
Long, Bellowing Road

Hitirus sped through the open flatlands. His titanic legs made it seem like he was simply running over the soil.

Grass stood still on both sides of the worn out path. Their scent crowded his lungs, making him question which Noble Mind wanted this.

After learning about them, he kept wondering who represented what. Which of the Noble represented the dangerous desert, and what did the odd mix of flatland and desert meant?

Did it portray a battle between two Noble Minds? Or did that just happen naturally? If this portrayed something, how does Coshire look without a King?

Would it be like boring old Imbushko? Or maybe something bigger and greater like Uvurim's bizarre territory.

Either way, he was still questioning how he could take down Nestes and his pre-Nobles. After all, King Khantretakhim cannot interfere between the two.

The hot afternoon sun baked his black shoulders and back. Kicking his heater organ on and turning the heat into cold blood.

"So slow," a Feral's voice whispered. "Let me take control of you, I can get us to our next destination quicker."

"Yet will get us killed, unlike me," a Melted Thawed's voice snapped back. "I am big and mighty, power to rival anybody. So let me traverse this winding road."

"Ah... you think you're so special just because you're born and raised on a volcano. If we were in different bodies, I would've ripped your throat out!" the Feral replied.

Hitirus growled, feeling frustrated with the voices in his head. They continued to fight, saying how one was better than the other and what they'd do if they didn't share the same body.

The Feral began urging Hitirus to become a Scaler, so they could make it further with less time. Yet Hitirus only grew more annoyed.

In response, the Melted Thawed chuckled cheerfully. "He'll never listen to such a weak animal like you, Feral."

A rogue breeze cooled off his scorched body, bringing Hitirus down to a halt. By now, he was furious with himself.

"Stooop! Stop being bad Yonies!!!" a Sandy Yonie interrupted the duo. "Our Yomie is about to -"

"SHUT UP!" Hitirus howled in utter fury. "Shut the hell up! All of you! For the sake of everything that's good, shut the hell up!!! I don't give a Stram's ass about who is better!"

The voices fell quiet, waiting for Hitirus to stop yelling. During that period of nothingness, the voices returned to the crooked tree that was his Will Power.

Everybody gathered there to wait for the day it overflows and starts shedding branches. So they could inhabit said branch and live on as a Servant, away from the other voices.

Hitirus looked all around for any spectators, hoping nobody heard or saw him. Yet, he looked maniacal. Mouth wide open, breathing through there.

Eyes were also wide, frantically looking all around for something else. But not even they knew what they wanted to see.

Befehlnadir heard his yelling from deep beneath the surface. He sat still, waiting to hear footsteps leading away.

As he waited, Befehlnadir shook his head in disapproval. If only Hitirus wasn't made as a joke, maybe he would understand how to control himself.

Perhaps his name would've been Erntenosk (Harvest-gatherer) or Bewachenire (Guard-keeper). And maybe Befehlnadir would've been the same.

Yet because of one's innocence and imagination, they unleashed Hitirus from containment as the 'King-cleaver,' thus selecting Befahlnadir as the ideal counter to Hitirus.

"When will he understand that we carry burdens everywhere we go? Wasting my one and only life on him is my biggest burden," Befehlnadir muttered.

Clouds drifted overhead, blocking the sun's rays. Hitirus glanced up at them, catching three wild Storm Chaser Sky Beasts dart under the ghastly figure.

Hitirus mumbled curses to himself, saying how much being alive burdens him. Like Befehlnadir, he wished he was dead.

Maybe if he never stopped to claim the Conqueror Legion, he would've gotten to Heir position quicker. That entire period of his life, gone. Each day felt like he was dragging his feet to make it to the next.

"See what happens when you anger Yomie?!?" the Sandy Yonie from earlier asked the other voices. "Angry Yomie, are you okay?"

"Shut up, Thresher!" a Zegus replied.

"Don't talk to Sandy Thresher like that, you creature," a Sandy Yomie snapped back. "Otherwise I'll -"

"ALL OF YOU!" Hitirus' voice thundered again. "Shut up!!"

They quickly fell silent, not wanting to get yelled at by the one hosting them. Like before, nobody talked. Each one returned to the crooked tree.

Befehlnadir heard the yelling once again, prompting him to start borrowing up towards the surface. Ground fell into place in his wake, leaving the soil reletavely untouched.

"I wish a Noble Mind would be capable of killing something as corrupt and twisted as me. But I know what I am," Hitirus mumbled. "Unfortunately, I'll come back again."

Scaler legs replaced his Melted Thawed's. Followed by two Zegus arms, then a Mountain Yonie's coat of fur on his back.

Heat quickly climbed within Hitirus' body, prompting him to slow down and hang his mouth open in the direction of incoming wind. His eyes got heavier as well, making him weary.

"Damn Mountain Variants..." Hitirus mumbled. "All this heat is making me hear strange noises where they don't belong."

Befehlnadir chuckled, knowing Hitirus wasn't aware of his presence yet. However, he understood Hitirus heard him shoveling his way up to the surface.

More clouds crowded the sky, making it a little cooler for Hitirus. However, the heavy coat still put on a lot of heat for him to handle.

"So many wild Sky Beasts, wonder what they're doing out here... does this mean a Noble Mind, the Feral, is a Wind Ripper? Can't be, they're too -"

Soil and grass erupted from underneath Hitirus, catching him off guard. He landed on his side just a few steps away from the attacker.

When the aftermath settled, Befehlnadir loomed over Hitirus. Eyes narrowed, and body shifting to suit the incoming fight.