32. Crimson Eagle Training Camp (3)

32. Crimson Eagle Training Camp (3)

Two months passed since Lex started training with the Crimson Eagle, Human is an adaptable creature by this time all of the trainees has used to Crimson Eagle strict training.

Today is the rest day for all trainees, even on the rest day the trainees were not allowed to get out of the facility, they can't connect with the outside world, they can't use internet too, so the rest day actually a boring day

Crimson Eagle prepared some kind of table top game, books, balls, and others for everyone to use which can be borrowed from the library, any kind of entertainment activity without any advanced technology to relief the trainees stress and boring day

From Lex past in the primary school, it may be nothing unusual for Lex to be popular on this place too, but the reality is different, unlike on the primary school on this training camp, Lex was a lone wolf, the only one he can I am a friend in this place was only his roommate Max

They became a best buddy almost like a pair of Gay, when you found Lex you found Max, when you found Max you found Lex, but today for the first time after two months, Lex was alone eating his lunch on the cafeteria he eat his lunch on solitude

(it's not like I wanted to be alone like this all the time, but the circumstances pushed me into this situation)

(while I don't care about boys like Max which lived on the same room, whether I want it or not, we've met every day and, in friendly conversation everyday too, while the others if they want to talk to me I won't reject them, but I won't go look for them too)

(while the girls…. Arggghh!! Thinking about it makes me angry again!!)

(I'm a long haired girl believer, a fanatic you can call me whatever you want but I won't deceive myself I like long hair, no you can even say I love long haired girl!! Even if I recently have been corrupted and started to like short hair too but there's a LIMIT!!)

(what I meant short hair here, at least it touched their necks, but the girl in this training camp…!? Has done unforgivable deeds! How can they cut their hair so short like a boy hairstyle… that's a blasphemy!!, I know they all want so their hair not bothering their training, but in that case you all didn't need to cut it that short!!! Or you can just tie a ponytail hairstyle!! they all are heretics… yea HERETICS!!! )

(I won't forgive them!! No matter what!!!)

And of course Lex wouldn't dare to speak his speech in reality, all of that only spoken in his mind alone, that's why Lex did not approach most of the girls on this training camp, him not close to anybody.

After his lunch Lex went back to his room


On his way back Lex found something shiny, flickering the sunlight beside the road to his room

(hmm?) his curiosity take him to approach the shiny thing

(a pendant?) when he saw the thing identity (somehow I felt like I seen this before, but where…)

Then Lex picked up the silver pendant, it was a pendant which can be opened and save a small picture inside it, Lex quickly opened the pendant

He saw a picture of small boy between three to four years-old, then on the other side there's name carved on it "Max Quintonella" he read the text out

"This is why it feels familiar huh…"

(this must be Max's Pendant, but… Quintonella? If I don't get it wrong his last name is Azela, is that a fake?)

"maa, let's just ask him directly" Lex muttered and back to his room


Inside the room, the pendant owner Max sit on his desk while grinning by himself, he sometime let out a laugh, sometime he got embarrassed, his face sometime flushed up red, sometime guilty feeling strike him for imaging something indecent. Sometime he got self-disgust, and many others

Lex who just came back and seen his roommate situation

"you still going on with that!?" he said exasperated by Max's conduct, this is the reason for the first time they did not go to lunch together,

Max at first was the worst one on this group or maybe from all the trainees here he was the worst of it, that's why like Lex he did not have any other friend beside Lex, no one wanted to befriend a dropout

But that's just the beginning, with a better diet and exercise Max quickly recover his body, form the less nutritious to well nutritious, from scrawny body to buffed body, the unhealthy boy become a healthy boy, he got a good personality too, even if he has a bit lacking on the education

He still a good guy, his face too not bad by itself, of course it can't be compared with Lex, but at least it was decent. Good personality, decent face, a bit stupid but makes him cuter, stupid in the means of knowledge he still got a good instinct or he won't pass the test on the ship

A bit imperfect what's makes it perfect, that flaw makes it easier to become closer with Max, he looks more to earth to the one who wanted to get closer to him

Because it's hard to get closer to someone who looks perfect, just by trying to get closer to them, it unavoidable for them to realize their own imperfections when approaching those who perfect, and this another reason it became harder to approach Lex

Lex went and sit beside Max

"288" Once Lex muttered a number.

"….!?" Max who's been swimming on his own imagination, jolted awake

"w-w-what do you mean!?" he was shaken to his core, his eyes swimming around the room avoiding Lex eye contact

"if I'm not wrong her name is Mashiro, ahaha spring has come to our Max huh… how cute"

"N-No!! w-what n-nonsense!!"

"you're stuttering there" Lex replied with a grin in his face

"Ugghhh..!!" Max groaned ('aaa~~, how can Lex found it out?! I've never told anyone about this!?) he thought before he stared back at Lex, this time Max given up to misdirect Lex and become honest "is it that's obvious?"


"~~~~!!" Max got embarrassed again "uuu…, how do you know-"

"how do I know it's Mashiro?" Lex cut down Max's down "it's easy!" he said with a grin "I knew exactly when you started to become like this" what Lex mean is when Max's grinning laughing alone like crazy

"it was right after the race" when Lex said this, like it was struck by lightning Max's body jolt once again

It was common occurrence in this training camp to have a race, this is to check the trainee growth at the same time to stimulate them to compete with each other augmented their growth rate.

Of course Lex get the first place easily, but Max who's started from the last place have started to compete in the middle, and this time just by coincidence Max and Mashiro compete at their finish line.

At the end Max still loses to Mashiro, but right after passing the finish line, Max who got dejected losing the race approached by Mashiro.

"it was a good race!" Mashiro said as she gave her hand to Max for a handshake

"thanks" this is the first time for Max to get recognized by others since he came to this training camp "I won't lose next time" he said

"I know, It's okay I won't lose to you next time too" She flashed a bright smile, it like the born of rivalry between the two of them, after that Mashiro back to her circle of friend, but Max… got down by the sneak attack of Mashiro smile. Since that time Max became this strange,

Is Mashiro beautiful? Rather than beautiful she was more of Cute type of girl with overflowing energy, it can't be compared to Kate or Mio, but her face was decent, when you see her she always happy, no one has ever seen her being depressed, Mashiro was that kind of girl

When Lex finished his explanation to Max, Max can only keep his silence because what Lex said has been right to the T, there's nothing to refute at Max has been seen like an open book in front of Lex

"maa, Mashiro is a good girl, go for it!!"

(at least her hair still reached her neck)

That's right! Lex measure of good girl was only because Mashiro didn't cut her hair too short, as long she got a beautiful hair, it was a good girl for Lex!!

"~~~!!" while Max only got more embarrassed by encouraged by Lex, he quickly ran away from the room

"aa~~" Lex sighed "I once like that too before"