91. School (4)

91. School (4)

Looking at the flustered girl who tried her best to say thank you in front of him

Lex felt like he saw 'Mission Complete' animation right in front of his sight.

(Kukuhahaha, as expected, male lead on shoujo manga was strong!!)

(I can't expect I succeeded on my first try)

(Still, are all girls fine showing their body to a stranger as long as the other party is handsome?)

Lex felt he overdid it when he tried to button her uniform before. Still, unexpectedly the girl didn't make a fuss about it.

(Is this face the reason for it? Is it that charming? ... I can't understand, girls)


"You don't have to bite that hard..." Lex looked at the bite mark on his left hand before turning his head at the girl clearly pouting in front of him.

"Come on. It's delicious" Lex brought a bite-size cake in front of the girl. Still, the girl rejected by turning her head away from Lex.

How did that happen? It started a few minutes earlier

"You're going to pay me with your body anyway," Lex declared. It stunned the girl who just thought that Lex was a good guy, someone who had saved her. Her hero

The next thing the girl realized was that Lex had grabbed her hand. When she looked at his perverted smile, she tried to run away at once. But it was too late. She tried to make a fuss and call for help it failed as well.

Lex had predicted her move "are you sure making a fuss? Do you want to call those girls back?" But, once he said that, the girl's desire diminished in an instant. Just remembering how they bullied her in the past breaks her heart.

"And can you even do that? To the one who saved you just now?" Lex shamelessly cornered her.

In the end, the girl can't do anything to go against Lex. She can't scream. She can't overpower him.

('Nooo!!') she screamed, imagining the worst situation. She bit his hand as an act to resist that it almost bleed... No, it's already bleeding, but Lex didn't show any sign of releasing her at all.

Once again, she is helpless with the situation can only be taken by Lex to who knows where.

Lex and the girl sat face to face with a small tea table in between them. They now were in the cafe specialized in sweets like ice cream and cakes. It was beautifully decorated to attract women of any range of ages, making it harder for men to enter the cafe.

"Come on, cheer up and eat sweet things" Lex pretended he didn't have anything to do with her situation and shamelessly tried to butter up the sulking girl. But to no avail, nothing works.

Still, this situation makes him think.

(Just how this girl can get bullied like that. Looking at how her personality right now. It's unthinkable she didn't fight back the bullies) Lex once again looked at the bite mark on his hand

She bit him all the way till they arrived at the cafe (she didn't give up even when I acted like I didn't hurt at all)

The girl's face immediately reddened when Lex mentioned how she misunderstood Lex.

(Well, she wasn't misunderstood, but I purposefully mislead her but... Damn, this girl is really cute!)

(It ticked my sadistic side to keep teasing her)

Then, Lex half stood from his seat brought his head beside hers. He was whispering to her softly.

"Where do you think I would bring you to?"


"Wha!!" The girl was stunned and wanted to immediately refute the bad person in front of her. "I'm not - mnn!?" Her mouth was blocked

Lex shoved the bite-size piece of cake into her mouth. Still, the girl didn't puke out the cake. It even felt like the girl's face glowing a bit because of the delicious cake.

(All women like sweets!) "Delicious?" Lex said with a cheeky smile

The girl snapped out and immediately wore back her poker face imperfectly because she couldn't control her sulking mood.

( Cute~)

"Here's another, aaa~" Lex quickly got addicted, feeding the cute girl. And like before, the girl turned her head away. Her expression said like she declared, 'i will never do that again.'

Lex smiled even wider by her small resistance. It really ticked his sadistic side!

"Hmn~ so it's a magic door~ it needed a magic word to open it~."

The girl just realized what situation she had just brought to herself, and she immediately bit off the piece of cake from Lex's hand.

As he watched her reaction, Lex let out small laughter. "Hehe," he was unable to hold it anymore ( Argh! It's too adorable!!)


(This action makes me remember about Mio... I wonder what is she doing now?... What about her circumstance... I hope I still have time and she won't break before it...Furuhashi house...) Lex thought wondered while he stared at the restroom door at the back of the store where the girl had escaped to

(Anyway, it looks like it won't be the last time I met this girl)

At first, Lex found this cafe when he went to school. But, even with his shameless personality, he couldn't easily go inside alone as a guy.

