All kinds of magic(Optional chapter)

Gyro- Gravity

Haemo- Blood

Helio- Solar Energy

Hyalo- Glass

Ioni- Plasma

Inferno- Hellfire

Lutum- Clay

Melano- Ink

Necro- Death

Osteo- Bones

Oxy- Oxygen

Benzina- Gasses

Biblio- Books

Chromo- Colors

Cu- Copper

Papyro- Paper

Phobi- Fears/Phobias

Psychu- Spiritual Energy

Cogito- Thoughts

Crystallo- Crystals

Radio- Radiation

Argento- Silver

Amo- Love

Arthro- Joints

Astra- Astral Energy

Astero- Cosmic Energy

Sono- Soundwaves

Auro- Gold

Avari- Greed

Derma- Skin

Magneto- Magnetism

Spatio- Space

Io- Ions

Suna- Sand

Tephra- Ash

Flyro- Forcefields

Gene- DNA

Gluco- Sugar

Hakai- Destruction

Halo- Salt

Halluci- Illusions

Toxi- Poison

Electromaneto- Electro Magnetism

Typho- Smoke

Aggresio- Anger

Alco- Alcohal

Ferri- Iron

Konio- Dust

Logi- Logic

Megitho- Size

Noso- Disease

Nubi- Clouds

Odyno- Pain

Oleo- Oil

Oneiro- Dreams

Physi- Physics

Pulsa- Pulses

Seismo- Vibrations

Sympho- Music

Vitri- Mirrors

Volu- Insects

Twili- Twilight

Caetum- The Sky

Esso- Reality

Quantum- Quantum Energy

Summo - Summoning

Cthoni- Nether/Demonic Energy

Lusto - Lust

Cibum- Food

Uni - Universal

Imagi - Mythic/Unreal

Thermo- Heat

Carbo- Carbon

Draco- Draconic Energy

Depictu- Art

Figura- Shape

Ether- Aether Energy

Fungo- Fungi

Geronto- Age

Filu- Thread

Hygro- Vapor

Mento- Mental Energy

Mathe- Mathematics

Nano- Nanites

Nema- Cloth

Lea- Lead

Mnemo- Memories

Nixu- Pressure

Odi- Hatred

Mental – Thoughts

Onycho- Fingernails

Niti- Bubbles

Stanno- Tin

Palyno- Pollen

Palleta- Paint

Spero- Hope

Tribo- Friction

Thirio- Animals

Techno- Technology

Patho- Emotions

Geo-Thermal- Lava/Magma

Marrioneta- Puppets

Hypno- Sleep

Nebu - Nebulas

Psychro - Cold

Vita - Health

Tecto - Techtonic Plates

Myco - Mold

Picno - Density

Thanato - Death Force (death energy)

Nihili - Nothingness/Void

Cyber – Cyberspace