100. Shall we start?

100. Shall we start?

"Hiks, it was…." Ella finally slowly opened her mouth "it was Big sister Kate!" Ella cried out.

"HUH!?" Lex frozen in place. This time Lex felt a basketball made out of steel flying at 100km/s straight to his head.

Before Lex could comprehend it…

"Ella was tied to a chair," Ella cried out.

"T, Tied!?" Lex stuttered. He was unable to keep calm anymore.

"Un!!" Ella nodded her head strongly, "and then… and then…uuu… big sis sat in front of Ella and on her hands... she brought… uwaaa" she cried even louder


Lex started to have goosebumps listening to her story. (What did she do!? What did she have?)

"Big sis sat and brought… PUDDINGS!"

"WHAT!?" Lex shouted in shock, then he realized something was wrong "… hm? Pudding? Kate brought you a pudding?"

"Un!" Ella gave another firm nod. "Big sis tied Ella! And she ate puddings in front of Ella!! And Big sis didn't share it with Ella! Not even a bite!!"

"Big sis enjoying cups of Pudding in front of tied Ella!!! Uwaaaa!!"

Lex was left speechless, only listening to Ella as he gently patted her back.

"And then!" Ella continued, "When it's the last bite, big sis would say this is the last one! Ella endured it! Ella really endured it! Watching big sis eat the last bite!!"

"but then… then… Big sis brought another cup of Pudding!! And Ella had to endure the same excoriating feeling again! And Big sis did the same thing when it's the last bite!! And… and… Ella also thinks big sis was lying. It wasn't the last cup. Ella believes big sis has another cup like that. Ella cheered herself."

"Yet!! Big sis leaves the room after that! Ella realized it was really the last Pudding and when Ella was depressed with my decision. Big sis comes with another cup of Pudding!! Repeating it again and again!! Uwaaa!!!!!" Ella finished her story.

Lex was able to calm down in between Ella retelling her story. He was able to assess the problem calmly, and one thing stuck in his mind.

"Why did Kate do all that?" Lex asked.

"It was when Ella was resting in the living room… Big sis suddenly called out with a trap!!" Ella explained

(Trap? Did Kate trap Ella to catch and tie her? but why?) Lex thought. He listened to Ella's every word very carefully so as not to miss any words.



[Me and Lex are going to the supermarket to buy Pudding? Do you want to come?] Big sis called out.

So, Ella unconsciously replied [Pudding!! Ella wants it too!! Let's go together!!]

[I see, so you knew he's back] Big sis said with a smile on her face!


"Scary! It was mommy's smile! Ella ran away but got caught and tortured," Ella said. Then he clung to Lex even harder. So strong that Lex was uncomfortable moving.

(…) Lex once again understands how bad Ella's craving for Pudding is. (If some unknown stranger gave her a lot of Pudding to follow him, she might just follow him!) Lex looked at the girl snuggling with him with worried eyes.

(Eh? Wait a minute!) Lex realized something amiss (Going with that story, the reason she was tortured…). Lex could feel a chill creeping on his back. Now that he calmed down, Lex became conscious of others in the dining room other than him and Ella.

The first person was Maya, who came back from opening the door. She didn't know how to react to seeing Ella's condition. But there is still another person besides the three.

Lex looked at the fourth person in the dining room. Her beautiful glossy blond long hair, Emerald-like green eyes, cute nose, and small face. The golden ratio of her body.

"Kate…" Lex called her name. He didn't know how to face her in this situation.

"Hello, Lex. It's been a long time, isn't it?" Kate replied with a smile. If a smile could save the world and make the world peace, that's the one!

However, Lex could only feel dread about it. "It is a long time, ha ha ha" He laughed awkwardly, trying to save his skin.

"Mm~ We could meet much faster than this. But some fool! Delaying the four-year-long reunion because of a stupid reason wanting to act cool! Stupid, isn't it? what do you think about it, Lex?" Kate replied

Lex instantly glared at the girl who was strongly hugging him. She was the only one who knew it besides himself. Ella immediately avoided his glare but still didn't release him.

(I'll settle it later) Lex thought before he faced Kate, "Wow! Isn't it too stupid! There are people like that!" Lex said, acting indifferent.

"I knew you agreed with me" Kate smiled even brighter "it's okay, I already caught the culprit. I will slowly carve it in his soul, so he didn't make any stupid move e-v-e-r a-g-a-i-n!!"

"Hiii!?" Lex instinctively yelped. "Haha, Kate, let's calm down first, okay," Lex said. Then he tried to move only to realize he couldn't move. Ella was holding him down.

"!? Ella released me now!! You didn't just betray me! You even helped the enemy to stab me!!" Lex shouted, but Ella didn't respond. He struggled but was useless. He couldn't move without hurting her!!

"Ella, quick! Release me! did you really think I wouldn't do the same thing as Kate!" Ella stared at Lex when she heard him. Lex felt like he got a speck of light in the middle of darkness seeing her reaction. Ella stared at Lex, then turned to Kate. She did it a few times. before… Ella held him even stronger!!

Lex gave up on Ella and turned to Kate. "Kate, calm down! Let's talk about this peacefully!"

"Mm-hm, we'll talk about this peacefully," Kate replied as she slowly walked to Lex.

"Then what is that chain in your hands for!? in the first place, where is it coming from!?"

"It is going to be veeeeeeery peaceful~" Kate said

"Wait! Stop! Don't come! Don't come closer! Wai- GYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"


"Uhh... kill me… somebody, please kill me~~."

