
Eye in The Sky

When Ether stumbled out of Niro's burning home, his hair was orange, just like his eyes. Yazzo and Valiant welcomed him back outside.

Both Ferals had a grim look to them, acknowledging what happened. While also bringing bad news from their scouts across the city.

"Tragedy is a concept we aren't too familiar with," Valiant began.

No words escaped out of Ether's mouth, only silence. The same Zesher that entered remained in the bedroom, burning with Niro and Arexx. He was born anew, understanding he had to change.

Otherwise, the mental scars could overpower him and pummel him into a state just like Niro's. So he adapted, becoming more stoic than before.

"At the same time, tragedy is something that looks upon us tonight. Look," Valiant pointed at the sky. "Vereshkigo, Goliath of Tragedy and Loss."

Ether looked up, realizing there really was a Goliath stationed there. Its single iris watched from a world between worlds. Hiding most of its body, while only exposing the most important bit.

It looked like a dark cloud, darker than the ones hovering around it. Vereshkigo watched the trio, just as it watched Infinus start to swarm the city.

Lights showed them the way around town as they broke into homes and pillaged resources. Aiming to claim what they could so their arrival back home could prove resourceful for their families.

The moment distant stampeding came into their focus, the trio knew what time it was. Ether stepped past the two, eyes set afire. This last stand would prove to be more personal than he hoped for.

Yazzo and Valiant followed close behind. They unsheathed their blades and glared at the incoming masses. Hundreds of blues and blacks danced under lamps as they searched through homes.

Sernatacus took notice of the incoming trio, causing him to let out a nasty roar. Warriors instantly flowed out of homes and charged at the last line of defense.

Ether stopped, so did his allies. Tellendor appeared in his hand, this time it was set on fire. Armor began to grow from the flames, latching itself onto Ether's body.

"As arrows fill the sky..." Ether mumbled to himself. "I will stand here, by your side... but I'm not afraid to die!"

He charged at Infinus, Tellendor ready to slice through their armor. Valiant and Yazzo bellowed like an enraged Cemtrin. Ready to prove that a downed Feral isn't an easy Feral.

Warriors let out their battle cries in response, believing it would be an easy fight. It was a whole battalion versus three lone warriors.

But the instant Ether clashed with the front row, he proved them wrong. Tellendor cut straight through the first warrior, then he swiped at the next. Ether turned into flames as he dashed right through an incoming pike.

An explosion rocked warriors off their feet, while engulfing everyone nearby. Ether reappeared over the battalion. This time, there was a large orb of fire on his back.

"DIE YOU INFINUS TRASH!!!" he cried in utter fury.

He slammed into the ground, causing a massive eruption to wipe out hundreds of Infinus warriors. Instantly after landing, he absorbed the flames, letting them alter his body.

Yazzo snarled at the incoming Ferals. She dodged one of their kicks before responding by cutting their leg off. Valiant dug one of his blades into the same Feral's neck, before spinning around and kicking back another.

"Think of your packs!" he yelled at the Ferals. Valiant pounced on the downed predator, digging a blade into their heart. "Now, they'll never see you again."

Valiant jumped back onto his feet, swiping upwards with his right hand. Catching another Feral by surprise, effectively cutting a gap from jaw to eye. They collapsed shortly thereafter.

A sense of complete dominance overtook Yazzo as she tossed the invaders aside, kicking and slashing. Distracting her from an incoming female.

She jumped onto her back, wrapping her legs around Yazzo. The female dug her claws into Yazzo's shoulders, while going in for a killing blow to the neck.

"Agh! Damn Ferals!!" Yazzo groaned, catching Valiant's attention.

He pounced at the female, which prompted Yazzo to duck. The attacker couldn't react fast enough to dodge the incoming blade as it pierced her skull.

Valiant let out an enraged roar, making it clear he shouldn't be rivaled. Acid built up in his mouth, allowing him to spit it out as a misty liquid.

Ferals tried to clean themselves of the burning liquid, only to fail and spread the acid to other parts of their bodies. They melted as they screamed in agony.

A tune that Valiant roared to. He, along with Yazzo, charged at the second wave of attackers.

Only to watch as another Feral pounced on Yazzo. She yelped in pain as the larger male dominated her movement, effectively forcing her to submit.

She tried to resist, but failed after the feeling of trap-like jaws clamping down on the back of her neck.

"Yazzo!! You soft-tooth!" Valiant snarled at Sernatacus.

He rose from his kill, jaws unlocked. There was a precise kind of murder in his eyes as he studied Valiant's body. Which gave him the upper hand in the ensuing brawl.

The moment he began looking over his body, Sernatacus realized he shouldn't go for killing blows. But go for blunt force damage. After enough hits, Valiant's organs were sure to fail.

"I've come seeking my match, Feral. And I see you're capable of testing my brawn, so here I am. Let's see who is the better alpha..." Sernatacus taunted.

Valiant fell for it, making a rash decision without realizing it. He pounced at Sernatacus, only to miss and receive a counter-kick to the jaw.

Blood and acid flew out of his mouth, landing on the ground as the much larger Alpha Male patiently waited. Sernatacus knew he had gotten into Valiant's head, meaning this fight was getting easier.

"That was just a warm up, right? You can't tell me your ally died for nothing. Come on, green cheek. Prove to her body that you're truly her superior," Sernatacus taunted again.

Hearing him use Yazzo like that disgusted Valiant, motivating him to think less and attack more. He jumped at him again, aiming to spit out a volley of acid this time.

Sernatacus smiled even wider, this was the fight he was looking forward to.