First breakfast with Luke!!

After filling my stomach I went to my room and get ready to sleep...I slept and it was indeed a great sleep...A knock on my door wake me up and I went to open the door and there stood a group of people one caught my eye He was tall and handsome ... I looked down and got to know his name he is Mark

We are the room service he told (probably he was their head)

Okay....I said

Then he told me that they came for room servicing.....

Okay sure go ahead...I responded

As they started working I went down to the restaurant and saw Luke eating his breakfast he looked so handsome with white T shirt and brown pants my heart skip a beat as I looked at him..

He waves his hand towards my side so I took a looked around to see if anyone was near me but since there was none I realised he was waving it to me..

Then he starts walking he was coming towards my side and here he reached and also invited me over for a breakfast together I hesitate at first but decided to join him

'U are up early ' he said

(I thought he was probably making fun of me because its already 8:30 in the morning)so I laugh

He laugh awkwardly and asked me what makes me laugh???

I thought you were making fun of the fact that I woke up late...

Late???he gazed at me!!!

ahhhhhhhh well forget about it lets enjoy the breakfast...alright???

Yeah let's do that...He raised his glass of wine well I raised my glass of cold drink(coz I don't drink wine) and we toss toss to our breakfast together....

As we were having the breakfast together he started a conversation

He asked me how long I was gonna stay???

I responded him that I'll leave by the evening most probably..

You don't like the stay here??he asked

No I told him and added(he stares at me)its great out here but I have some stuffs to do outside...

Oh he responded he looked disappointed by my answer....

It was a great stay indeed I told him....

I am happy u enjoy but we still have some times to do that sad farewell I guess he said that..

Yeah well true to that...By the way do the hotel always send the room service or is it only today ??? I questioned him

He looked confused and responded we didn't sent any room service!!!!