Military Camp

Its been 13 hours now since the Apocalypse started, electricity and water was still running. and Alice didn't do anything except sleep for atleast 5 hours now.

Its already 6 and the sun is already out of sigth, the surrounding was relatively quite if not for the occasional gunshots from the distance.

The smell of iron lingers in the air as a Yuri gritted his teeth, while his last open wound was being stitched close.

As the final thread was tied securely, the young woman took a scissor and cutting it cleanly.

She sighed in relief before stepping back, and wiping the sweat that accumulate in her forehead with her hands.

The young woman then used a few rolls of bandage and wrapped it around Yuri's torso, and left arm.

"There, all done!" the woman bellowed, with a clap of her hand.

Yuri turned his head and examined her handy work.

My wounds are warped neatly and most of all theres no blood leaking out, she made a fairly decent job.

"Thanks." Yuri said in a toneless voice.

The woman smiled


Yuri stand up and walk outside the bathroom and into the stove where he set his blooded t-shirt in fire.

"What are you doing?" the woman asked behind him.

"Human blood can attract those things," Yuri answered as he watch his burning t-shirt turn into ashes.

"Wh-what are those creatures?" she asked.

"Something that love killing human."

Yuri walk to his bag and took a new pair of t-shirt and wore it.

The young woman walk towards him.

"I heard from the radio, thats there's a military camp north from here."

Strange, in past the military abandoned this city and only evacuated all the people that manage to reach them in time which includes me, but why's is there military camp now?

"Are you sure about that information lady?" Yuro asked.

"Yes, one hundred percent! its just 2 miles from here, and the my name not lady, its Amelia."

"I see."

Yuri took his spear and checked its durability.


Makeshift Spear

Over all Melee power: 8

Slashing : 3

Trushing : 18

Bashing : 4

Durability: 18/50

Seeing this, he searched for his duck tape and tried to tighten the wiggly parts.

"If your planning to go in the camp, can you let me tag along with you ?" the woman asked.

Yuri thought that the woman did prove herself useful, so he thinks that there's no harm bringing her along.

"Yes, pack your things we're going now."

" "Amelia asked looking at him, eyes wide.

"Are you deaf?" Yuri bellowed.

"Of course not, but your wounds?"

"What about it?"

"Don't, you need to rest?" Amelia asked.

"Stop asking questions, we'll leave this place with or without you." Yuri said in a toneless voice, as he continues wrapping his makeshift spear with more duck tape.

Hearing what Yuri said, Amelia shut her mouth and begins packing her things hurriedly in the next room.

On the other hand Yuri checked his spear again.


Makeshift Spear

Over all Melee power: 11

Slashing : 5

Trushing : 26

Bashing : 4

Durability: 27/50

"Well It's better than nothing" he murmured.

Yuri pulled a jacket from his bag, put it in his shoulders then he walk to Alice and woke her up.

The young girl open her eyes shortly.

"Wh-what's, happening Brother?" Alice asked with a shakey voice.

"Nothing everything's fine,we just need to move somewhere."

"Those monsters-"

"They can't hurt you...when I'm around." Yuri interjected.


"Really!." Yuri smiled.


Alice stands up from the couch, and wore her pink backpack.

"Try calling mom for me."

Hearing this, the little girl took her phone out.

"There's no signal." Alice said, while showing her phone to Yuri.

It looks like the cellular towers are down already? this does not resembled what happened in the past.

At this moment Yuri, realized that he can't rely on his memory of the past anymore, his future plans was rendered useless.

So Instead of forcing to change something he can't change, he focus his attention to the things he has control to, so the only thing he can do is accept the fact that everything migth go wrong from now on.

"What now, will mom be safe?" Alice asked.

Yuri recovered from his trance after hearing his sister question

"Dont worry mom is safe, but we lets go now."

The truth is that even him was not sure if their mother was still alive rigth now, the only thing he can do was to make her sister believe their mom survived the whole ordeal.

Yuri carefully put on his bag, to avoid hurting his wounds. before grabbing Alice hands.

"Your arm." Alice asked while looking at his bandages arm.

"Its nothing." Yuri answered.

Yuri turned around.

"We're going now, are you staying here lady?" he bellowed.

"Wait!" Amelia answered.

She's slowly emerged from the room with four different bags.

Yuri face turned sour. before pointing at the bags

"What's all of that crap?"

Amelia look at him like he was a dumbass.

"My luggage?"

Yuri let go of Alice before walking towards her , he open one of the bags and saw a full set clothes.

He looked up and looked directly on to her eyes.

"You think, where going to a vacation?"

Yuri pulled it away from her hands. shoving it to a corner.

"Hey, i need that!"

Yuri opened the smallest bag. its full of cosmetics products, and a cellular phone.

"Make up, seriously?"

"A lady needs to look her best you know."

Yuri gaved her a bored look before yanking the whole bag from his hands.


He took the cellphone from the bag before kicking it aside. he then gave back the phone.

Looking at the other bag, he saw a first aid kits, a few medical supplies, and a preserved food.

"Your a doctor or something?" he asked.

"I'm a nursing students ."

Yuri nodded and didn't took the bag.

He then check the last bag.

"Wait don't open that one !" Amelia grabbed his hands.

Even though his wounded Yuri was a lot stronger than she was, so easily flicked her hands away, before opening the bag easily.

As Yuri peak inside he saw another set of clothing, but there's something else in the mix, something he didn't think that someone in their rigth mind would take in an apocalypse.

Yuri suddenly stop from his tracks, before slowly turning his head towards Amelia, with the look of disappointment written on his face.

Amelia cheeks turned red as a tomato, she then tried to hide her face by covering it with both of her hands.

"Brothers what's that?" Alice asked in curiosity .

"Don't look Alice!" Yuri jumped and covered his sisters eyes with his hands.