Archangels... they are what one may call the hands of a god. These magnificent beings shine as bright as their god and represent the greatest fidelity amongst all creations. A god will always have archangels by his/her side at all times. Yes, archangels are truly magnificent. Just like my Methero, no, my Methero is the greatest archangel there is. In strength and beauty (specially beauty) she has it all. Only that... she represents too much fidelity...
"My dear god..." Methero looked very gloomy. "Am I not enough..?"
"Could I be lacking?! Why must my dear god have to have another?!" Methero then turned her back and bit a handkerchief.
Oh, I should tell you. I am reading Methero's thoughts. She didn't speak those out loud.
"I agree with you my dear god, we should have more companions," this time, she said that out loud.
"A-ah... Thank you for understanding Methero," I scratched the back of my head as I let out a fake laugh. "Ahahahahahahaha....."
"By what kind of companions would you make my dear god? And how should they be done?" Methero asked a perfect question.
Indeed, what kind of archangels should I make? I cannot make them exactly like Methero or else my dimension is done for. No, even if I want to, I couldn't. Methero was by chance so it won't happen again. Maybe I'll need a catalyst this time, like making a creation from a certain element or legendary item. I heard certain gods did this method of creation; like that one god who made creations from his own flesh, or that one god who made his creations from earth or soil, or that one god who made creations from the blood of a god that he fought. Creation can be creative and unique, which would also classify the strengths and weaknesses of a creation.
"I have one recommendation my dear god," Methero spoke out.
"Hm.?! What is it Methero? Let me hear it..." I then prepared myself to listen.
"Thank you very much my dear god. I truly believe an hierarchy or rank should be required when classifying us archangels. This would make us respect one another and see who it is that should be followed amongst all of us. In other words, someone should be placed on top," she then gracefully pointed her hand to herself. "Like maybe placing me as the highest ranking archangel, a general rank perhaps..!"
"I see," indeed that does help. With that, I could also give them certain positions and responsibilities. "So you're saying, there should be certain positions that carry respective tasks?"
"Indeed my dear god!" Methero began wagging her hard scaled dragon tail.
"Hm! Indeed, with that, I could also base the creation depending on what positions are required. Thank you Methero. It is a truly splendid idea."
"Aah! By that they'll know their place and stay away from me and my dear god!" that was from Methero's readable mind I just read.
Well, the idea was great. Now I have a step to how I should create my archangels. But now, what certain positions with certain responsibilities should there be?
"I have suggestions my dear god," huh? I also forgot. Methero can hear my thoughts. That's how strong she is. "And is there something wrong with that my dear god?" A-ah nothing, let me hear your thoughts then Methero.
"First, we need someone who focuses on combat power, and will be the commander the entire future army. Packed with great leadership, he should be able to win wars throughout different worlds."
Aah, that would be great. But why would I go to war?
"Second, we need someone with great tactics in battle. He should possess a great mind to guide everyone else on correct decisions and serve as the head of operations. He should be able to foresee events based on the current situation and make plans properly without fail.
Ooh! The brainy one.
"Third, we need someone with the capability to sense the enemy from great distances, as well as predict enemy movement and plans. He should be able to pinpoint enemy location based on the terrain, weather, and other factors."
I could imagine him having a bow or something.
"Fourth, we need someone to have great magical capabilities that transcends time and space, even reality as it is. He should be the source of wisdom and guidance to all. He must also be able to understand the nature of existence of creations to avoid conflict within our people."
Like an elder or something.
"Fifth, we need someone with the mind, body, and soul, to train our units and shape them into fruitful warriors that can provide us victory. He should know how to asses every individual fighter we have and provide the right amount of training required to strengthen the warrior as much as possible."
Why do I feel like a conqueror of dimensions or something? And why are they all guys?..
"Well, I appreciate the idea Methero," I indeed need people like them, but only for defending this dimension. I have no plans to be a conqueror.
"Males are necessary because only men fits the roles perfectly, my dear god!" says a woman in position as general.
Indeed, Methero does have the aura of a conqueror's will. With her great capabilities, she could probably lead an entire army of archangels to victory. I truly am one lucky god.
Now for the catalyst of every archangel. Should I just make them through EP like Methero? That would make them completely random in strengths and weaknesses. Oh, I could script those with my authorization, but it won't have impact. Like it's better for a commander to be from might and power or something. Maybe from rock or tree... As always, creation is hard.
"To ensure victory my dear god, we should make all creations into men!"
Now that will be quite weird, or disturbing...
What should I do? Should I go to the godprint shop again to look for strong catalysts? Or should I just script them myself from EP? Methero's thought hard for those suggestions. I should refresh myself first. Maybe a bath would give me ideas...
Aah, I finally lay at ease inside my own little hot spring. Indeed, hot springs are the best, thus I made sure to have one made when I first made my castle. The warmth, made me give out a huge sigh as I dipped myself deeper. Now that I'm here, I should plan my next moves. I must ensure the safety of this dimension and Methero. But must all of them be guys? I know I'm trying to avoid temptation but... having them all men would surely give Rohmn a suspicious grin on his face.
I looked at the palm of my hand. Why don't I remember what I did, five hundred years ago..? Did I really just slept everything out of laziness? Does those five hundred years have a connection with why I'm bring targeted by those crimson beings? Arrkkh! I need answers! That's why I need to make archangels I could entrust the safety of my dimension for me to look for the answers I seek.
"My dear god? Is everything okay?" I heard Methero from a distance behind the doors of the hot spring entrance. "I felt the dimension shake a little..."
