Chapter 281: Emma Clark and Invisibility Cloak

Master Abyan's fortress didn't look much different from other small Mansions in the dominion. In fact, everything outside his personal 'space' seemed completely normal.

It was only when someone opened the door and took a look inside his personal 'space' that they would finally be able to understand the uniqueness and specialty of Master Abyan.

Just opening the door one would be able to notice the many hanging hooks attached to the ceiling, and in each of those hooks there was a woman hanging.

Some were hooked by their hands, some by their legs, and some were even hooked from their bodies, but one thing was in common, they each had some weird toy's entering their openings and holes.

Roy saw this scene without much of an emotion as this wasn't the first time that he saw something like that. These things looked like a weak imitation of the pleasure toys in his old Home.