Of course, he couldn't invite Maya too (she is my sister. To act like a couple for the couple set was imaginable. I don't want our relationship to become awkward)

(Ella was perfect for this. But actually, I didn't know what to do with her. Her affection toward me was unexplainable) if it was Kate, who acted like Ella. Lex can understand as he spent all his childhood with her but Ella (i only act like a typical good brother for her... Maybe a bit more. But it still far too less for her affection to reach this point)

(That's why... I can't do anything till I understand more about her and acting as a couple was impossible too)

(on the other hand, Kate doesn't even know that I'm here)

It was just a coincidence he found the bullied girl.

Lex helped her, and she accompanied him to this cafe. It should be Lex's first and last meeting with the girl, but...

(I teased her too much) Lex once again glanced at the restroom's door. The girl still won't come out. (I don't mind helping her a bit more) Lex thought.


('Why is this happening to me?') The girl stared toward her own reflection in the mirror. She was too flustered and embarrassed before she ran and escaped to the toilet. there's only a slight redness left in her face, but once she calmed down now, she couldn't help to berate herself

(I must be crazy…)

(it's been a long time since I felt like this… that's must be the reason… this feeling of freedom…) The girl was bullied at the school. She can't fight back nor escape from the bullies, or her surrounding will be the ones who suffered, and she didn't want that. That's why the only thing she could do was to endure.

She felt her body tremble each time she steps into the school. And her every step after that was so heavy that she was afraid. If only once she runs away from that situation. she won't come back anymore.

On the other side, she can't let her parents know about the bullying at home. She had to keep this painful secret from them from her parents… her family. It brought another pressure from a different angle to her.

(Only for this small frame of time… I felt secure and safe… like I didn't' have to think anything and be free… which I don't understand why I could feel like this… that guy was obviously bad. It's abnormal for me to feel like this still. I got a feeling that he would never hurt me…)

(But why? It's because of the opposite sex? Will I feel like this to every opposite sex?) The last time the girl made direct contact with the opposite sex of her age for more than just a few talks was when she was in elementary school.

How? Is it because the girl afraid of the opposite sex… a boy? No. it was the opposite because of her best friend. The opposite sex was too scared to approach them.

(The last opposite sex my age that I close to was…. Lex. )

(But no! they're different! Lex was warm and gentle. But, on the other hand, that guy was a jerk! A bad person! …..) She tried to refute it… still on the inside, she realized they both gave her a similar comfortable feeling.

"Suu has Suuuu Haaaaa" The girl took another deep breath to calm herself again.


The girl slapped her own cheeks. She didn't understand many things, but there were things that she understood too.

(Snapped out of it, Alice!! you knew that jerk was only having fun with you) Alice knew that guy [Lex] gave a vibe that he would disappear at any moment

(Remember Alice…The moment you got used to this feeling was the time you would be broken beyond repair)

(like how hope can amplify despair multiple times. The sweeter these times are, the bitter and unbearable the latter will be. It's time to wake up to my bitter reality…) with determination in her eyes. she made a plan to end the farce right here and now. Then Alice came out to face the bad guy again. Unknown to Alice that her plan was fated to fail before its creation.


The moment Alice saw Lex, she found herself dazed a bit. It's because she felt that the bad guy seemed different from before she went into the restroom. Usually, it's absurd to think a stranger appears different when you don't even know him yet. But Alice just can't connect the impression he gave before and now together.

Alice quickly and shortly shakes her head to regain herself and sits back in her seat ('I can do this). She thought to move according to her plan. But it was destroyed before it even started.

Before Alice can say anything, the Bad guy in front of her made the first move, unlike his last perverted flashy boy behavior. Alice felt like she was facing a mature adult right now.

"So, why didn't you fight back?" his question froze Alice.

It was an unexpected question. Alice thought he wouldn't care about her circumstances and situation that he wouldn't involve himself with her. Her brain couldn't help but short-circuit because of that. But, at the same time, it made Alice remember the first time she tried to fight back. And how they threatened her and how she became more miserable.

Lex stared at the cute girl with a lack of response to his question. (This won't work. I need to change the way I approach this) he thought, "you didn't need to answer me," Lex added, which made Alice react and stop her head which slowly lowered down.

"Let me guess it instead," Lex added. He could see how the girl's body tensed and how her eyes quickly clouded by his words how she didn't want him to say anything.

