
Disciplinary Action

Hitirus began to cry uncontrollably, losing himself in all the emotions. In here, he was alone. None of his sub-versions developed enough to speak, yet.

The sound of two heavy boots thumping closer towards him played a melody of tragedy and despair. Rough concrete rubbed against Hitirus' raw back as he tried crawling further away.

Until his chains rattled, marking an end. He didn't want to look up because he was afraid. The haunting memory of a looming Virrwertsur was engraved in his memory.

"Looks like you forgot," the teacher dragged a metal rod beside them. Then they swung it at Hitirus, striking the side of his face. "Huh? Let me see you cry!"

And Hitirus did just that. He begged for forgiveness and mercy. But nothing came out of his mouth, only blood and agonizing screams.

The teacher struck Hitirus again, this time onto his crown. It crunched, sending shards of bone to sink into his brain. The pain was no different.

It was turture at its purest form. The screaming, the inhumane punishment, the recklessness, and animosity.

No matter how loud Hitirus cried, the teacher would only beat him further. The sound of a sizzling furnace brought forth another memory.

Hearing the searing inferno induced extreme panic into his body. Just the sound caused him to grow light-headed. He could feel himself get weak by the moment.

"I still see the pain in your eyes... hide it away, pretend like it's all okay. Because it is. All you have to do is endure," the teacher's soothing voice taught.

Yet Hitirus ignored their voice. He only focused on the branding iron that melted away his chest. The sound of flesh bubbling and melting, paired with the smell of it burning, sickened Hitirus.

By now, his screams began to destroy his vocal cords. He struggled to maintain his eyes open, even his limbs failed him. It was like old times.

"Defeated already? How are you supposed to claim the crown? Hide away the pain - show no hint of relenting. You are a machine, Hitirus. Act like one," the teacher demanded.

They struck Hitirus again with the rod. Drawing out more blood. The nasty metallic liquid oozed onto his burn marks.

"Can you listen? I don't think you can," his teacher grew impatient.

Until they surveyed Hitirus' head. Looking for the better ear. When found, the teacher reached for it, then encased it in a death-grip.

"Last warning. Do not give up, hide away your pain, and listen to my voice. If you don't..." the teacher threatened.

He couldn't do anything about it. This was it - how to defeat Hitirus for good. He felt destroyed on every level.

When his teacher yanked at his ear, he could only whimper. Like an injured animal living out its final seconds, he continued to whimper.

A geyser of blood decorated the chains and wall. The stench of damp decay and loveless offspring choked Hitirus.

There was nothing left but to accept it. History repeated itself, making sure to remind Hitirus he will always be a horrible student. That was why he became cursed.

Except Hitirus clung onto what Befehlnadir told him. The one to blame isn't himself, but those around him. Just this thought gave him hope - a spark.

"You still don't listen? My... you're a hardy child. I was going to leave now, but it is cruel to prolong animal's suffering. Wait here while I get the stone," his teacher ordered.

"A - animals..." Hitirus' feeble lips moved to match what he mumbled. "Animals are... lesser thans... bu - but I... I am d - different... because I... am not the... prey... Yet you - you don't notice it."

His teacher came back into the room with a large stone curled within their arms. The rough texture reflected its true purpose - an instrument of torture.

The chains rattled and broke as his teacher tore him out of there. Blood washed the floor red as they dragged Hitirus towards the middle.

Once he was facing up, the teacher carried the stone over. Then they placed it right on Hitirus' chest. Draining the oxygen in his lungs.

"Wh - what am I..?" Hitirus' worn eyes looked up at his teacher. "You won't... an - answer... why..? Because you're afraid... of me..."

Crushing weight pressed him down, ready to liberate his soul. Yet he wasn't done. He refused to pass like this. Because he had already lived it.

His teacher watched as Hitirus struggled to push the stone off. Curiosity filled their being, luring them closer.

The stone thumped beside the teacher, catching them off guard. They collapsed onto the floor out of shock.

"I suffered for eighty-one years... but I will have... mercy..." Hitirus crawled on top of his teacher. He locked eyes with them. "Do you... see..? I am different... th - than you."

Hitirus struggled to pull the stone over, yet he found the surge of energy. His teacher watched, frozen by fear. He grasped at the instrument with both hands.

Before he pulled it up over their heads. With the look of a weary devil, Hitirus looked into the vast nothingness within his teacher.

"Prosper... in... Hell..." Hitirus concluded.

The stone came down like a diving Sky Beast. Crushing the teacher's skull and killing them instantly.

Unlike most other Virrwertsurs, this disciplinary teacher had the simple task of making sure Hitirus learned. And now was a testament to his improvement.

By their logic, he had learned. Thus the teacher lost all purpose, making it easy for their owners to safely discard them like trash.

Reality bent and shifted around Hitirus. Suddenly, he found himself within the chamber once again. The walls opened to reveal the butler standing outside.

"I can sense your improvements already," the butler commented.

"What the hell was that?" Hitirus breathed heavily. "I - I..."

"That was a different rendition of your childhood, extracted straight out of Omniton-Ock's archives," the butler explained. "Your past is certainly something, as is your darkest hours. However, you must see what the others are suffering through."

Hitirus slipped out of his chamber, looking right across the hall where Ether was. Together, the do observed Ether's nightmare taking place.