Soma and Fumio entered the dorm's kitchen as the utensils there were all high grade
"Hmm, some vegetables,eggs and some spices and seasonings" Soma looked around and spotted a few ingredients within the kitchen.
'Is this kid serious? I only asked to be polite, there's no way for anyone to make a dish from such ingredients alone' Fumio thought as Soma cracked his neck before he grabbed a knife and spun it around.
Soma then took his headband from his left wrist and tied it to his forehead. He then chants his mantra in his mind,'Be consistent,be precise and be accurate, no room for error.'
"Wait right there, Daimido Fumio-san!" Soma said energetically as he held his knife up in his hand as it shined "I'll serve you up a great dish!".
Soma immediately proceeded to crack some eggs, press down some meat and chopped some veggies so fast Fumio thought she was seeing things
"Incredible!" Fumio looked on in shock as Soma presented her the dish, a hamburger. "There was no beef or pork anywhere in this kitchen, yet you made a fat and juicy hamburger? Is this some sort of magic!?".
"It's not any of those" Soma said as he picked up a can and showed it to the old woman "It's canned mackerel".
"Onions, eggs, Breadcrumbs… and mackerel whose juice I lightly drained. I broke them into small pieces and mixed them, added salt and pepper and fried it.With that you can make a fluffy mackerel burger! Moreover when you add ponzo to the canned mackerel's juice and make it vicious using potato starch diluted with water, you can get a great sauce with refreshing flavor" Soma explained how he made the mackerel and sauce like a teacher teaching his students.
"Mackerel? Into a burger!? No way… That's…..a hamburger made with canned mackerel would have a raw smell that's so strong you wouldn't be able to eat it" Fumio exclaimed in disbelief whereas Soma just grinned.
'It has a fleshy feeling that would make me believe him if he said he used meat, it's fried so superbly that it's soft' Fumio thought to herself as she continued to eat the dish.
'...Then what about the egg soup' Fumio then took a sip from the soup, "Wha.. what is this???." She couldn't believe someone made this from the scraps left in the kitchen.
"Just how did you do this?" Fumio turned her head to Soma,"There was no kelp, katsuobushi or anything else you could make the base from." She was desperately asking for answers.
"Hehe~ I may have not known anything about the test" Soma then took out something from his pocket "But I have this".
"Dried squid!!" Fumio said.
"Ding~ ding~ ding~ we have a winner" Soma said while still having a teasing grin on his face, "since the squid is dried, it has a lot of delicious components! If you dip it into boiling water for a while and adjust the flavor with salt, you can complete a soup with a deep flavor and an effective dashi!"
"I call this Yukihira Style Mackburger"
'What a kid..he was able to make something so delicious from these few ingredients' Fumio thought to herself as she was still eating the dish, 'Ahhh~ this flavor is bringing me back to my youth'
[Fumio 3rd P.O.V Foodgasm]
There was an attractive woman with a well-endowed body figure and large breasts. She has gray colored hair, which reached below her shoulder with a few strands crossing her eyes, taking shelter from the rain.
She was accompanied by a black haired guy wearing tank tops and shorts.
Her clothes were sticking to her body due to the rain. A few droplets were running through her fair skin giving her a seductive look.
The young man was first to break the silence," Aren't you cold Fumio?" The young man asked as he was quite concerned.
Hearing the question she answered "Hey Kou-chan, do you know what I want you… to do….to me"
"Ehh...No, ummm… uhmm" The young man wasn't sure how he should answer.
"Mou~ t-to think you'd make the girl say it, You're cruel" She muttered yet still loud enough for the young man to hear.
She then turned her head then shifts her body to face him, "Come~ here~" she opened her arms "I want you to warm me up, Please~"
[Return to Normal P.O.V]
"EMBRACE ME!!!" The old hag Fumio jumps to Soma with open arms.
"LET GO OF ME YOU OLD HAG!!" Soma shouted while peeling the old lady off from him.
"Soma-kun are you here? What's with all the noi-" Erina entered the room only to see the Maria of the Polar Star trying to sexually assault her crush.
"ERINA!!! HELP!!" Soma shouted seeing Erina enter the room.
Erina woke up from her stupor and tried to help Soma, key word 'tried' as the grip of the old hag was as strong as a gorilla.
-Scene Break-
"Ehem" Fumio fake coughs to get the twos attention, "Alright! Your room is 303, I accept your admission here in Polar star"
"It wasn't much" Soma said his catch phrase.
'tch!' meanwhile Erina clicked her tongue inwardly, ' So much for inviting Soma'
Soma, seeing Erina's frown, walks up to her and pats her head.
