
Scripted Plan

Demon watched the interactions between Ether's family and the rest of Yarno from his pocket universe. He studied the landscape, even took note of possible escape routes.

He turned to his Iron Maiden, who was on her knees staring at one of the three characters engraved into her forearm. She mumbled it, almost absent-mindedly. Like an enslaved soul.

Right beside the maiden rested Demon's newest addition, the next Iron Butler. After Conqueror Fall was over, Demon remembered he still had consumed Danitour's body.

Allowing him to manifest the body in his universe and mold it into an Iron Butler just like how he did with Kellenas and Alise. But unlike them, Danitour fought back. Still being a restless spirit.

"My greatest helpers," Demon's gentle voice lured their attention. "This journey is almost over, and most if it went how I hoped it did. Infinus is full of brutes who solve issues with violence, including foreign affairs."

He rose from his throne of Syndicate Dust. "How Ether and his family lives is up to them, not Infinus. Yet he is adored by them, despite the hiccups he had caused. Now look at them."

The butler flinched as a one-way mirror to Ophus' war room roared to life. Elites gathered around the fire, whispering and plotting ideas to claim territory in Yarno until they swept over the region.

"First, they plan to storm the beaches and ravage the border. Now," he turned to face his loyal followers. "That is a perfect strategy. Volatile is the only fighting force in Yarno and they're mostly stationed at Digon's mountain range."

Demon studied their thoughts, the concepts and possibilities. Voltaic Weavers dancing through Unuwkus, Glykers getting shot down by Storm Chasers. Nothing was left out of this attack.

Unlike the previous attempts, this time it would be different. They had fought alongside Volatile, even asked questions to help them learn more about their methods.

"I find it inspiring when war fighters think like this," Demon chuckled. "They show brawn is only half the picture. What is the best warfare you can use? Mental. And they know how to fight with that."

The mirror disappeared from the war room, appearing again somewhere else. It was in Krugi, where a light sheet of snow covered the ground.

"Just look at how they are feeling," Demon ordered. "Krugi isn't the same without the original leader around. It is so sad to see such a paradise get thrown off course by a peace talker."

And it was true. Instead of it being a lively day, the roads were clogged by Variants meeting with others to discuss some of their issues.

Feral packs haven't got the time to hunt effectively due to their own problems. Namely Eterra's lack of a fully operating alpha couple. They were still trying to appoint Scalers to their own sub-pack.

Which left the others in a stalemate, since they were keeping close eyes on who would be the right pick for the alpha duo in that pack. Most Scalers were either too young, wild, or inexperienced in Etek Dur's hunting grounds to prevail.

Leaving many to look at Orako as a potential candidate, except he denied any further involvement with the pack. All he wanted was to shape it and leave to continue working on his Code.

Other sub-packs were also busy with training their Scalers to send in as possible leaders. Leaving only four packs left hunting, yet they didn't hunt enough meat to feed the other packs.

Because of that, the meat situation was becoming an ordeal for them and other Variants. Which put farms at a huge disadvantage since the season still wasn't completely spring and crops would take a long time to grow.

Causing food shortages in the region of Imbushko. This left hundreds of workers unmotivated to continue working. And the warriors were beginning to feel this, too.

Jakery had to act on this soon, unless he wanted to break what Ether built. Once the leadership position got handed over to the youngest sibling, he had paid full focus on bringing Ether back.

Not attending meetings to discuss possible solutions or stopping the war efforts until late summer to early fall. Where they held a better chance due to food being more plentiful.

Demon shook his head, disappointed at how far Krugi has fallen. He rubbed his thumb and index finger on his chin, slightly smiling while he watched the Variants continue with their struggles.

"My dearest maid and butler," Demon turned to them. "This is the opposite of Yarno. Imbushko is home to the disciplined warriors, and the graveyard to the stubborn."

"However, there is still hope. I am sure of that. You have to hold your head up high," Demon closed the mirror. "Because the time to free yourself of this mess comes quicker than you think."

He then drifted his eyes down to the infinitely dark floor. "But of course, change comes with negatives. What will Infinus' changes and negatives be? Well, let's just watch for a while longer."

The Iron Butler's metallic head dropped below his shoulders, expressing extreme sadness and sorrow. He recognized 'Infinus' from somewhere, but couldn't tell for sure.

Demon grinned as he struggled to comprehend he had a past life that was washed away during the torture Demon put him through. But intentionally left behind shards of his past life to tease him.

As the trio fell silent, a conflict was beginning to break loose. Off in Yarno, near the outskirts of major cities surrounding Olavin-Faa, large hunting parties prepared to lead a revolt.

They had their time to recover, now it was their time to strike back at Niro's 'Trilogy.' Prexsis, Qitor, Cyclone and several other Ferals glared at unexpecting workers.

Each one held a unique hatred in their hearts for them, one rooted to spill blood for what they stood with, more so than who they were individually. Ferals gathered around, waiting for the hunting party leader's commands.

And like a trigger pull from a crossbow, they bolted across the clearing towards these bases. Eager to rip who they could apart to send a message out against their imprisonment.