Chapter 6

Leonard Chu suddenly pressed hard, what should I do now.

He had promised to Terrisa Qiu that he would give her an unusually expensive dowry before. If there was nothing in the end, Helen Qiu would not give him a quarrel.

Chapter 6

Leonard Chu had no choice but to pray that his father would not be so cruel and care about himself.

In this way, Leonard Chu bit his head and returned to the private room again.

"Leonard, when will your parents come back from a business trip? This in-law is always going to be seen."

In the room, the old man of the Qiu family asked Leonard Chu's parents again.

After all, this marriage has not been seen by the other's parents until now, which always makes people feel that their Qiu family girl is not taken seriously.

Leonard Chu felt a little in his heart, but still lied and said that he would be back soon.

"Leonard, why haven't your family's dowry gifts arrived yet?" "Are your parents dissatisfied with me?" At this time, Terrisa Qiu couldn't wait, but complained to Leonard Chu.

Leonard Chu was sweating profusely, thinking that if he couldn't make the offer tonight, how would he end it?

"It's coming soon."

Leonard Chu smiled, but his words were extremely unassuming.

Suddenly, there was a roar of cars outside the hotel.

Immediately afterwards, a member of the Qiu family ran in and was overjoyed: "Here, the fourth child, your daughter's dowry has arrived."

"Really?" For a while, the entire Qiu family could not sit still. Terrisa Qiu's mother and daughter were even more crazy, excited.

At this time, Helen Qiu also stood up with everyone and looked out, wanting to see what other people's dowry was.

"Huh, what to see, it's not for you."

Terrisa Qiu glared at Helen Qiu triumphantly, said angrily, and then excitedly followed her husband to greet her outside.

Helen Qiu didn't speak, but lowered her head in loss.

In terms of marriage, Helen Qiu is undoubtedly the most useless, marrying a worthless trash, and there was no bride price back then, everything was kept simple.

The wedding should be the most glorious moment for a woman.

But for Yu Helen Qiu, it was full of shame.

"Second uncle, haha, second uncle, you are finally here."

"I knew that my dad was just a son like me, he wouldn't be so cruel."

Seeing the middle-aged man walking out of the Mercedes-Benz, Leonardle broke down, pulling Terrisa Qiu forward to greet.

"Quick, Terrisa, quickly call your second uncle. In my house, except for my father, the second uncle loves me the most."

"Hmph, no need."

The man snorted coldly with a straight face.

The hot face pressed a cold ass, Terrisa Qiu's face turned pale.

"Second Uncle, what are you doing? Your nephew's happy day."

Leonard Chu said bitterly.

Zedan Chu ignored this obsessive nephew, but waved her hand to let people move things down.

"Take it away, this is our Wrilfill Chu Family's dowry for you!" Zedan Chu put a box in front of Terrisa Qiu and said blankly.

Before Father Qiu and the others rushed over, the Chu family had already driven away.

"Hey~" "Why are you leaving?" "I haven't said anything yet?" Silviana Wang was puzzled.

Leonard Chu was a little embarrassed, so he had to make an excuse to say that his uncle was still okay.

"Okay, don't talk about it for now. Come on, his fourth aunt, open the box and let us see, what exactly is Leonard's dowry?" "Leonard's family is a big family, and the dowry is definitely not easy."

Will it be a box of money?" "Let me go, how much does it cost for such a big box?" "His fourth aunt, I really envy you, and found a good son-in-law!" The Qiu family said something to me, and again It is envy and curiosity.

Silviana Wang and Terrisa Qiu's mother and daughter are also full of spring, enjoying this feeling of being flattered, as if standing on the top of life.

Then, after everyone's curiosity, Terrisa Qiu opened the big box.

However, the scene of a box of banknotes that everyone expected did not appear.

"What is this?" "It's as dark as dead, and it still smells like tea?" "It should be a precious treasure we haven't seen? Maybe it's more valuable than gold."

Silviana Wang guessed with a smile.

Ariel Jiang walked up, picked up a handful, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it: "This is tea. Not surprisingly, it should be Longjing in West Lake, a kind of green tea."