Erina felt a hand on top of her head and she looks up only to see Soma with a soft smile and he said "Don't worry, I'll come by tomorrow at your house"
Erina perked up when she heard this,"UmU! You better"
"By the way, how was your talk?" Soma asked as he was curious.
"It went smoothly, all good now" Erina answered as Soma just 'Hmmm'ed in return.
After a small talk, Erina's driver came to pick her up and she left Soma in his dorm, albeit reluctantly.
Soma stretches his arms and body. " Ummm~, haaa~ Fumio-san I'm going to take a bath, where can I find it?" Soma asked.
"Upstairs, down the hallway there's a sign outside the door saying 'Bathroom' you wouldn't miss it" Fumio replied.
"Thank you" replied Soma as he left, heading towards the bathroom.
'That kid, He's going to surpass you sooner or later Joichiro,' Fumio thought to herself as she watched Soma exit the kitchen.
-Scene Break-
Soma was inside his room lying down on his bed, relaxing after a stressful day.
As he was recounting the stuff that happened today.
Suddenly the ceiling on his room moved, "What the-'' Soma exclaimed as an ahoge peeked out of the ceiling followed by a head of curly, medium length brown hair.
"Hey there, transfer student! Come on, we have a welcome party for you!" said the Brown haired young man who just popped out from the ceiling.
Right now Soma was in one of his dormmates' room as he was invited to a welcoming party they arranged for him.
"Glad to have you on board," a cheerful orange-haired girl spoke.Her name is Yoshino Yuki.
Yūki is a petite young girl with teal colored eyes and amber-colored hair tied neatly into two buns on the sides of her head.
"Never thought someone else passed Fumio-san's test so easily," a purple haired girl said. Her name is Sakaki Ryoko and she was pouring some drinks into a plastic cup.
Ryōko has waist-length fuchsia hair that has split bangs reaching her chest, orange eyes, a slender body figure and a large bust.
"I expected nothing less from you Man" A man wearing a tank top said.He is Daigo, a young man with spiky black hair and long sideburns, tan skin and a well built body.
"Yeah, one dish that blew her socks away!" a tough-looking young man with dirty blond hair cut in a semi-mohawk style said.The edges of his hair strands took on a darker color.His name is Shoji.
"It was nothing much" Soma said as he holds a plastic cup and was being poured a drink by Ryoko "Thank you"
" I can't believe Chef Yukihira is here.. In. My. Room" a man wearing glasses spoke. " Please, stay as long as you like".
His name is Zenji Marui. He has short, rainy black hair and black eyes.
"You're awfully happy about this" asked a young man with medium, unkempt auburn hair. His bangs are especially long and hide his slate blue eyes.
"Well, it's not everyday someone as famous as Chef Yukihira would come here in my room" Marui replied.
Soma overheard them and said "You can call me just Yukihira or Soma, no need to be formal."
As the group conversed, Tadokoro came in with a bowl in hand.
"I got the dumplings" Megumi said with a smile before seeing Soma
"Soma-kun!? You entered the Polaris Dorm?!" Megumi looks surprised to see Soma
"Oh! Tadokoro! Small world, huh?" Soma said with a grin.
"Now everyone! Let us welcome our new member with cheers of joy!" a man wearing nothing but an apron spoke out.He is Isshiki Satoshi the same man who invited Soma to the party by popping in from the ceiling and a senior resident in the dorm.
The gang started a little party of themselves and Soma was the main star in it
They partied long as the moon in the night sky shined down.
Nearly everyone had fallen asleep except for Soma and Ishikki.
"Man, you guys party harder than my friends from middle school" Soma said while scratching his teeth with a toothpick
"It's not surprising," Isshiki said as he put a blanket over Megumi "we always do this for a new member of Polaris".
"Thanks for the party" Soma said with a smile.
"Still hungry? I can make something quick" Isshiki said while getting up.
"Oh, sure. Thanks." Soma said as Isshiki went to the room's kitchen and started to cook something up.
After 20 minutes of waiting, he came back with a dish at hand.
"Here you go, enjoy~" Isshiki said as he handed Soma the dish.
"Hmmm" Soma hummed as he took the plate and grabbed some chopsticks.
He took a bite out of the dish as he felt spring go past him.
"The texture is soft yet the skin is crunchy and the flavours meld together so fast" Soma said with a smile to Isshiki who smiled "As expected of the 7th seat"
"Ohh, so you knew?" Isshiki said mildly surprised.
