
Bellowing Behemoth

Hitirus looked up to the Cemtras, its massive body towered over him. Dirt flew off its limbs as it steadied its footing.

"Talk about an entrance... all right. Let's get it on," Hitirus gnashed his teeth.

Both Cemtrin and Verwirrtsur roared in unmatched rage as they charged to combat each other. Hitirus lunged at the beast, transformed as a Mountain Ascent / Zegus hybrid.

His claws emerged from his forearms, ready to dice.

The Cemtras slammed a hand down beside Hitirus, knocking him aside. Dirt buried him after collapsing at the foot of a tree.

Mighty stomps echoed throughout the forest, notifying Hitirus now wasn't the time to rest. He shot back up to his feet just in time to get caught with a sweeping palm.

It raised him over its mouth, then let go. Hitirus came crashing down into its gaping maw, yet he wasn't ready to be digested. He dug a claw into its gums, anchoring him.

A horrid smell of decaying flesh filled his lungs, staggering Hitirus. The aroma was horrible enough to nearly cause him to vomit.

"Ugh... you nasty freaks..." Hitirus clamped his mouth shut, preventing puke from erupting out. He held himself in place as the beast moved. "Yeah, keep going."

He swung back and forth, then struck the nearest tooth several times. Eventually getting it to break, which alarmed the Cemtras something was horribly wrong.

Prompting it to spit everything in its mouth out. Leaving Hitirus coated in drool with hints of blood here and there.

Rage took over, the type that came from a Zegus. He didn't enjoy the idea of nearly being eaten, then spat back out.

Which motivated him to quickly jump back up. Then dart towards the nearest tree. Hitirus wrapped his arms around it as the Cemtras darted towards him.

"Hegh... ye-ah!" Hitirus tore the tree out of its roots. Then he swung it like a weapon, striking the Cemtras early. "AH! Come on, then!"

It quickly rolled off its side, planting a palm to support itself. Only for Hitirus to come crashing down onto its shoulder.

Gatruda watched from above. They observed how masterfully Hitirus dedicated his rage into dismembering the creature's arm. It tried to fight back, only for Hitirus to quickly get back to fighting.

"Ruda -"

"Ruda?!?" Ruda responded.

"Do you think he has the potential to be a threat?" Gat asked her loyal partner.

"I don't know. Although, he has Yoooonieees! Shora will give them cheek-rubs! I'll help..." Ruda's voice was happy and energetic.

Hitirus rolled off his back, landing right on his feet. He watched the Cemtras raise a log over him, then swing it down. Aiming to crush the Verwirrtsur.

Despite having the option to dodge, Hitirus felt too much pride. Closing his ears to the voices whispering to move, dodge, and counter.

It landed perfectly on his palms, nearly sending him to his knees. The force tested his natural strength, aiming to prove the creature's superior strength.

However, it only proved Hitirus had the Will Power to push through. He gritted his teeth, felt the sweat build up on his brows.

"S - sorry... voices..." Hitirus laughed.

He let go of the trunk, letting it come slamming down onto him. Except Hitirus stood firm, letting it slam against his skull.

Wood broke, sending fractures all over the impact area. Even left behind a heavy headache for Hitirus to deal with.

Even though it was a stupid move, he understood it was for a good reason. All he had to do next was endure until he couldn't move, or the Cemtras died.

"Funny Yonie is crazy!" Ruda commented.

"Ruda, don't call that thing a Yonie. Your kind is way too adorable and loving to be those things..." Gat replied.

Ruda giggled, hugging Gat. "Eh..? Funny Yonie can be loving Yonieee, eh..?"

The two felt their tree moving, only for them to realize the Cemtras had plucked that one right out. Both Threshers idly stared at where their support was.

Gat frowned, turning to look at Ruda. "He just stool our tree!

"Its okay, he can have it. Good Cemtras," Ruda replied. He frowned in return. "When can I have one?"

"What? You want a pet Cemtras?" Gat asked, bewildered.

Ruda nodded. "So me and funny Yonie can go roar!"

Hitirus growled, feeling the pounding pressure slowly mentally destroy him. He rolled out of the way of another thrown tree.

It whistled until it clashed with another, knocking off seeds and fruits for other creatures to pick up and eat.

Patience ran thin for Hitirus. The headache, paired with annoying defenses and lack of help from Gatruda all continued to pound away at his strength.

He darted closer to the Cemtras, then pounced onto its knee. The twin claws lodged onto the thick exterior, turning the beast's focus into physical combat.

The Cemtras swiped at its knee, hoping to knock off the attacker. Yet it missed entirely. Leaving Hitirus to grapple onto the back of its other arm.

Gatruda watched Hitirus drove his own body weight into a falling kick onto its crown. Its body moved after feeling the pressure, causing Hitirus to slip and fall onto its open palm.

Using this as an opportunity to follow up, Hitirus propelled himself back up. Striking the creature's jaw with his shoulder.

His hand grabbed onto its upper set of teeth, stopping him from flying right over the creature. Then Hitirus planted both feet on the creature's forehead.

"And here you are... goodbye, fucker!" Hitirus yelled.

A large claw dug deep into its eye. To ensure the max amount of pain and damage, Hitirus forced his arm around. Turning it into a bloody mess.

The Cemtras howled in pain. Its panic tossed it onto its back, defenseless. Hitirus jumped on its chest, then came in for a killing blow.

Both claws sliced perfectly through the Cemtras' weaker hide on its neck. Drawing out blood, and making it difficult for the beast to make a recovery.

"Look, Ruda!" Gat cheerfully said. "I see another predator..."