"Green tea?" "No? Xiao Yang Did you make a mistake, who gives green tea as a gift?" Silviana Wang didn't believe it, no matter how expensive the tea is, how much can it be worth?

She didn't think that Leonard Chu's house would pick up only some green tea.

"Huh? His fourth aunt, look, there are still things buried in the tea?" At this time, someone shouted, and Silviana Wang smiled immediately: "Shall I say, how could my daughter be worth a box of green tea. Buried below? It must be gold, no, diamonds. Only diamonds are worthy of my daughter's worth."

Silviana Wang smiled and dug in the tea with her daughter.


this is?

"The clock?"

After digging it out, everyone was even more puzzled. Because the thing was neither gold nor diamonds, but a huge watch. "I see, this watch must be diamond-studded.

"I saw on TV before that there was a diamond-encrusted watch from Switzerland, which was auctioned for nearly 10 million dollars.

My house Terrisa is definitely a Swiss watch set with diamonds. Even if it is not worth ten million, it is worth at least one million.

"Silviana Wang is still smiling, and Terrisa Qiu is also holding her watch and can't put it down, trying hard to find the million-dollar diamond on it. "His fourth aunt, let me see.

"At this time, Helen Qiu's mother, Sherry Han, took the watch and looked at it again. "Be careful, you won't be able to compensate if you break it."

"Terrisa Qiu said in disgust. "It's not a Swiss watch, it's a different brand."

I just bought one a few days ago, the same style on Amazon, 20 Dollar free shipping, exactly the same.

Sherry Han said confidently. "F*ck Nima shit!"

"You are only twenty Dollar, and your family is twenty Dollar.

"You are jealous of us, jealous that our family Terrisa found a good husband, and your daughter found a useless, so you are deliberately talking nonsense here.

"This is the Swiss watch with diamonds!"

"Silviana Wang exploded at that time, cursing at Sherry Han like a mad dog. "Helen Qiu, you are jealous of me and deliberately messing up my engagement banquet. Get out!"

"Terrisa Qiu also scolded Helen Qiu's white-eyed wolves, who ate and drank us, and ended up making trouble here, deliberately slandering us. "Terrisa, Silviana, really.

Amazon hot item, 20 Dollar free shipping, the label has not been removed yet, and the price is still written on it?

"At this time, another person behind him said. "F*ck, really!"

"Look, I also found it. It's exactly the same, and it is the same on Amazon."

"What does Leonard's mean?"

"I will give a box of green tea for the bride price, plus a watch?"

"Green tea, table?"

"Green tea b*tch?"

"For a while, the Qiu family suddenly started talking, and they all wondered what the Chu family meant. "Give me a green tea table?"

"Isn't this calling Terrisa a green tea b*tch?"

"It's too much~" Everyone was talking about it, thinking that although the Terrisa Qiu's family is indeed not good at character, it can't be said directly. The old man Qiu on the side was trembling with anger when he saw it, almost. Burp over.

As for Terrisa Qiu's family, their old faces were flushed, and they were almost ashamed, and their faces were undoubtedly completely wiped out.

"Terrisa, listen to my explanation~" Leonard Chu wanted to save it at this time.

But Terrisa Qiu cried at that time, but she didn't listen at all. She slapped her hand and slapped the box full of green tea directly on Leonard Chu's face with red eyes: "Fck, I am retiring, this lady does not want to see you again "You are a green tea btch, your whole family is a green tea b*tch."

"If you don't have money, don't pretend to be a rich second generation. Are you ashamed of us if you are not ashamed?" Terrisa Qiu's mother Silviana Wang also cursed angrily.

Leonard Chu had a bitter face, and the scolded face was ashamed, and he was about to flee.

However, at this time, a number of luxury cars came outside the restaurant.

A dozen big men swarmed in directly from the outside like a tide, in suits and shoes, with extraordinary aura.

"Dare to ask, can the Third Miss of the Qiu Family be here? The Chu Family of Vietnam, come here to give the betrothal gift!" Boom ~ Suddenly, the audience was silent, everyone was confused, and Helen Qiu was shocked on the spot.

"I… mine?"