"Well if guys didn't want to be known, you shouldn't put your faces and seat number on the school pamphlet" Soma said with a small chuckle.
Isshiki also did a small chuckle " I guess so".
"Now then," Soma said as he stood up and takes off the cloth on his hands before putting it on his head "Let me make you one of my dishes"
"I'm very curious about what you make…" Isshiki said with a smile before his eyes glint seriously "…Soma-kun"
"Just wait here, Senpai" Soma said with a grin as he went to the indoor kitchen counter and cracked his hands.
As the wait continues on, Ryoko, Ibusaki, and Yoshino wake up to a powerful smell.
"What's that smell?" Yuki asked while getting up.
"Must be Yukihira" Ryoko said while rubbing her sleepy eyes "He must still be hungry".
"No, it's a cook off" Shun said sitting up straight "Apparently our senpai started it".
"Really? Isshiki-san is the one who started it?" Ryoko was surprised as they watched Soma cook.
Fish meat being fried, vegetables and herbs getting cut and minced, bowls were placed around very quickly. The scene was incredible.
"F-fast" Yuki said, amazed at the amazing cooking skill Soma was displaying.
"How long has he been cooking for?" Ryoko said as she was rubbing her eyes again to make sure that she wasn't seeing things.
"Done!" Soma exclaimed as he made four bowls and each bowl had a rice ball filled with green liquid.
"Ochazuke?" Yuki said as she took her bowl and looked at the dish.
"Seaweed ochazuke" Soma corrected as everyone grabbed their chopsticks and started eating.
As soon as they put the dish in their mouths, they felt the ocean's breeze blowing upon them.
"The fish is so juicy and the skin is crispy! It's like there's more and more flavors, every time you bite it!" Ryoko exclaimed as she took another bite and smiled so brightly at the delicious flavor.
"Not only that, the fish has the smell of sea salt in it, making the fish taste even better," Ibusaki stated.
"How did he do such a thing?" Yuki asked, confused as she took a bite of the fish.
"Poele" Satoshi said "He made it with Poele".
"Keen eye, Isshiki-san" Soma said with a smirk "I used Poele to make the fish's skin more crispy and fine".
"You learned this from your father?" Isshiki asked as he took a sip of the seaweed soup.
"Nope, I learned from a teacher of mine in France. The perks of traveling the world." Soma said as Isshiki was bewildered by the amazing flavours.
Isshiki and the others ate the dish as they instantly finished it with pure ecstasy bursting through them.
"It wasn't much!" Soma said, taking off his headband as the four had a joyful smile from eating his dish.
Megumi wakes up from her sleep as she rubs her eyes and sees Soma and a naked Isshiki with an apron protecting his private part, shaking hands.
"Uh….did I miss something?" Megumi asked.
-Scene Break-
Midnight came as everyone left the large room in a giant mess.
"Let's get some sleep, I'm so tired" Yuki said as she stretched.
"We'll clean up your room next time, Marui," Daigo said.
"Promise!" Shoji added in.
Everyone left the room except for Isshiki and Soma.
Soma was cleaning his knife while Isshiki was throwing away some rubbish into a garbage can.
"Sleep tight, Marui," Isshiki said with a smile as he cleaned up the room a bit while being quiet to not disturb it's sleeping occupant.
"He sure sleeps well" Soma said as he stashed away his knife into his suitcase.
"Well, we always party in his room after all," Isshiki said with a smile.
"I see" Soma said as he locked his suitcase and turned to look at Isshiki "Isshiki-san, can I ask you a question?".
"Sure" Isshiki replied while throwing some cans into the garbage can before Soma's next word stopped him in his place.
"How much does it take to have a shokugeki for the first seat?"Soma asked with a serious stare as Isshiki slowly looked at him.
"Haha, I admit you're one hell of a guy Soma-kun." Isshiki just laugh a little, then he stared at Soma with a serious face "All of it.".
Soma got confused by this and asked, "All of what isshiki-san?"
"All your assets, that's how much it cost to request for a shokugeki" Isshiki said, "I suggest, don't challenge him if you're not 100% sure that you could win".
"I'll keep that in mind Isshiki-senpai" Soma said, thinking something, "Anyway good night".
"Goodnight Soma-kun" Isshiki waved to Soma as he returned to his room.
Isshiki walked back into his room as he closed his door before falling to one knee.
"Not bad, Soma-kun" Isshiki said as he had sweat gliding down his cheeks "not bad at all".
He looked at his hand as it was shaking.
"Never in my life have I tasted such a dish" Isshiki's lips curved into a smirk, an excited smirk.
(longest chapter I've ever made.)