Granny unveil the secret

Lily and their grand mom conversation become short....Lily tried to act happy and stuff which obviously did not help her....

She couldn't stop thinking about what the envelope contained... She seek for more opportunities to get a look of the envelope and after so many unsuccessful attempt she succeed.... The envelope contained a letter which said

"Mother please take care of daughter Leyla I am entrusting this to you"

with love son

This makes me doubt my Granny even more..doubts started to pop out in my mind

Who is Leyla?Am I Leyla?Was I really adopted? No time for this I put the letter in the same place as before...and rush out of the room with doubts and tears. I was seen by granny and she asked me what happen? I didn't respond back and went to my room banging the door behind me and jump into the bed and cried badly....

My grandmom knocked the door(sounding worry) what happen lily?

I replied:Grandma I need some time alone

Grandma:OK dear..u know u can always share anything and everything I am outside if u need me..

lily could hear her grandma steps fading away.

As she cried the sky open up and rain she controlled herself and it didn't rain anymore but how long could she control herself tears just keep on rolling down...

Granny lost in thoughts and suddenly went and start knocking the door again

Lily:What is it grandma?

Granny:Lily can I talk to you for a minute just a minute...

lily:Granny I really need some time please don't be offended

Granny: I know why you are crying its high time I tell you the truth honey.....

As soon as lily heard that she opened the door the next moment they were sitting in the bed

Granny holds my hands and said please don't hate me

This sentence make lily more nervous

Lily:Go ahead( staring at her with curiosity)

Granny: u weren't adopted

lily listened silently

Granny:well you see your mother was just like you with super powers when your father and your mom met he didn't knew that she had powers and they were so in love....when your father found out your mom has supernatural powers he was shocked but since he loves your mom very much he just stayed with her...Your mom is still living but since your mom has to reincarnate every 40 years she might not know you anymore....

Lily: what about dad??

Granny:(sign of grief) He passed away and we put his corpse in the garden..."That is why I am always in the garden" exclaimed granny

Lily couldn't control her tears any longer she burst out crying and they both shed tears

Lily was emotionally, mentally and physically so broken

Lily asked :Where is my father grave??( her voice shake)

Her grandma walk silently and showed her the place where her father was buried.. Lily cried and was in shocked when she saw where her dad was placed