"Ah, I'm sorry Methero. I think I thought too much again," I do affect the current state of my dimension.
"No, no need to apologize my dear god. You're even free to destroy this entire dimension if you want to," Methero sounded excited.
"No I won't do that, absolutely no," I dip myself further with only my nose and above is on the surface when I heard Methero's thoughts again...
"I wonder how my dear god looks like without clothing..." M-methero sure does l-like to think random thoughts, ahahaha....
Oh, maybe I should ask advice from Rohmn and Almerra about how they made their archangels. I'm sure I might get an idea how. Or perhaps I should search the GodWeb for plenty of information. GodWeb is simply the internet in your world. So there is no much to talk about.
As I enjoy the bliss of being in the hot spring, I did not realize I slowly fell into slumber...
Suddenly, I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place. No, it's not that it's unfamiliar. It's changed. But surely I can say, this place is Godland. I looked up and there's that giant red mark on the dark red sky.
"My god," a voice suddenly spoke behind me. I looked back and saw that person again. "Please, you have to choose now..."
"Choose what?" I approached him, my mind so cloudy. "I don't know what's happening!! Tell me, what's going on?! Who are you?!?!"
The person, a boy or a girl, smiled gently at me while closing its eyes, "My god..." it then stretched out its hand to reach me. "I am... I am...!"
I gasped as I opened my eyes and the water from the spring splashed as I rose up from near drowning. Well, it's not like I'm going to drown at all. I took deep breathes as I desperately tried to remember what dream I just had. The shock from waking up, blurred it all over like a painting suddenly splattered in ink. All I could remember was... the giant red mark on the sky.
Today is a brand new day, is what I would like to think despite my world having no day and night. After a good long sleep after a nice warm bath made me this energetic and fresh. Now I can make more gems as possible! No, it's not about gems for now. It's time for me to create my new archangels.
At my side, Methero came as graceful as ever and lowered her head for a while. I then nodded at her and faced the vast open grass area and the infinite space beyond it. This here, is where a new creation shall be born!
"Gather!!" I raised both my hands in front of me while closing my eyes and focused all my attention on this creation.
I have decided to make them solely by EP just like Methero to not make them feel that different. As for their properties, I made Methero understand the importance of luck and random. I shall just give them the features Methero suggested last time.
As EP began gathering in front of me, the force of their gathering bursted and swayed our hair and clothing. The force kept waving at us in great strength and speed as EP continued to gather and fuse together.
"Being of strength and might, take form under my presence. I give you the right to exist and join me in suppressing the evil. Enlighten me with your very will and be my sword. Pierce the darkness! I command you to exist this very moment!" I then lifted up my hands and the gathered EP began to shine so bright and raised above the infinite nothingness. "Creation! Archangel!!!"
I remembered the situation I was in as I summoned Methero. I remembered my condition, the pain, the agony, I remembered it all. That way, this creation, will ensure me that it won't happen again. Now, rise my new creation, and live your full potential!!
All of a sudden, the EP began moving on its own. It expanded and expanded, it got out of control. It then began absorbing everything around it, from the soil to trees and rocks, it absorbed and converted them into EP for itself. Then the EP began clashing at each other, making sparks of light as it did. I barely managed to hold everything in as Methero too helped in balancing the form of EP. And then after a calm moment, it exploded and pushed the both of us a few distance away.
"Waah!!! What power!!" wh-wh-what did I made this time? Methero came and shielded me from whatever the being might be as the light gradually faded. Despite facing forward, I can tell her eyes looked very serious as she witnessed the being in front of us stand up.
It then drew out a sword, one of a kind... what in the world is that sword?! It looked more than ten times bigger than the wielder itself. It got nearly buried underneath as it was pierced on the ground. Then, there stood a tall man in a light black armor, his sword as black, and his hair too. His huge cape subsided as the force slowly vanished with the light. He opened his thin pupil eyes and smirked at us like a wild beast.
Methero stepped forward and opened her wide wings, "State your purpose, to what reason do you exist?!"
The man then jumped up his gigantic sword and sat down on it, "Isn't it obvious?!" His voice sounded so light yet fierce. "To wield this gigantic thing for my creator..."
"Very well," Methero then approached me and bowed. "I believe the creation is a success, my dear god."
"I see, that's good then," I gave out a huge sigh in relief as I looked at the half smiling being looking at me. "I guess I should name him now."
"Indeed, it is for the best that he be named, my dear god," Methero lifted up her face.
"Well then," I walked towards my new creation with my head held high. As I came closer, I could sense the feeling of war emanating from his eyes. "My creation, come before me..!"
As he was told, he then jumped down his gigantic sword and came to me.
"Now you shall be named," the problem is... I haven't thought of one. I just thought it might just pop out the moment the creation would appear. He just stood there, waiting while staring at me with his sharp thin pupil eyes while smiling. "Ermm... You shall be named..." I then blurted out the very first thing that came to mind. "Arrhias..!"
By that, something like lightning came down to him. He closed his eyes as his black hair waved from the force of impact. By the time it calmed down, he knelt down on his right knee and said, "I shall be your sword and your shield. As long as I am around, no creature of low mind would dare breathe the same air around you, my creator! Or they shall feel the wrath of my sword!!"
Man, I like this dude. I can sense from him such great strength and power. He's sure to be reliable for sure. Now, come at me you crimson beings or whatever. My archangels shall destroy you all!
"One thing creator," he suddenly spoke as he looked at me while smiling his half smile. "You're quite small..."