

Era of Normality - Volumes 1-5 will be set in this era, it has yet to be named due to eras not having an importance in any early volume. However, what sets this era apart from the rest is how normal it is. Legions have simple ranks, regions are almost completely independent, and mutations are very rare.

Era of Tears - after a catastrophic event, mega-Legions rise to secure Koroth from outside threats. During the Era of Tears, ranks become a lot more complex and tensions steadily rise over recent revelations and the rediscovery of a once believed extinct lineage.

Era of Desolation - being the last major era, Variants swear their lives to protect Koroth no matter the cost. Every body capable of lifting an arm picks up a weapon and prepares to protect their world.

Era of Desperation - events during Era of Desolation kick off a sub-era. During this little period in history, four pillars crumble, but not because of a powerful force seeking to destroy them. But because that force wanted them to destroy it.

*** Realities: ***

Koroth - home to all Variants, the experimental Earth and the only planet ever made with billions of renditions from Digatracus and Omniton-Ock's data.

Koroth Primed - Koroth itself is a weird thing, while not inanimate, it does have Will power. Nobody knows why or how it earned itself a Primed, but many assume its because the planet was aware of how weak it was alone.

Digatracus - named after an ancient Feral, Digatracus was one of the two Primes to have threatened reality itself. After the battle, Digatracus repurposed itself as a new plane of existence. Now it serves as the temporal researcher. Every deed on Koroth and Earth, every thought, every single detail regardless of size, gets changed and experimented on by Digatracus. Every split-second ever wasted gets recorded and changed.

Omniton-Ock - named after an ancient Thawed, Omniton-Ock was Digatracus' rival. Now repurposed as a data collector, Omniton-Ock helps other creations in tiny ways. Whether it is indirectly birthing new worlds or creations from a being's imagination or cataloguing failures, Omniton-Ock has seen and will see every event that has and has yet to happen.

*** Paranormal: ***

Will Power - one of the weirdest things ever made, Will Power fuels a Variant. As they grow in strength, their Will Power becomes clearer. Eventually equipping the host with a Third Rule, then maybe a Primed if their true purpose is clear enough. When mastered, Variants can change the world around them, the universe at large, their physical and paranormal attributes, and more.

Primed - with enough Will power, Variants can unlock their gates at the verge of death. If they act quickly enough, Primed versions of themselves enter Koroth from Koroth Primed. Only a handful of Primed Variants have existed in the past, and for a good reason. A single Primed can change the very foundations of reality, only if it was born to do so. All except two Primes chose not to. Those other two, whoever they were, became entangled in a battle that ended with them ceasing their conflict and dawning new names and purposes.

Guardians - beings that closely resemble the Seventh Rule of Reality, they sit atop of mountains to watch Koroth closer. However, they are not alive.

Wielders - above Servants and Walkers, Wielders control them in whichever way they want. Wielders need to have enough Will power to earn themselves Servants and Walkers.

Servants - entities that serve the Nine or other Wielders. Often working alongside Walkers, Servants are the workers of the group. They don't have solid identities.

Walkers - as the name suggests, they perform a technique called 'walking.' Which means they can step into different timelines freely.

Goliaths - an experiment gone wrong, these beings are creations that are eager to break reality and enter Koroth as they please. Sometimes they succeed, which could cause disaster. Other times, they fail and only change the climate. When goliaths break through reality, Koroth suffers their scourge depending on what Goliath it is.