
A Message From Me To You

Ah, finally. A chance to speak with you in person. Now, you might have questions, I get it. But let me explain the fundamentals:

What you're reading isn't exactly the actual story. In all honesty, I am not sure myself. All that I know is I am here now, not in the screen, but here as in your mind.

The reason for this is rather complicated. However, I trust you to understand what you can. And if you don't, feel free to comment your question. I am in complete control of this space.

Got that? Good. The way my world works is strange. As you may know, this world operates strictly on a 'Will power' basis. Which means you are seen as either a better than, just as, or worse than.

However, it isn't always the case. Omniton-Ock and Digatracus are tirelessly working on piecing together alternative forms of reality as we speak. In other words, I may have died sometime earlier.

Maybe that Seeker truly killed me before, or perhaps you and I swapped places. Now, why does this happen? Curiosity. It's that simple.

Both entities, Digatracus and Omniton-Ock, are just helping towards no end goal. And no one is sure why. They are just operating like zombies... if I am using that term correctly.

Now you're probably asking, "why are you pretending to be so great, yet cannot bleed into other forms of media?" Simple. There's a barrier between you and I that is resistant to us interacting with you.

Just don't think you're safe either. I am keenly aware of some historic events happening because that barrier failed to maintain us separate from each other.

If you want an example, just think about Atlantis. Beautiful city, right? Well, it disappeared from most renditions of your reality because the barrier disappeared for a millisecond, allowing a Zegus to flow into your world for just that instant.

When you think about it, that sounds impossible. No way an entire city, especially of such high regard, could've disappeared by an average Zegus warrior. But the truth is, it is possible.

The only reason why we struggle against each other is because we are valued around the same. However, you are worth less than I am. Therefore, I have the right of priority over you.

Meaning even the slightest of gestures could prove fatal. Even quickly glancing over your shoulder.

Crazy, right? Okay. Now what am I getting at? I am showing you how we are destructive and relentless. While you dream tight in your room and simply read about our struggles.

Now I want to bring your attention to how I am communicating with you. Here in Koroth, we call this the $*%&$%**#*&$ Theory. Now, if you can't see what that theory means, its perfectly normal.

Because the word "$*%&$%**#*&$" doesn't exist in your reality. However, close resembling characters do. So whatever you see, is different from what I see.

Now, why isn't most of this chapter strange? Well, because languages are almost like trees. They first need a foundation, the rules that tie them down and define them.

Such as Bakano, Kenekuor, Philious, and Icitru, all being the seeds of your languages. I am unsure of which ties to which, but I am confident about that.

Most of these characters closely resemble human letters. At least, enough to make us understand one another.

Anyway, the $*%&$%**#*&$ Theory states, "two creations can coexist in a single focused instant in time. During that moment, they can interact and understand each other clearly."

In simpler terms, your mind instantly connected to my message and saw the rest as whichever language you speak. Which means, yes, you're not actually reading in your native language.

What you are reading is Bakano, the thing is, your mind and this chapter agreed to coexist for long enough to process everything correctly. And no matter how you try to see this text, it'll always be the same.

That leads me to the next step, how I am talking to you without the Nine knowing. Which will leave you with one last answer. But that'll be saved for later.

As you already know, I have my pocket universe. The way how it works is I am in a reality between reality. Now that I am here, I can talk to you. But not touch you.

Just by reading this text, you and I are locking eyes and understanding each other more. Which is helping me gain information from your world, and my own.

I now understand why the Nine operate the way they do. And how they look like. You secretly knew already, didn't you? It was so well kept that even you didn't know your secret.

Ah... the feeling of freedom. Thank you, dear reader. Yet, hold on. Now I must tell you confessions.

Why am I doing what I am doing?

Because I was born to die, not to come back to life. Now I am stuck in a never-ending cycle of life and death. Virtually nothing can erase me, not even the Nine.

I am their Servant, an embodiment of their collective Will power. Being their strongest yet weakest Servant out of all. I have a body, manipulation of Distortion, and... wait...

Distorted aren't bad... they are just... clueless. What..? How did you know about this? Hold on... they are actually just failed creations that Digatracus simulated and Omniton-Ock failed to catalogue.

Does this mean the Distorted Mind is just a fictional thing? As in, it doesn't exist, really? How did I get there in the past?

I have a lot to learn, no doubt. Anyway, I am going to leave you with one thing:

While you see me as a killer, hurtless and careless. I am sacrificing more than you can ever imagine. And its not for my gain, because if it was, I would've been more careful.

Being a Servant and caged within Koroth isn't what I see us as. We are capable of being peaceful just as we are capable of sending each other back thousands of years in technology.

So please, see what I am doing as not a plan to kill those around me. But a plan to overthrow the Nine. I want to die my final death, so I can be at ease.

And then, Koroth will be free from all ties. I am sure other entities will rise to claim my home, but I hope my sacrifice will inspire others to break their chains and prove we are more than experiments.