Lex ignored all Alice's unconscious actions, and he presented her his guess "it wasn't because they had your weakness or blackmailing you. It's more like you're trying to protect something or someone who you cherished."

Alice's pupils widened up when she heard it, but she still kept her silence.

And Lex continued, he wasn't bothered with Alice's lack of reply. Instead, he continued as if he got her confirmation, "Friend? or family?"

"So, it's family… your parents?"

"For children of our ages to be able to endanger your parent… they're relative must be someone with more power than your parents…." Lex keeps analyzing the cute girl's situation bit by bit.

"H, how!?" and finally Alice replied it was the same as she acknowledged what he said, but she just couldn't hold it anymore because what the bad guy guessed was correct. She felt the piece of ice where she keeps herself afloat was scraped bit by bit by each of the bad guy words and analyses. But her words were ignored by the bad guy.

Alice knew it wasn't her place to complain after she kept her silence, but she couldn't control herself anymore


Alice slammed the table. "Shut up!!" she was angry, but she was more afraid than angry. ('how did he know it? Who else knows it? how much he knew and how many people who knew?')

Then, Lex finally stopped. He flashed a comforting smile like before and said, "calm down, I'll tell you" Then Lex went to apologize to the other customers.

Usually, with her personality, Alice would go to apologize too. But her mind was too occupied with how the bad guy got her information. Alice felt like she was now dashing toward her breaking point.

After a while, the bad guy back. She was looking at his aura. Which backs like the first time they met, even with her anxious mind, Alice can't help but think (was this bad guy have a split-personality) she wondered when she felt his aura.

Lex more or less understood her reaction. Still, he won't especially touch it, at least until he finishes what he needs to do. He started to explain how he knew it.

"it's all a guess from me," Lex said, which made the cute girl glare at him as if she wanted to chop his head this instant.

That reaction made Lex chuckle a bit "have you ever heard of face reading?" the girl was fell into a daze in the next second.

Face-reading and lip-reading were a few of many techniques for a Scout to gather information, and Lex could do it.

Finally, realizing the source. Alice was like a burnout candle. She felt a massive amount of energy just leave her body, and her body plopped to her seat. She didn't know whether to be happy that no one else knew except the bad guy in front of her or be mad and sad at herself that her expression told the bad guy everything.

After that, Lex asked the cute girl a few more times which the cute girl replied truthfully with a lowered head.

Alice has given up. She knew there was nothing she could do to hide it or get away from the bad guy. that she was dancing on top of his palm all this time. The moment this bad guy saved her was the end for her. she finally realized it.

"Lend me your phone," Lex asked. And without thinking, the cute girl gave her phone (did I overdid it?) Lex thought after seeing the cute girl obediently following everything he said

(I'm sorry… no, I can't apologize. But, this was the best way to make her explain her circumstances to a stranger like me… I'll make it up…)

"Are you okay will this?" Lex knew the cute girl wasn't a meek girl. that's also the reason he dared to use this method

"Being oppressed and bullied all the time, is that what you wanted?" he saw the cute girl's body twitched when he said that. which also brings a smile to Lex's face

"Are you a masochist? Your parents must be sad if they knew their daughter was a pervert" after he said that, Lex ended up on the other side of the cute girl's glare once again. If glare can kill people, Lex would have immeasurable times of death by now.

Alice screamed on the inside ('I don't want to hear it from you the most!!!'). She wanted to tear this jerk apart pieces by pieces at any second still...

('even at this point, My Instinct still told me that he wouldn't hurt me at all, the comfortable and secure feeling still won't disappear') Alice thought. Then She saw the jerk pointing to her smartphone he borrowed just now.

She was reluctant, but she still followed him in the end, and what she saw was a new contact in her number "Shounen A" she read its name. Then, the jerk showed her his smartphone. It was a new contact too. it was her contact number but the name "Shoujo B?"

"it's up to you, whether you believe it or not, but I have more power than those bullies' parents," Lex said with confidence.

"see… you got the connection stronger than them now. So… what will you do next?" Lex offered out his hands with a big handsome smile on his face.

Alice unconsciously gulped when she heard the bad guy.

To Alice, it was like a Devil's hand clawed its way all the way to her and offered her a devil's contract.