We Finally Get Home.



As we walk into the home hours later, I am afraid of what may happen. I have never done this in my life. I know there is a time I left home during the night but leaving home the whole day and coming back this late is new to me.

Anyway, I am not home. This is totally a different thing to me.

It is late in the night and Linus says the King must be dead worried about us. Isn't that funny? I guess he is just worried about him, not us.

His house is well lit, and I feel like his life is another life all together. One of the guards opens the door for him and he leads me first before he walks after me.

Then his long and strong arm securely goes around my waist and I don't complain, I just let him do it without a fuss.

He hasn't returned his mask, and each time I glance at him, I get terrified and I clench my fists unknowingly, knowing very well that I can do nothing beyond that.