"Just erase my existence from this world. I can't live anymore~~" Lex collapsed, white bubbles came out of his mouth, and his eyes lost their light. He spasmed on the floor after being released by Kate. He looked like someone who just got mind raped.


Pinned by Ella, Lex was easily caught by Kate. He was chained to the chair in his own room, just like how Ella described her situation before.

Kate prohibited Ella and Maya from entering the room. Maya had met Kate a few times now. She also knew about Lex's relationship with Kate from Ella. Lex also confirmed it, so she didn't say anything about it.

Kate sat in front of Lex. She stared at the chained Lex. Lex avoids her stare because he knows he was entirely at fault on this occasion.

"Shall we start?" Kate said, holding a black note in her hands.

"Erm… Kate… what is that book?" Lex asked. Lex didn't know what that black note was. However, he could feel the dread feeling oozing from that book. It wasn't something good!

"This?" Kate showed him the book. There's Lex's name written on top. Then Kate grinned at Lex. "It's one of my precious treasures" if someone from the school were to see her expression right now, they might not believe that she was the same Prez they always admired. Kate's happy face was like a child getting a new toy."

"Erm… Kate… somehow, I feel that book is related to me…, and I'm afraid of what's written inside" Lex said he could feel the chill on his back. His entire body had goosebumps.

"Silly~, of course, it's related to you, or it wouldn't be a punishment. I will make SURE you won't do the same thing again in the future~" Kate opened the black note.

"Erm… Kate… I promised I won't do it—" before Lex could finish talking.

"Let's start from Elementary school…." Kate had already started to read the book.

"From Lex to Alice. XX Month XX Day."

(??) Lex was confused at first when he listened to her.

"Alice accidentally broke the vase in the classroom, and the hero Lex comes to the rescue." Kate continued, "But, the hero Lex was slightly careless and hurt himself in the middle…."

Lex started to see that Kate was talking about his past. He wonders what Kate's intention in telling him this. At the same time, he also began to remember that scene.

"The hero Lex who got hurt, was told by the teacher to visit the infirmary by the school. And Alice, who felt guilty about Lex getting hurt, volunteered to accompany the hero Lex to the infirmary…."

Lex's face was already white as a sheet. Finally, he realized what Kate was trying to do. "Kate, I'm sorry! Stop it!!!" he cried for help.

Kate leered at Lex for a moment before focusing on the black note again. "On the way, Alice cried. She apologized to Hero Lex. She told him it was her fault that the hero got hurt. Then, the hero replied…."

"NOOOOO~~ STOOOPPP!!" Lex screamed, but Kate still continued reading it. "GYAAAAA~~~" his voice echoed like a background song behind Kate's story.

"With just this little scar, I can protect the smile of a pretty girl like you. This scar is a medal of honor for a man like me! So don't mind it. instead, I'm happy about this!!" Kate finished as she closed the black note.

Kate saw Lex as if the soul had been sucked out from it. His eyes were dull, his limp body chained on the chair. Kate smiled after getting the desired result, then… she opened the black note again.

Lex's body immediately restored when he saw Kate's action "it can't be!" he let out a shocked voice. "Kate~! I'm very very very sorry!! Forgive me!! Please stop it!" he begged her.

"From Lex to Claudia, XX Month XX Day" Kate ignored him.



"GYAAAAAAAAAA~~~" Lex's scream echoed the whole night.


At Midnight.

Kate and Ella left leaving a message for Lex to visit them. Maya was also back in her room, retired for the day.

The slightly recovered Lex was alone on the balcony staring at the night sky.

"Now that Kate has calmed down... it's time for me to face another reality…." Lex talked to himself. He remembered his time with Shoujo B. and how he acted in front of her.

"Argghhh!! Who told you to act like that!" His inner self argued with each other. "I thought I won't see her again!"

"Idiot me!! How can I face Alice next time!!"

"What should I do about her!!?"

To be continue


Short story.

Ella found herself locked in a slightly lit small room and tied to a chair once again. She looked around and found she was alone in the room.

She remembered her experience being tortured by Kate. It made her have a goosebump all around her body.


The door opened. Ella felt her body tremble instinctively. From the darkness, she saw someone approaching her…

She saw Lex approach her and sit in front of her. "I told you, yes? I would do the same" Lex brought a cup of Pudding in his hands.

Ella looked at Lex like a puppy abandoned on the side road. "Uuu~ Brother, forgive me~~" She cried before Lex could do anything.

Lex felt he did something really wrong, but he persisted, "No!" he enjoyed his cup of Pudding with Ella asking for forgiveness.

He enjoyed it till half when he realized Ella was not making any sound. He peeked at her and saw…

Ella was crying without a sound as she stared at him. when Ella saw Lex looking at her. She said, "Uuuu~ It's Ella's fault. It's okay. Ella knew Ella deserved this" she lowered her head dejectedly


Lex felt his heart was hit by a boulder! He tried to hold on the best he could, but… he failed.

"Aaa~" He brought a spoon of Pudding close to Ella's lips.

Ella looked at him and didn't open her mouth. She shook her head "it's Ella's fault" she rejected it.

"It's okay. I'm not angry anymore," Lex comforted her.

"But—!" Ella tried to give another reason when Lex shoved the spoon into her mouth. At first, She pouted in protest at Lex. But then, "Nnn~" she squealed.

Lex felt relieved seeing the smile on Ella's face. (Yea, it fits her more like this) Lex thought.

(Hehe~ as expected. Big sis is scarier than big bro! I didn't choose the wrong side!!) without knowing what Ella was thinking about at that time.