Chapter 6

Chapter 6

--Primary school start--

[ Mom, Dad good morning ] I who have just finished washing my face came into kitchen + dining room greeted my parents

[ morning, wait a little bit breakfast almost ready ] mother replied from the kitchen

[ morning ] father continue then he take some kind of black bracelet and he wear it to my left wrist

[ Dad? What is this? ]

[ ohh right we never told you about it ]

[ this bracelet is for buying things in other word it's a pocket money ]

[ pocket money? ] I've still confused with his words

[ here, look over here ] father touched the bracelet at that time some kind of light like hologram appeared above the bracelet, there's 100 W written on it.

[ woah!! ] I can't help but surprised seeing this

[ haha, very cool isn't it, this is electric currency, from now on there will be a time you need to buy things for yourself so Lex should learn this, what you need to do when you want pay money let them to scan the bracelet and a hologram like just now will show up which show YES and NO, touch YES to pay and touch NO to cancel, right this is important you can only scan the bracelet when Lex wearing it, if Lex not wearing it or Others wearing it can't be scanned remember this ] then father too showed me his bracelet in his wrist

[ you can use your pocket money but you can't splurge on it okay ] Mother added while bringing breakfast to the table and I still dumbfounded looking at this high tech technology

What happened!? Isn't this too high-tech!? So it's a different world? Or maybe technology really advance this much in these past few years!? Unbelievable

[ everyone have this kind of bracelet? ] I asked

[ yeah, otherwise how they pay the money? ]

[ Even the poor one? no more hard money?]

[ huh? Yeah everything using electric currency now ] father strangely answering my question


[ no, I'm found in internet that we're using hard money before like dollar, yen, won or others ]

[ oh! Lex right about it but we're start changing into world currency now, W is for world currency, in the last few years world bank has been built and now have cooperated with banks in the whole world even the smallest transaction done through the world bank ]

[ look here ] father pulled out some kind of like ruler with length of a pen, another hologram from that things and father start tweaking with it

[ now then look at your bracelet again ] following his word I look at my bracelet when I touched the surface the hologram which have disappeared come back once again with 110 W written on it

[ wooooooow! ] this really shocking news for me

[ ahaha awesome right? ]

[ un! ] I strongly agree

[ what cool about that ] mother complained hearing our conversation

[ nonono, this is what they called man's romance . every man like robot right ] father asked for my agreement

[ that's right ] I immediately agree

[ haa~ ] mother sighed exasperatedly

[ quick, eat your breakfast ]

[ right dad, can you show it to me again, this time you can try to transfer about 100 to 200 W ] I said innocently

[ ahaha aren't you a genius ]

[ ehehe ] I'm embarrassed because father immediately found out my objective

[ but no! ]

[ boo, well it's ok there's nothing I wanted too ] then we started our breakfast happily as a family


[ I'm going now ] after changing to my primary school uniform, it's like a white and gray suit aren't this too cool for primary school?

[ are you really okay alone? ] mother asked again worriedly

[ un! I'm going with Kate and Aunt Layla it's ok ]

Layla has prepared a car and driver for us three to go to school

[ sorry always bothering you guys ] mother said to Layla

[ what are you talking about! We're going to the same place anyway, I know your busy with your own work and can't come, it just I have free time for today and I saw Lex as my son too so gratitude is not needed ] Layla sternly replied

[ yeah you're right, thanks ] mother smiled talking with Layla

[ Lex look! ] she showed me her wrist Kate whose wearing primary school uniform it's white and gray too for girls they needed to wear a red ribbon and a skirt, her cuteness sky rocketed with this school uniform

[ ohh, you got a cute color ] her bracelet have a red and pink color rather than black like me, i replied showing her my bracelet

[ ehehe, we're matched ] she said gleefully

( yeah, we're matched with everyone in the whole world ) I hold back my remark

[ you're right we're matched ]


Whaaaaaat theee F**K!! I can't help it when I saw it, this First Primary School even bigger than my old high school, as expected from school for rich kid, hmm me too a rich kid now? I did not expect my parents to be so rich I thought our financial is not that great cause mother tablet is the old type like the one in my old world but what father using is the high-tech one okay let's ask about it later

Other than us many car came inside the primary school every car was expensive foreign car. Isn't this too much for a primary school what elite school is this!!??

