103. You can leave!!"

(A/N: I'm sorry I made a big mistake in the last chapter~~)

103. You can leave!!"

"Alright, Vermilion Tenth executive's first staff. Lex Spifer, nice to meet you." Lex said as he observed her surroundings. From the outside, it looks like a standard meeting room, but…

(Is that…) Lex found something unpleasant, but he ignored it for now.

"Then for what purpose someone from 'that' Vermillion came to visit me?" Rebecca squinted her eyes. Lex realized her gaze was colder than before. If there's something like a favorability point in a game. His favorability might already drop about 10 points.

(I'm no longer related to Crimson Eagle; I just used their name to meet the President for personal reasons.) Lex thought. Because someone unknown couldn't meet the President.

(Well~ I'm technically still Livia's student… cum boyfriend? Cum husband? Anyway! I'm sure they will tolerate me. Yup! Let's think about it like that!) He stopped thinking about it and faced the President in front of him.

"Ryan Laven is a successful businessman. Only in twenty years he brought his company from middle level to the tops. And you're her granddaughter, unlike his sons who inherited nothing, you're properly inherited his business mind," Lex said

For Rebecca, it's a fact that her father didn't have what she had. So many people knew about it. But still, being told directly in front of her and by an outsider was unpleasant. If the other side wasn't from Crimson Eagle, she would already call the guards to throw this scoundrel out!

Her mood soured even further.

However, Lex hasn't finished yet.

"Then the granddaughter finally opened her own company. But unlike what people expected, the company failed repeatedly and lost a lot of money."

Rebecca gritted her teeth.

"Many rumors swirling around about the company. How the genius had fallen into the mud. Plagiarized products here and there. There's also something like the President didn't have enough education as she only a high school graduate."


Rebecca had enough of it. She glared at Lex. If glare could kill, Lex was already dead a long time ago.

"If you only wanted to mock me, you can leave!!"

"Sasha!! Our guest is leaving! Guide him out!!" Rebecca roared

Following her words, Sasha also glared at Lex, didn't bother to hide her anger, and quickly moved toward him. "This way," she said

"Well~ calm down~" Lex grinned. "Do me a favor. In exchange, I can help you with something."

"No need! Please leave!" Rebecca replied

"Are you sure? I can tell you where the information leak comes from," Lex said.

Rebecca instantly calmed down when she heard him. It was a sensitive matter for her right now. As she really didn't have any hint where the leak came from.

"Spew out all the lies you had, but you're still leaving," Sasha said as she forced him to get up and leave the room.

Lex could see a slight change in Rebecca when he said that. So he followed Sasha and tried to get up and leave.

"Wait," Rebecca called.

(Got you!) Lex's side lips rise higher.

"President! Do you believe in him!?" Sasha was shocked. The 'Rebecca' she knew wouldn't believe a ruffian's words like Lex.

Without being told, Lex sat down again. He wanted to have the upper hand in this negotiation. The more unstable Rebecca is, the better for him.

"I will not," Rebbeca replied to Sasha "however, I will at least listen to him" then she turned to Lex, "So, what do you know?"

"Maa~ slow down~ I will tell you eventually, but first, won't you listen to my request first?" Lex said with a grin

His grin irked Rebecca. (Calm down. The angrier you are, the happier he'll be) Rebecca told herself. She secretly took a deep breath "Fuu~ Fine. Tell me" Rebecca said she didn't bother to be polite to him anymore.

"Before that, can you confirm for me. There's Versalis's couple working in this company?" Lex asked

It's been a week since he reunited, defusing the bomb called Kate.

In the meantime (Now that I know Shoujo B is Alice, nothing is holding me back from helping her)

He knew the reason she was unable to fight back against the bully. That's why he did his research to destroy that reason.

Using his connection, he easily finds where Alice's parents work at. And it was this newly opened Laven Branch. Her parents were only ordinary workers at the Laven company and transferred here.

Rebecca turned and looked at Sasha for confirmation. Then Sasha checked her tablet for a while. Before she looked at Rebecca and nodded back.

"As you see, they're working here. So? What do you want? Promote them?" Rebecca said sarcastically. At the same time, She also ridiculed herself for even trying to trust a scoundrel like him.

On the other hand, Lex felt his impression in Rebecca's eyes was going down once again.

(No, it'll be bad if this continues) He wanted to agitate her to have the upper hand in the negotiation. As for a slightly down favorability, that was inevitable. However, more than this, it would be like pulling the cart before the horse.

"No, if you think they do a good or bad job, it's up to you to promote them or demote them," Lex quickly explained. "What I want is for you to protect them from the underhanded method."

(!!?) Rebecca was shocked (According to what he said, There's someone who abused their authority in my company!) This was one of the reasons she couldn't move freely in the Laven headquarters. There's no way she's going to tolerate it!!

Rebecca turned to Sasha to make sure however Sasha was shaking her head, denying it.

Sasha's answer calmed Rebecca down. Between someone she had known and trusted for a long time and some stranger, obviously, Sasha's words weigh more.

"I don't mind," Rebecca replied. She didn't feel like it was a big problem. Lex's information was more important than anything for her now.

Lex slightly smiled. His prime objective was achieved. He also has another plan to cooperate with Rebecca, but it's not that necessary.

"Now... before I tell you the answer, can you leave us?" Lex turned to her secretary.

"Wha," Sasha was surprised (He must be up to no good!) She thought and quickly denied him, "Impossible."

While Rebecca also frowned, "We have a deal!" She argued

Instead of replying, Lex stared straight into Rebecca's eyes. Rebecca also didn't back down and met it head-on.

"Are you sure? by any chance, she heard what I will say... You two won't be the same anymore," Lex warned her.