Ohh, I calm down when I saw a few student walking to school

[ what do you think? ] inside the car Layla asked our impression

[ so many people! ] Kate answer who rarely go out of her house

[ haha, Kate will have many many friends here ]

[ un!! ] Kate replied

[ what about Lex ? ] Layla continue

[ um..unbelievable? ]

[ hehe, why a question mark ? ]

[ no, I didn't know that my parents was this rich ]

[ as always Lex look very mature ]

Ah! Another mistake

[ but it's ok, this school look very expensive but it's not very expensive you know, and you parents financial too, much above the average houses they just don't bother to tell you as Lex never wanted anything from them, Misa always complained to me you know that Lex cannot be spoiled ] Layla put her finger on my forehead

Nonono why you grumbled that to me, and isn't spoiled child the worst one? Did I do It wrong?

After finishing a small procedure our primary school started they have two class for grade 1 Layla has gone back home she said she will pick us up when school finished, till this point I finally understand why Layla said this school is inexpensive, the class divided into two class with class 1 is for those very rich billionaire houses, that's where Kate class is, while Class 2 is for those more average one and where I is

Hmm…., so those who's walking to school maybe from this type of class, ok let's forget all those unnecessary things, my challenge started from this point forwards

Harem here I come!!

Kate reluctantly separated from me into her class 1, while I came into class two there's about 20 or more child inside as I expected, unexpectedly their interior is much more simpler than I thought, it is an ordinary like class except for the high tech tablet like on each table and board made from high tech tablet.


[ Alice? ] I called a girl with auburn hair and brown eyes who I recognize

[ ah! Lex long time no see ] she immediately replied after recognizing me who called her , yeah the first time I seen her in kindergarten she was one of our group, then I take a sit beside her seat in the middle

Alice is a cheerful girl who liked to prank others, it's like she have an overflowing energy within her, then the atmosphere is always happy and fun with Alice in the center, and of course she always fail to prank me , haha ​​there's no way I got pranked by a kindergarten

[ hello ] I greet Alice and her friend with a big handsome smile, hahaha take that!

[ he, hello ] Alice's friend replied to me bashfully, she like a cornered pet so cute!!

[ Lex! This is Claudia we've become friend just now she sit in front of me ]

[ and Dia this is Lex we've become friend last year ] Alice too introduce me to Claudia

[ D,Dia!? ] Claudia shocked looking at her new friend or acquaintance who she met just now, looks like her nickname was something Alice made on the spot.

[ haha, as always Alice, Claudia right? nice to meet you ]

[ ah! Nice to meet you ]

[ it's ok Alice always like that except you have a short name like me Lex or Kate she will make you a nickname to shorten your name ]

[ oh-un! ]

[ sorry, you didn't like it? I can tell her to stop it if you did not like it ]

[ ah no don't it's just my first time someone other my parents make me a nickname so… ]

[ then can I call you Dia too? ]

[ Eh!? ]

[ I can't? ]

[ aa no you can ]

[ ok Dia, you can call me Lex too ]

[ L, Lex ] she tried to call my name her face already red to her ears

[ Wow, you too adorable Dia!! ]

[ huh? ] Dia and Alice may not as cute as Kate, but they both still a much better than others, if Kate about Grade A++ those two in the grade A and A+

[ hey!? You two have been ignoring me ever since ]

[ oh right you're right Alice you are here too, sorry I forgot ] I teased

[ Grrrr, just you wait Lex I will succed, now I have another year to make you succumb to me ]

[ haha, try it if you can!, you still 100 years too young to beat me! ] I smugly look down on Alice

[ Hmph, we will see who have the last laugh at the end ]

[ pfft, ahahaha ] Dia started laughing seeing our very serious conversation

Like that my first day in primary school ended spectacularly